Monday 23 January 2017


 The garden has been frozen for days.   Surely the temperatures will rise a little to allow a thaw.
 At this moment Spring seems a lifetime away.
 The house is cold.    The log store is half empty.   Keeping an open fire going during these cold days is necessary.
 I wonder which plants  will survive these prolonged temperatures.
 It is the tropical garden I am most concerned about.
For now, it is time to sit in front of the fire with a good book and a nice cup of tea.


  1. Oh....I do hope your plants survive, maybe wrap the most vulnerable. I know what you mean about the cold, it seems to be going on forever here too. Love your little robin and those frosted plants do look

  2. Hi Dina

    I have wrapped several in fleece but some are far too large.
    I am just keeping my fingers crossed......

    The Robin follows me around the garden. I am spending a fortune on bird seed at the moment, poor wildlife has such a hard time during these bitterly cold spells.

    Yes it looks beautiful............

  3. Lovely photos, garden looks nice dressed in white..
    Amanda xx

  4. It sounds like we have traded winters. It also sounds like your tropical garden is going to take a hit. So sorry. Here we are having a backward winter so far. The low temperatures which are normally our highs and the high temps are 20 degrees above normal. Needless to say daffodils, narcissus, crocus are all sending up greens. It is bound to turn cold again. I wonder about all the buds on shrubs etc. A weird winter weather-wise for sure. Try to stay warm.

    1. Gosh you are leaping ahead in the plant stakes Lisa.
      You will have an early Spring garden if the milder weather carries on.
      I fear for the tropical garden........but you just never know with gardening do you?

      I am warm, lots of layers and a fire work wonders.

      Enjoy your week.........

  5. For some reason fog always makes it seem colder, the damp air in contact, draining all the heat out of you. Hardy wildflowers will survive.

    1. Yes it does Simon. We had freezing fog this morning.
      I slipped on the patio because it was covered in a sheet of ice.
      The garden is in a frost pocket. The frost tumbles down from the village on the hill and lands in my garden I think :)

      I am so pleased I planted hardy wildflowers, they will survive that I know.

      Love your comment and explanation, thank you.

  6. Mother Nature is strange. We are having a mild winter this year. Temps above freezing in January! Almost unheard of. But tomorrow reality is kicking in with a 25 cm. snowstorm! Still not horribly cold, though.

    Your sweet puffy Robin sits so still - he (or she) looks serene surveying your garden. I do hope you get some warmth soon - and that your tropicals survive.

    Crossing fingers!

    1. The Robin and I are friends Wendy. He follows me everywhere when I am outside. Sometimes he takes food from my hand. Sweet little guy.

      The weather is topsy turvy for sure. My brother has just come back from Thailand. January is a good month to go because the weather is warm and sunny. He had two weeks of torrential rain. Even the hotel gardens were flooded.

      Have a good week..........

    2. My goodness - my brother just came back from Thailand too! Well, I think it was early December, but still, how strange that we both have brothers visiting Thailand. I've never been that far East, but my brother goes regularly. He loves that part of the world!

    3. My brother came back last week. I thought he may have grown webbed feet with all the rain.
      I have visited Thailand it is beautiful, as are the people.
      I had the most wonderful head and body massage there, I felt amazing after. Never quite the same here.

  7. Lovely images, Cheryl! I actually enjoy winter...for awhile. I don't feel guilty about spending time curled up under a blanket reading a book, and I've vowed to do some sewing projects that I've put off for awhile. We've had a mild winter so far, and I actually am wishing for some snow. Gray skies and a brown, muddy garden aren't as appealing to me, and that's mostly what we have had this January.

    1. I sometimes wonder Rose if it is what we get used to.
      My garden is usually brown and muddy.
      This year it is hard and white........
      It is also just too cold for me.........I seem to be feeling it more these days.

      Enjoy your sewing projects.......

  8. I agree with staying inside in the warm, can't wait for the garden to wake up.

    1. I think we might just have a bit of a wait Marlene

  9. Hope you are out of the deep freeze soon. We are having near-record high temperatures here. I fear for the plants that are beginning to show spring growth. They will surely suffer with the cold that is certain to come back. Love your sweet robin. We have a little wren who follows me about like that. It's such a treat when I venture out.

    1. How lovely. Our wrens are very shy, they are heard more than seen. I sometimes see one hopping around the woodland area but he soon disappears.

      Still very cold here.......I am still hibernating :)

  10. dearest Cheryl, it is beautiful! but I do hope for your garden's sake that it will warm up soon! have a beautiful day!

    1. Thank you Jandi, I hope you have a beautiful day too !

  11. Lovely collection of photographs Cheryl, I do especially like the robin!

    It has not been very good weather recently ... roll on Spring.

    The cup of tea and good book, sounds an excellent idea!

    All the best Jan
