Friday 5 December 2014

Looking up to the sky........

I walked the garden today camera in hand.   I was thinking of my Gt Grandmothers favourite poem God's Highway.    I can remember the first two lines:

Some people pass through this wonderful world,
And never look up at the sky.........

So, I took random photographs, pointing the camera to the sky.
Most were erased but this one I really like.


  1. I often think that we miss so much if we don't look up, not only at the sky but in crowded cities too, there's some beautiful architecture which is so easy to miss.

  2. That is very true Jo. We have some beautiful old buildings in our towns and cities.

  3. I too take the time to look up, I like wide open space with sky as far as the eye can see, I like to look up through trees and along the tops of buildings.... Perhaps we should all take time to look, stand and stare at the sky...
    Amanda xx

    1. I believe you are right Amanda perhaps we should take the time to stare at the sky :)

  4. During summer I love to lie in the garden and look up. I don't do it as much as I used to. I guess I am getting old. Bah humbug. I will have to do them more next spring/summer/fall. I like this picture. I sense a feeling of wanting to get away, warmer clime, no worries... sigh~~ Love to you.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Me to....sometimes I lay on the grass looking up at the sky....then I wonder how on earth I will feel trying to get up :) At least we try. I remember my father saying "Never stop doing, once you stop, you will never do it again" There is a lot of truth in those words.

      Love your interpretation of the photograph.....not far wrong from my point of view.....

      Love and hugs

  5. I often lie on a recliner on the deck and look at the sky. I love your photograph.

    1. Lovely thing to do...............time to just 'be'

  6. Mmm I find looking at the sky so relaxing when sitting in the garden or beach in the summer. I love cloud spotting too enjoying the different shapes and forms they take on, but more often than not by the time I get my camera or phone out they've disappeared into something quite different.

    1. What a perfect place to look up to the sky, the beach. Cloud watching is something I do with my little Granddaughter such fun.

  7. I remember as a child spending a lot of time playing outdoors and watching all the different cloud formations, imagining them to be all kinds of different creatures. I'm not so fanciful today, but I find watching the clouds to be so relaxing. It's a great way to relieve stress and forget some of our earthly cares.

    1. Indeed it is is amazing what you can see in a cloud or two :)

    2. Ha Rose - I'm still fanciful. Love to see what magical castles form in the clouds, or dragons, or monsters, or birds, or…. Yes, you're so right, it is relaxing to watch clouds floating by.

  8. It is a delight to see blue skies once again - that murky old November was getting me down.

  9. I think it was getting everyone down Elaine. Hope you are feeling better now ??

  10. I like it too! Seems I delete lots of shots as well. Good thing we live in the age of digital!
    Nice poem - I'll google it to see how the rest of it goes.
