Friday 18 November 2011

'Me' time

Only in calm waters can you see your reflection, not in running waters.    Only in tranquility can you find that resting place which stillness seeks.



  1. Won't be around for a while. Lots to think about, lots to do.......I need some space, some 'me' time.

    I will miss you all but know that you will understand.

    I hope you are well and happy.....and that life is treating you kindly.

  2. We all need that me time. I hope all is well and good with you and yours. I will look forward to hearing all about what you have been up to during your Me Time.

  3. "Me time" is so important to refresh one's spirit. I hope you had a wonderful holiday with Mr. P and are finding some tranquil moments to relax and reflect, Cheryl.

  4. Hi Lisa, Hi Rose,

    Thank you for your kindness.
    I seem to have lost my way recently.....have felt extremely tired, and not myself.
    I really do need to fucus on me for a little while. I rarely do that, and a feel a little selfish saying it........

  5. Oh my goodness Cheryl I can understand where you are many things to way us down..and for me I know I take on the weight of people and things I shouldn't, but it is in my nature I assume!!
    Please do not feel selfish "Me Time"is very important, and I hope my dear friend that you get the rest and refreshing of you body and mind that you are needing!!

    Just to let you know my sister left the hospital on Wednesday evening and is staying with her very good friend and her family! Seems to be on the mend so far!
    I am trying not to get overwhelmed with that situation, but it is not easy..I would have her here if it wasn't that she would be so far from here doctors, children and etc!!

    You take special care of yourself ...I love you my friend !!


  6. My dear Garce,

    Thank you so much for your warm words....I do so appreciate them.

    I am so pleased that sister is home and being taken care of. I have been thinking of you and her. I feel she has much love around her and this will support her at the most difficult times.

    Love you Grace.....and tks again for your kindness.....

  7. Dear Cheryl
    I shall sorely miss your lyrical posts. The year draws us inward and at the backdrop you have the worries and anxieties with your mother. 'Me time' is vital for restoration - we cannot help others when we ourselves are drowning

  8. Tku Laura,

    You are so kind. I am afraid the last few years have caught up with me and I feel extremely tired at the moment. Neck problems are causing cluster migraines, and due to this I am not sleeping.

    Mother is still back and forth to the hospital, and needs all the support I can give her.

    This time will is a long road that has no turnings. Things will get better :0)

  9. Dear Cheryl,

    When the garden rests
    so shall we,
    again the wheel turns
    we are free.

    Surrounded by love
    we do see,
    the nights draw closer
    time for me.

    May your fire warm you
    until the bees return.

    Love and light,
    Sherry who misses the butterflies

  10. Tku Sherry for your beautiful words.......

    I seem to need the quiet that winter brings,
    a time to watch the birds and be still.

    I sat in the conservatory yesterday with my books. It was a bright sunny day......a queen bee buzzed around the patio pots.....
    it was good to just watch and enjoy....

    Hope you are feeling better and your cold has left you.....

  11. Every now and then we have to turn of the spicket and sit, don't we Cheryl!!! I always enjoy your lovely photos!

  12. Tku Eve,

    Indeed we do.....for me, this is the time to do just that :)

  13. Dear Cheryl,
    I so hear you. And can only echo the wise words written above by your friends.

    I too would feel selfish even thinking of "me time" way back, but have learned over the past years that "me time" is essential; it strengthens and nourishes our inner beings.

    This was not taught when we were growing up, but I am glad we (in our.. ahem....Wise Crone years)are learning to do just that.

    I am sorry to hear about your migraines and lack of sleep. Finally, I can sleep again and it makes such a difference in handling our challenges and emotions. I hope you too will find soothing sleep and an end to your migraines. And I am sending your Mother love and light in my prayers at night.

    Dear Cheryl, I have not been around lately. Packing is all consuming. But I am doing this gradually, as I process this move. Letting go of possessions, letting go of the energy of each room as I empty it and close the door. It's wearing on body and soul, but I have learned to focus on moving forward, on change, and growing towards the light.

    Sending warm healing thoughts your way as you wrap yourself in comfort, sip a nourishing tea, and breathe in love and light. Then once again find your inner strength.

    P.S. - our first snowfall today! I'm glad I'm not moving today (it will be on Friday).

  14. My dear Wendy,

    Thank you for such a moving and thoughtful comment.

    These days have indeed been dark....unless you suffer with migraine, you never fully understand the condition. Of course, that has to be said of most condiditons.
    I now have flu....I cannot believe it actually...I must be run down. I usually feel so well....perhaps I have been doing too much :0)

    I shall think of you during this period Wendy.
    I know you are struggling with the move but feel in my heart that this is right for you.

    Sending you hugs,

    Love and light

  15. Thank you for sharing this beautiful quote, such a good reminder. So good to take some time now and again for ourselves - I wish you lots of serenity and peace! :)


  16. Beautiful thought and photo to go with it.
