Monday 7 July 2014

The secret life in a garden........

 Each garden has a secret life of its own.
 A honey bee covered in pollen caught my eye.
 Heart beats and wing beats.
 Creatures that crawl, burrow and creep.
I am a silent watcher.................are you????


  1. Hi Cheryl,

    Lovely photos, your Robin friend must be coming very close to you now! The only time I get close to birds is usually when the fledglings are around and aren't yet savvy enough to not let me get close.

    Last week at work we happened to somehow begin talking about bees and such, I perhaps said too much and was told I'm an insect whisperer.
    I wouldn't say as much, rather I am a silent watcher. I stop, I stare, I spend perhaps far too much time just watching things crawl, fly and flutter around - 2 Meadow browns, 1 Ringlet and 1 Comma today (Also, some Cinnabars).
    So, I had to tell them, I'm a nature gardener and most of what I do is to attract wildlife and is probably why I feel very detached from the garden in winter; because there's no life.

    1. Hi Liz,

      I am sure before long he will be sitting on my shoulder as I walk around the garden:)
      He actually talks to me, really, he does.

      Welcome to my world.....I spend way to much time watching and never seem to catch up with what I was supposed to be doing . I find it captivating......I watched as the honey bee went from flower to flower on the musk mallow becoming whiter and whiter as he did so. I was amazing.

      Likewise, my garden is all about wildlife........without it, I would find gardening very very dull...........

  2. Lovely photos. I guess I am more of a noticer than a watcher - watcher implies more patience than I have although I can watch once I have noticed so perhaps I am both! I watched Mrs Blackbird taking a bath not 6 feet distance away from me earlier today though.

    1. Hi Jane,

      I love to watch the birds taking a bath. I have been trying to capture some images of the juvenile starlings in the birdbath. It is a bit like the local rugby team in the showers :)

  3. A silent watcher ... Definitely yes, but you might catch me quietly talking to the birds, bees and other wildlife from time to time!

    Cheryl, your query about Red Clover is interesting bearing in mind I have a few photos of species on this plant in various grassland habitats including sunny chalk downland slopes where the favoured nectar sources are typically various Vetch species, Knapweed, Scabious and along wooded edges Wild Privet and Brambles. I'm sure in your garden there are plenty of other nectar sources that the butterflies probably prefer.

    BTW I have a large Buddleia in full flower and still haven't seen a 'flutter' anywhere near it!!

    I forgot to comment on your previous post but was glad to hear that your Mum enjoyed her day out. Her reminiscences reminded me that every time I transport my parents around the countryside I get a running commentary of what they did and where they went in their youth .. interesting tit bits that help me to understand my ancestral roots.

  4. At least you are not talking to yourself Frank :)

    The garden is full of flowers so I guess you are right. At the moment the bees are loving the Musk Mallow and the butterflies Buddleia . You are sure to find some flutterers on yours soon, I am sure :)

    My Mother has certainly told me things I never has put pieces in the jigsaw puzzle. It is good to know our roots...........

  5. I am definitely a silent watcher - sometimes my jaw drops in wonder or I turn round to tell someone what I have just seen only to find I am on my own and the moment passes. Sometimes I see something spectacular and my camera is nowhere to hand - so frustrating. I love that creatures like to visit my garden - good job as I plant a lot of stuff specifically for them. Some are unwanted though like our nuisance crow who has very devious means of getting seed out of the bird feeders - I caught him yesterday perched on the chains of the hanging bird table which is underneath the feeders and knocking the feeders with his head or jangling the chains causing all the seed to fall out. So enough is enough we have removed the table for the time being and he has flown off disgruntled - I haven't seen him at all today.

  6. Ha :) so funny. Crows are highly intelligent. I do not mind our crow, he does not go to the feeders but struts the garden as though he owns it. I do not like the Rooks too much. They absolutely devastate feeders and leave a mess everywhere. They left about four weeks ago but will return early Spring, the rookery is at the bottom of the garden in the old oaks.
    It is funny that we love wildlife but are selective as to what we would like to have in the garden:)

    I try to remember to take my camera into the garden, just in case I see something amazing.............

  7. You bet I am a silent watcher. There is always something going on here. Love your new header photo. Only a hand full of cicadas this summer.

    1. Somehow I thought you would be Lisa :)
      I love to hear the cicadas when we visit Spain.........
      Why are numbers low Lisa ??

  8. Yes, and I'm still in awe of your photos. That honey bee covered in pollen is a winner. I need to learn more about photography settings and the like.

    Sitting with my foot up (I have a minor injury) on a long garden chair, I watched as a crow squawked and hollered from the branch of a tree. I wondered what was wrong. Another crow approached and sat beside Noisy. Then a few more flew in. Some sat on branches calmly and others pecked away at leaves. Crow #2 started pecking at Noisy. Noisy pecked back. Then it flew away and one by one the rest left.
    I wish I could understand what had just happened.

    1. The world of wildlife is fascinating and one I believe we will never fully understand Wendy :)
