Thursday, 7 May 2015

Warm sunny day..........

 The mason bees are pairing.........
 Trees and hedgerow in full leaf...........
 Camassia and cranesbill beginning to bloom........
 Ferns in full flow.
 Containers slowly fill with annuals.     Pelargonium and Nemesia vanilla lady, will fill some of the troughs on the deck.    I am keeping it simple this year.
 The old apple tree is just beginning to bloom.    She is a show stopper at this time of year.        I am totally in love with this tree.
Looking forward to warm summer evenings...............can't be far away :)


  1. Wow, there isn't much more to say, just wow. Your garden is looking fabulous. What a beautiful apple tree, she certainly is a show stopper. Nemesia is one of my favourite flowers though I only grow annuals as I don't have a lot of luck overwintering them. I had Vanilla Scent a few years ago but lost it through winter. You've reminded me that I need to move my bee house, that's a job for the weekend.

    1. Thank you Jo, what a lovely thing to say :)
      She is a beautiful old apple tree, and a very important part of this garden.

      I buy new plants each year.....Nemesia somehow are a mystery to me :)

  2. Your garden looks stunning, green and full of life, a lot of love and hard work has gone in to making this a very special place. I love looking round your garden, I can see my self having cake and tea under the apple tree...
    Amanda xx

    1. Thank you Amanda, so kind.

      My heart and soul are in this garden, believe me :)

      I have sat under the apple tree many times, drinking homemade lemonade, reading to the Grandchildren :)

  3. Everything looking especially lush and colourful Cheryl.

    Your Camasia and Ferns are way ahead of mine. Warm, still evenings will be welcomed ... I'm constantly retrieving wind blown dead wood from a large Birch.

    1. Cannot believe I am ahead of you Frank. It has been so cold here during the last few weeks.
      Lets hope it warms up soon :)

  4. I don´t know what to say your garden looks so lush and green and the appletree is fabulous. This garden must be a great place for the mason bees, bumble bees and other insects, but also a lovely place for birds.

    1. There are lots of birds garden centres around wildlife.
      Tku for your lovely comment.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your apple tree is glorious. I do love the month of May ... the blossom is lovely, the plants and trees really begin to unfurl their buds and leaves.

    Nature is wonderful

    All the best Jan

  7. Hi Jan,

    I agree, May is a lovely month........everything happening at once :)

  8. Hi Cheryl
    Wow - what gorgeous shots of your garden - I particularly love the one of your deck which I haven't seen before - is that one of your Auricula theatres by the shed, and that lovely old pump in the distance and a pond to die for - it is such an intimate area somehow - love love love it. And your old apple tree looks so gracious spreading its branches far and wide - spectacular. I could wax lyrical about every shot. Hats off to you my friend - you do a grand job out there.

    1. Thank you Elaine......I am touched by your words, truly.

      Yes it is one of the Auricula theatres, I have several. The old pump is working, it brings water up from the well. It is an intimate area. It is where I sit to watch the sun set, on a warm summers day..........

      Have a lovely weekend my friend :)

  9. Nice post, lovely photos Cheryl.

  10. Love seeing your garden so alive. the pots are looking good in their simplicity. My pots are simple this year too. Not so many either. I am trying to make it easy on myself. ha.... And then I go an purchase a few perennials. ha... The bees have been setting up house in my small bee hotel too. It is so exciting I saw them looking into it earlier. Now one of the tubes is stopped up. :)

    1. It is wonderful to watch bees, very calming I find.
      Whilst I have kept my planting simple, I have many to fill. Mr P made them for me when we moved here. They are 6' x 2' and there are six of them. They take forever to empty and refill with soil and plants. BUT I love them when they are finished.......they last well into Autumn and make the deck such a pretty place to sit. Every year I think I will make things hasn't happened yet Lisa :))))

  11. Oh, I do so love your apple tree. We have our Mason bee houses all set up but none are in use yet.

    1. Lets hope the word goes out, and your units start to fill with little bees :)

  12. Hi, Nicely photo shots and amazing flowers. Nature is seems to heaven. Thanks for sharing this post.

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  13. Had to comment on your apple tree. She is more beautiful every year!
