Tuesday 26 June 2018

 When youngest Grandson (5) gave me a gift for my garden, I was so touched.   He used his pocket money and chose the item himself.     A fairy house.     
 So Grandma collected items from around the garden from Poppi's (12) fairy days.
 I carefully selected an area that I hoped would add to the magic.
 I loved doing this project and hope that Dominic will be surprised at seeing a tiny fairy village.
This is the end result.   Thank you my dear Grandson for such a lovely gift.


  1. This is so beautiful and so delightful.

    I was with our youngest grand-daughter recently and in a corner of the garden there is a very special place that fairies can visit. I really should take a photograph … there are special fairy stones, some toadstools and a cute gnome and of course fairies. It is just magical and I certainly hope in the years to come that she (and our other grandchildren) will always find magic in the garden.
    I know I do.

    My good wishes to you Cheryl

    All the best Jan

    1. I should just add …
      Well done to your Grandson for such a lovely gift.

      All the best Jan

    2. Thank you Jan.

      Each garden has its story to tell.
      I would love to see your granddaughter's fairy garden.
      That is how mine started with Poppi. She loved her fairy garden but as she grew the fairy garden faded. It is lovely to have collected Poppi's bits from around the garden and put them in their new home.

  2. Oh Cheryl, your Dominic will LOVE it, as I do!!! How utterly charming and sweet. You are so creative and in tune with nature, and your kin.xxx

  3. I wish I could be there to see his sweet face when he sees that the fairies gathered around his thoughtful gift. That boy does know his Grandma.

  4. Hello there Cheryl .. I came over from Lisa's place and so glad I did because this is such a sweet story ! .. I would have gone mad for this as a child, so fascinating to children to see these tiny treasures .. I am sure your Dominic will be over the moon to see this .. he is one precious little boy to think of you this way.

  5. How sweet! I used to enjoy putting together a fairy garden with my middle granddaughter, but alas, she is now a teenager and way past enjoying fairies. I still have a couple fairy gardens for myself and hope the next time the littlest one visits from Texas I can share them with her.

  6. He’s wise beyond his years, that little one x
