Tuesday 3 July 2012

Flowers......we all love flowers.

 Enchanters Nightshade glowing in the moonlight.........it is bewitching when allowed to spread through woodland.
 I thought I would show you some of the new plantings.     Alchemilla Mollis with Allium Caervleum.
 Echinops, Marsh Mallow, and Maltese Cross.     Cannot wait for everything to come into bloom.     This combination is situated either side of the pond.
 Uknown Clematis winding her way through nepeta and scabious.
This small bed was planted in memory of Peggy.      The two rusty poles will eventually support double hollyhocks, that is if the rabbits stop cropping them.   I have used the colours she enjoyed.

Raining once again, so I am cleaning the house :(


  1. I know you hate your over abundance of rain but just remember your drought year. UGH. I think that is worse. Either is bad when you have to resort to house cleaning to keep busy. ;)
    I believe I have tried all of these plants at one time or another yet even our normally dry late summers usually takes care of them. I have had good luck with holly hocks the past couple of years. Not lots of them but the ones that have come up are beauties.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      It is strange I grow mallows in the garden but hollyhocks never do well for me. The rabbits either get them or they develope rust.
      I have tried many many times, this is the last year.....it really is:)
      Drought, is without doubt, worse for the garden. I fear rain is worse for the bees, butterflies etc. Our butterflies are already down 20 per cent this year :(

      You know I feel for you Lisa, there is nothing worse that watching a garden wither......

  2. Yes, indeed. We all love flowers and yours are just gorgeous. How wonderful to have something blooming all the time.

  3. Dear Cheryl, who loves the bees
    Your flowers are so very lovely...bee food and soul food.
    We have a cloud...I do love the dears....I would gladly take a few of your showers for my parched gardens...
    I love Peggy's garden....you have been busy in the gardens in between showers.
    I am inside too hiding form the sun....
    Sherry, who is dancing the rain dance

    1. Dear Sherry, who is dancing a rain dance :)

      Yes indeed, Peggy's garden is a labour of love. I landscaped her little garden, she always loved it. She loved red and purple, so it was easy to divide some of my plants and extend a border to accommodate them. My daughter is making a sign for me 'Peggy's Patch'

      I would be so happy for you to have some of my showers.....

      Cheryl, who is fed up with her rain hat :)

  4. The rain has done wonders for the garden everything has stayed in flower for a lot longer than normal - your last bed is a treat for sore eyes.

    1. Yes Elaine, I have noticed that. The Elder has been in flower for ages, most others are blooming their little socks off :)

  5. What a lovely garden you've created for Peggy! Bright, cheerful summer colours. She must be smiling.....

    So sorry for all your rain - wish I could take some. Our water table is very low here and we've also had a lot of heat. I just can't take the heat like I used to, but I guess that happens as we age....

    My mother had hollyhocks in her garden and I remember picking the bright pink blossoms off their stems and putting tiny dolls inside as if using the flowers for doll cribs.

    I was never able to grow them in my own garden, but maybe I'll try again sometime.
    Sending warm sunshine your way Cheryl

    1. Hi Wendy,

      It worked, the sun has come out :) Sending showers your way.....it is worrying when the rain doesn't come, isn't it??

      That is so sweet, what a lovely idea. If the hollyhocks bloom I will have to show Poppi.

  6. What lovely combinations Cheryl. You have an artistic eye.
    I too am hiding from the rain today, I have work to do on the computer (when I finish procrastinating) but it still feels a little glum. We have a nice view of the Downs from our bedroom window but today the cloud is so low you can't even see them.
    We had a beautiful red admiral in the garden a few days ago, otherwise I have seen few butterflies. Even the cabbage whites, of which there are usually many, are strangely absent this year. Lots of bumble bees at least though. x

    1. Tku Lucinda,

      It is unusual for me to go with hot colours, but I fancied a change.
      My nearly daughter in law loves red.......I now understand why. I love it in the garden, so does my husband, it is his favourite colour.

      A view of the Downs, how lovely, I am actually turning a little green with envy.
      The sun has come out, and I have seen several butterflies in the garden....Red Admiral, Comma, and two Meadow Brown. Also saw a couple of 'y' moths.

      Glad to hear about the bees :)

      Don't work too hard.

  7. You have used such beautiful strong colours and the best is yet to come... I love the way Echinops come into flower. Please stop cleaning your house, you are making the rest of the world feel guilty!

    1. Tku, I don't usually have reds in the garden but am liking the strong detail......
      I do to......I love the way the suddenly sprout at the top and work their way down.

      Don't want to make anyone feel guilty, so I have downed tools :)

  8. July is such a riot of color--lovely blooms, Cheryl! I was just thinking if your echinops was blooming with the Maltese Cross, you'd have the perfect combo for the Fourth of July...I guess it would work for a UK national holiday, too:) Wish some of that rain would find its way over the pond; I've been staying indoors most of the time, too, not for the lack of sun, but too much of it--we've had a couple days around 100 degrees:(

    1. Hi Rose,

      The Echinops should come into bloom shortly and it is white Rose, not blue :)

      100 degrees, I could not cope with that sort of heat.....it would leave me drained. I do feel so sorry for you all, not having any rain. If I could send it I would but only for a couple of weeks, then I would like to have it back again please :)
