Monday 9 January 2012

Taking advantage of the mild weather.

I decided this afternoon I would take advantage of the fine weather, and cut back some of the plants that are becoming straggly.
Geranium Macrorrhizum are one of my favourite.   I love the pretty pink flowers, and the aromatic foliage, which turn a beautiful red in autumn.   Rabbits detest this plant,  for me, that is a bonus.   A lover of clay soil, sun or shade I can ask no more of a plant.   I decided a few months ago that I would take cuttings, and use this plant to give  continuity to the garden.      I shall use the plants to edge borders, along with the meadow cranesbill, which is a pale purple.   
I really enjoy this part of gardening, and I must say, even though I am by no means a professional, this is something that I am good at :)      I got carried away and ended up with three trays of cuttings.
Whilst the weather is mild I shall leave them in the greenhouse but if it gets very cold shall bring them into the house.    The conservatory is the perfect place to bring these plants on quickly.
Mr P will not be amused, he hates trays of plants in the house but he is such a sweet man, I know he will forgive me :)


  1. I have a lot of cransbills in my garden but I've never taken cuttings of any - they seem to multiply very efficiently without my help. Glad my bit about Daisy, Daisy amused you and hope your mum finds it funny too - my mum certainly would have. I still keep laughing when I think about it. I have absolutely no idea where the lend me your bicycle bit came from {:)

  2. I have a lot of cranesbills too! :)

  3. Hi Rowan,

    Mine spread rapidly but not in the places I want them, hence the cuttings :)

    Just found it so funny......I shall let Mum read the post, I know she will be amused.

  4. Your starts look healthy Cheryl. I know you won't have an over abundance because by the time you plant some and then sell some, they will all be gone. It is so pretty here today too. I have been outside pulling winter weeds that are coming on. Geez. It is only January. The sun feels so good today. I can't hardly stand to be inside but I needed a break.

    I hope your little people stay well. You are a dear to keep everyone in groceries. I can imagine the pace. You have the patience of a saint.

  5. I have felt all disoriented this winter, as if I'm not really sure what time of year it actually is! I got some tidying done in the garden on Sunday but there is more to do and time is moving along quickly. Your cuttings look wonderful, I'll look forward to seeing pictures of the plants when they grow, especially alongside the meadow cranesbill which is one of my favourites.
    I'm glad Mr P understands how important these things are even if he doesn't completely approve. :)

  6. Hi Cheryl,

    Haha, you've done them far more carefully than I have. I just ripped the plant up, put them back in the ground and hey-presto. Sorted :D

    I'm itching to get out and get started on the jobs I need to do. Just the weekends do not last long enough and the evenings are not yet light enough.

  7. Hi Cheryl..."golly gee" all this talk about working in the garden and I'm here with hard ground... ; }
    I know this sound crazy, but I always felt bad when I used what I wanted, then I couldn't throw the rest away they where people or something..didn't want to hurt there little feelings lol!!
    Well I hope your weather stays such that the cuttings can stay in the greenhouse..: }}}

  8. The weather is milder than usual in much of the US. Our Wisconsin daughter is amazed that they have not had measurable snow. Unheard of.

    I'm glad you can bring the cuttings inside.

  9. I find it exciting to come upon trays of seedlings or plant cuttings. They look so promising - just beginning to grow (I'm sure Mr. P won't really mind). And how rewarding when they "take" and begin to grow.
    Happy gardening.

    p.s. I have an avocado pit rooting in a glass of water so the grandchildren can watch it grow. If we can't garden outside, we'll do it inside!

  10. Hi Lisa,

    You are absolutely right, all the plants will be used.
    It is the same here, the weather is so mild. I like to grab every opportunity to be outside, I am not an indoor sort of girl :)

    I like to try and keep the parents in the real world.....amongst people. I feel that once their groceries are delivered etc, they will decline rapidly.

  11. Hi Lucinda,

    I feel the same, all over the place. It felt like March today, and to be truthful it scares me a little. I wonder how wildlife is coping ??

    I will be sure to show you how it all comes together. We just have to hope the rabbits do not dig up the new plants. They tend to do that, sweet things Grrrrrr......

  12. Hi Liz,

    Ha! Of course, you can do that with this Geranium and it works well. Sadly I cannot, the rabbits would just dig them up. For some reason, that is what rabbits do to young plants.
    I have learned a lot since living here.

    I will not plant mine out until they are fairly large, and then the rabbits should leave them alone. At least that is the theory :)

  13. Hi Grace,

    I know, I know, I am exactly the same, always feel guilty if I throw plants away. With this new project, I have toughened up a little.
    Not easy, but I am getting there.

    Do be honest Grace I wish it were cold here....we do so need a spell of cold.

  14. Hi ncmountainwoman,

    The climate is indeed changing dramatically at this time. It seems to be worldwide.

    Mr P is very understanding really. It is just that I bring far too many inside, and to confess, they do get in the way :)

  15. Ooooh Wendy, You have just taken me back to my childhood. We used to grow all manner of things indoors with my Mum. Hope the chidren enjoy the project :)

    Very satisfying putting something you have grown back in the soil. I love taking cuttings and generally my success rate is high.....

  16. How nice to have all these starts to spread around! And having something that the rabbits don't like is an extra bonus. It's been unusually mild here, too, and I've been tempted to do something in the garden, but I've vowed this month will be clean-up time in the house.

    I'm sure Mr. P. will be his usual patient self about these trays of plants:) I've had a hard time this year finding a good spot for overwintering plants inside. The guest room was perfect for them, with lots of light. But now that Daughter has moved back into that room, I didn't think she'd be too happy about sharing it with a bunch of plant trays:)

  17. Hi Rose,

    The last comment did make me smile. My daughter would be just the same. Now me, I would be quite happy to have a room full of plants to spend time with :)

  18. Seeing those tender green cuttings fills my spirit with the freshness of spring. I can almost smell the foliage! Here the gardens are buried under snow, though not nearly as much as usual. I suppose winter has been strange everywhere this year.


  19. HI Danielle

    The weather has been strange would appear the seasons are changing.

    Taking cuttings always gives me hope, a feeling of joy, anticipation of what is to come/

  20. Dear Cheryl,
    Seeing your cuttings reminded me of all the dividing I once did.
    My gardens have changed so very much in the last ten years. I love the way you honor your plant friends. Trays of cuttings, seedling and sprouts do thrill me.
    Happy happy January gardening.

  21. I also love Fiskars pruners--does Victorinox make gardening tools in the UK or is that some fancy pocket knife? In any case, I also love getting plants for free, though I haven't done too much with cuttings--mostly divisions and reseeding. I do love the red foliage species Germaniums get in fall, plus their evergreen foliage, even here. I don't know why, frankly, I don't have any Geranium macrorrhizum as they are hardy here. Though I may lean toward our native, Geranium maculatum. :)

  22. Hi Monica,

    The Wilkinsons sacateurs are a gift from my father. I have had them for many years. Yes it is a Victorinox knife. I always use it when I take cuttings as it is nice and sharp. Another gift from Dad around three years ago. I must say it is the perfect gift for me, I really treasure it.

    Natives are always best :)
