Sunday 5 February 2012

An early start.

I look at the clock.    It is 5.00 am.     Mr P sleeps peacefully beside me, he has had a long hard week.   He needs to rest.   Sounds are muffled, I know the snow has arrived.   Tick tock, tick tock.   I look at the clock, it is 5.40 am.   I wonder if I can creep from the bedroom without disturbing my weary husband.     I walk across the floor trying to avoid the creaky boards.
I escape, rush downstairs, put my coat over my dressing gown.    Scarf, hat, and wellies follow.
I let Nella out of her room and we both head for the garden.    She rushes out ploughing up the snow with her long nose.   She disappears into the distance and I head for the shed.
I start by clearing spaces for the birds to feed.     I fill feeders and chop the scraps from the kitchen.    I make sure there is water available.     When the birds wake breakfast will be ready :)
 I live and breathe wildlife.    My mothers depression did not allow friends to visit when I was a child.    My life was spent mainly with my brother and the flora and fauna that lived alongside us.    It was never a problem, I was a happy little girl.......I have not changed much over the years, I am still the same happy little girl inside :)
 I look at the tree house and think of my dear Grandchildren having fun in the snow today.    Snowball fights with Mummy and perhaps a run through the woods that lie at the back of their house.
The birds arrive in large numbers and I am happy knowing the garden is a sanctuary for them.
Sweet robin sits and lets me take a photograph.....we are friends.   I feed him insects when I dig the garden.   I would be lost without this space.     The garden is my church, a place where I can be me, no questions asked :)


  1. Cheryl you are truly an angel. Your garden and it's wildlife recognise you as such.
    We are about to go and put some food out for the birds (well away from cats and chickens!) and have a little play in the snow. It doesn't look like it will stay for long around here.

  2. Hi Lucinda,

    Enjoy your snowball fight.....I have played many.
    So much fun.....Mr P is taking me out to lunch, off to our local pub. It is only five minutes away.

    I am hoping the snow will not stay too long, as I really do not like it very much....even though it is extremely pretty :)

  3. I was out early clearing spaces and putting bird food out as well. Hopefully the snow and low temperatures won't last long. It's lovely to look at but not great for getting around in.

    1. Hi Rowan,

      It seems to be right across the UK
      Our road was gritted last night. That is a first, and I was pleasantly surprised.

  4. Hi Cheryl,

    I hope your birds are all ok and that the snow is melting nicely?
    I think it'll stick on our road for some time yet unless it becomes really warm. My window thermometer said it was around 15oC in the sun earlier so a lot has melted, just our road doesn't get the sun at this time of year so it's going to melt much more slowly.
    I've been out and dug two lines through the snow and gritted them to allow cars to come up/down. Nice to see no one helped me! Surprised actually because last year there was a few of us. I decided I wouldn't clear the rest of the road because they didn't help, but actually it's just such hard work walking through the snow, shovelling and then gritting that I was too tired to do much more - we're on a hill too, so it's doubly hard work going up and down.
    Cleared the path for my elderly neighbour though and her son's arrived now so he must be able to get here easily enough :)

    Had more birds in today and it was nice to see the return of the Goldfinches - no Greenies or Chaffinches though :(

    Just hoping the snow melts before tomorrow now.

    1. Hi Liz,

      How mean not helping you :(
      It isn't fun clearing snow is it.
      Mr P and I cleared in front of the gate before we went out. It is an electronic gate and would not open :)

      Still no Greenfinch here but around 20 chaffinch.

      Fingers crossed for tomorrow....

  5. HI Cheryl..Ooooh it look so pretty ...I do hope it didn't hurt anything in your garden though!!
    Aren't you a wonderful hostess to the visitors in you garden, I don't have to visualize this scene because it is me : }}
    How come you didn't lie in the snow and make snow angles...I would think that of you... lol

    1. Hi Grace,

      Pretty it is......lets leave it at that :) I do not like snow.

      Snow angels.....hmmm I leave that to Poppi and Riley, it takes too long to get up these days :)

      Yes I can imagine it is you Grace, we are very similar in that way.....

