Friday 8 September 2017

Cyclamen and ants...........

 For me, there is something magical about Cyclamen Hederifolium.     Where once was bare ground, the flowers appear,  after a sprinkling of rain
 Ants love the sticky substance that coats the seeds.    As they enjoy the food source, the seeds are rolled around the garden.   When the ants have had their fill, the seed is abandoned.   If the situation suits another plant will appear the following year. 
I have a large colony of cyclamen now, thanks to the ants.    Isn't nature amazing ?


  1. NATURE IS AMAZING ♥..Michaela

  2. Cyclamen are magical plants. I am always amazed that you have so many in your garden and they look so healthy. I am sure the fairies in your garden are delighted too. The ants have been busy in your garden. Nature is amazing, alluring and awesome.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I think the soil suits them here. Also they are planted beneath deciduous trees which they love. It stops the rain damaging them.
      I am amazed at just how much they have spread. They look so pretty dancing in the breeze.

      Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Such pretty little plants! I've never had much luck with cyclamens, but then it's probably because I have planted them in dry shade and then forget to water them:) I didn't know that ants would help to spread the seeds--you're so right that nature is amazing! I saw your reply to my comment on your last post. I miss my mother more than I ever realized I would, too. Sometimes I have to laugh, though, when I do something and realize I am more like her than I ever thought I was. My dad is still carrying on, though he misses her so much. He has learned to cook for himself and do the laundry and other household chores--he has told me more than once he has a newfound appreciation for all that she did. Take care, Cheryl, and enjoy the coming autumn.

  4. So pleased to hear that Dad is managing, bless him. It must be so hard to adjust to life without our chosen partner. He is lucky to have you Rose and I am sure he knows that.

    Have a lovely weekend..........

  5. Fabulous little symbiotic relationaship that. Very pretty flowers, I love seeing them

    1. Me to. The first time I saw them growing beneath hedgerow along a country lane I was smitten,

  6. How lovely to have these growing in your garden, they were my Auntie Ann's favourite flower, I bought some for the house the other day to remind me of her.
    Amanda xx

    1. It is always lovely when memories and plants are entwined.

  7. That certainly is fascinating! I'm hoping some will start popping up in my garden. Lovely

  8. Your photographs look lovely Cheryl.
    I always enjoy seeing cyclamens and garden centres always seem to have a good display of them too, they have some wonderful colours. I didn't know that about ants and cyclamens ... but I do now!

    Summer seems to have passed by and I now look forward to Autumn, one of my favourite seasons.

    All the best Jan