  6. Dear Cheryl,
    You received lots of snow! Sweet Robin is why we do what we do!
    You can tell he appreciates all your effort.
    I never mind some winter snow but it does make life more difficult.
    We had a dusting overnight. I would rather snow than ice.
    Seeing your gardens in the morning light is magical.
    Stay safe...stay warm.

    1. Dear Sherry,

      We have snow and ice this morning, also fog.
      They say it will stay with us for a month :(
      They can be wrong sometimes, I live in hope.

  7. How lovely! Our birds come to the feeders about 9 to 9.30am and we made sure they were ready for them.. I love your robin! We have a cheeky little robin chappy who sits on a twig right by the window, so close you can see his little chest breathing and each individual feather ruffling in the wind. I just sit stock still .. hope one day I can get his picture for you.

    1. Hi Hedgewitch,

      Robins are such friendly birds, aren't they. I find they are always ready for a photoshoot :)
      The birds are in the garden about 7.00 am, we must have early risers here :)

      Look forward to the photograph of your cheeky chappie :)

    2. Cheryl, he let me snap him! Come have a look if you've got a minute, lots of love xx

  8. What a lovely, serene post Cheryl. I felt I could see you in the shed busily preparing to help the birds in this very inhospitable weather.

    I think we share very similar experiences of childhood...

    The Robin photo is really beautiful!

    Talking of going into the garden with your coat over your nightclothes, another blogland friend of mine did the same but with a short coat and as she reached up to the bird feeder the elastic broke in her pyjama bottoms.... it was a front garden and a car was passing... ;-)

    1. Hi Jan,

      Ha, too funny :) Fortunately I cannot be seen from the road and my dressing gown is mid-calf. I bet whoever saw her had a tale to tell when they got to work.

      I believe we have walked the same path Jan......I have always known that you understand the relationship between my mother and I.....tku.

  9. What a beautiful post Cheryl. It's cheered me no end after a horrible week, and as ever, I find your love of nature so inspirational. I loved reading Jan's pyjama tale - very funny!!

    1. Hi Dan,

      Jan's comment brought a smile to my face also....I could see the event in my mind. :)

      I do hope this will be a better week for you :)

  10. You got your share of snow. We've had very little. I love the way you capture those shots.

  11. You made me smile; I too put a coat over my dressing gown, warm Muckboot wellies and go out to top up the feeders each morning before I do anything else.

    Although your garden looks wonderful it is very hard on wildlife; thankfully the snow has missed us and it is all still green at Bag End.

    1. Hi Bilbo,

      It is hard on wildlife, and I must confess I do feel very concerned. I can only do, what I can do and I hope that will be enough to keep many hungry creatures going during this bad spell of weather.

      Glad you have missed it :)

  12. I know you do not care for snow, Cheryl, but your garden looks so lovely covered in snow. It's a magical wonderland, especially as the dawn is breaking. I'm sure the robin sits still for you because he feels the special kinship you have with nature. Your garden is indeed a sanctuary for all living things.

  13. Your place has been turned into a winter wonderland with all that snow. It looks beautiful. I am so glad you can get out and enjoy it. I know the birds and other wildlife are most grateful.

  14. Beautiful post Cheryl. Your garden looks amazing all covered in snow ~ what a beautiful safe haven you've created for the birds ♥ This is my first visit here (from Q's) and I look forward to stopping by again.

  15. hello Cheryl! Its been a while, but Ive just stumbled upon this neew blog of yours, and this post was just lovely, as are your photographs.Really inspiring. I moved my blog too, btw! Leanne x

  16. A lovely post Cheryl. I'm trying to catch up. I've missed so much. Did you move to North America??? Hope that snow melts soon!

  17. Everything looks so gorgeous covered in snow, with the blue light of early morning. It's a shame kids don't play outside as much as we did as kids (at least not here). I was just thinking this morning how much feeding the birds and my own cats is the thing I spend all my "hobby" money on!
