I have always loved autumn. It is, for me, the most perfect season.
Bittersweet climbs the hedgerows........
and elderberries droop with swollen fruits.
Native monkshood has just come into bloom. Every piece of this plant is poisonous. It is a personal favourite, carder bees seem to love it to.

Corn marigolds bloom from May - first frosts. I love this native, it is wonderful for insects.
The Red Admiral is a regular visitor.

Rotting honeysuckle berries make a tasty feast for comma's.

Grasses are now in flower, and make a statement in the border.
Red admiral seems to favour the elder.
I remember the words of Lisa........I love going away because when you get back home, your garden is new to you again.
I have found this to be true......it is like coming home to a very old friend.
I am so enjoying autumn, are you??
Hi Cherly...Your weather looks like mine today!!
ReplyDeleteWe are supposed to get really dumped on tonight up to 3 to 5 inches of rain and winds to 40mph!!
I guess we are getting payed back for our beautiful days of late
You gardens still look lovely and the mist does make a nice touch!! Sweetpeas always my favorite since a kid living in the northern part of the state they do very well, but in this part of the state it seems to get to hot in the summer
Lovely pictures and I do love the fall but it has to grow on me every year because I know whats to come after that!!
Your garden looks beautiful Cheryl. I love the picture of the teasels - it's really fantastic!
ReplyDeleteAre the Corn Marigolds quite low growing, like short dandelions? I have some flowers on the lawn at the cottage and they look like this - they are a haven for tiny bugs (I don't know what they are either, but they look like very tiny beetle-type insects)
And yes, I think I'm enjoying Autumn as much as you are!!
Hi Grammie, we are expecting torrential rain tomorrow. I do not mind.....there is always much to do inside the house.
ReplyDeleteSweet peas do very well here. I love the fragrance, it seems to travel right around the garden.
I understand re winter.....I know a lot of people find it a very difficult season.
Hi Dan, I really like the photograph of the teasels. The goldfinch were feeding from them but sadly flew away as I approached.
ReplyDeleteCorn marigolds grow to about a metre high. They used to be seen along with poppies in corn fields.
Hard to identify your plant, without seeing it, we have so many natives that have yellow flowers. I wonder if it is one of the stonecrop family??
I know the small bugs of which you speak. I often see them on sweet peas....a little like a storm fly perhaps??
Enchanting views Cheryl of some of the very special pleasures that adorn your beautiful garden...a joy to behold especially with the added sparkle that comes after overnight rain.
ReplyDeleteI trust you and Mr P are well rested after your wonderful visit across the waters. FAB.
Normally I would agree with you about autumn. This year though it is so dry it is scary. My friend who is in her 80's said this very thing to me so I know it is not my imagination. It is way toooo dry. Other than that it is marvelous that it has taken a turn for coooler weather. Your gardnen has so many beautiful blooms left. I must work on having more blooms for this time of year. Hopefully next year we will have visitors that might like a few blooms with all our greenery. I will be dreaming of misty mornings.
ReplyDeleteJust Lovely Cheryl! I love that soft fog, we had a little the other day. Thanks for the pretty pictures of autumn!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Frank, I am amazed at just how many plants are still blooming. I would like to say it is my gardening skills...lol but the weather has been perfect for the garden.
ReplyDeleteHI Lisa, I am so sorry that the land is still so dry. It is always so worrying.....everything suffers. I do hope that rain comes soon and gives the trees and plants a much needed drink.
ReplyDeleteI have tried to plant for each season but I have to say this year has been exceptional. I think they are loving the damp conditions with the occasional burst of sunshine.
Hi Eve, I love mist......it somehow brings a silence that is quite magical.
ReplyDeleteI am happy that autumn has arrived.....
Hello Cheryl - your misty garden is so lovely and the proof is in your butterflies and bees. A joy to look at - encapsulated in the last pic :)
Thank you Laura, it is comments like yours that keep me motivated. Each day, working in all weathers, I sometimes become a little weary in body and mind. Autumn has inspired me this year, I have many projects waiting in the wings.....
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful, ethereal photos, Cheryl and the perfect illustration of early Autumn. It must be wonderful to wake up to such lovely scenes each day.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like ages since I have seen a butterfly here, yours are lovely.
Hi Jan, I am grateful each day for all that surrounds me. Butterflies are so fleeting. I have a lot of stinging nettles and hops growing in the garden and I believe this is why I see red admirals and commas so late in the season.
ReplyDeleteIt is blowing a gale and is raining heavily.....I expect the butterflies are well hidden amongst the ivy today.
Have a lovely weekend and hope the weather is better your end.
I do enjoy traveling, but coming home and seeing everything with new eyes again is wonderful, too. I know you missed your garden while you were away, Cheryl. Such beautiful images, especially seeing everything through the mist.
ReplyDeleteThe butterflies here are fewer these days, and I think the hummingbirds have finally left for warmer climates. I will miss them, but I do appreciate these cooler days of autumn!
To be truthful I did miss the garden very much Rose. I always hold it close while I am away. It has helped me through so many bad times, I really do feel that it is an old friend.
ReplyDeleteSadly the doors are open and autumn has come rushing in. I think we all feel a tinge of sadness when we say farewell to the butterflies.....and oh I can so understand how sad it is to say au revoir to the hummers. They took my breath away, they really did.
Hi Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteVery nice indeed, I just wish we'd have more sun to appreciate the colours. Thankfully few trees have yet to turn so we've still time for the weather to get back on track.
Hi Liz....we seem to be having sunshine and showers. It was very warm yesterday, giving me the chance to capture the butterflies.....
ReplyDeleteOur trees are slowly turning.....the oaks and hawthorn are just beginning to get tinges of gold.
Hi Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteThursday was very nice here too and surprisingly warm when the sun was out - I'd expected it still be a little cool.
Today the clouds were back with almost constant drizzle and occasionally heavy rain, but I think it was similar for most of the country.
Horse Chestnuts are turning here, but I think they have some sort of disease which is spreading through the UK. Most other things still seem to be green, but have that darkness to them which indicates it won't be long before they go. Looking out across the city from our bedroom window and most of the trees in the nearby park still seem to be green.
I don't think we'll have fantastic Autumn colours this year, it's been too wet over the past month.
This is by far my favorite time of year because I can once again get out in the garden as it renews itself with the cooler temperatures. I can understand why others do not feel the same in other parts of the country, though. Your garden always seems so tranquil, Cheryl. I can imagine how hard it must be to go away from it. I always get anxious at leaving my home and garden. But, as hard as it might be, it does bring a fresh perspective and a wealth of new ideas and energy.
ReplyDeleteHI Liz, I think you will find the browning of the horse chestnut is due to disease. It is widespread here. It is caused by a moth....
ReplyDeleteWe have rain again today.......just light rain.
Hi Jenny, so glad you are able to be in your garden once again. It must be everso frustrating to not be able to do the things you want to
ReplyDeleteI believe it is my photography that makes the gardens look tranquil. It is amazing how you can use a camera to suit your needs.
It goes without saying that I find them peaceful, they have been my salvation at times.
Happy Sunday.....
Dear Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteSeeing your garden again brought joy and tears to my eyes. I am so happy you came to the U.S. and so happy you found your way home again into the arms of your gardens. It is a work of art...the mist and the butterflies and the rain drops on petals...these are a few of my favorite things. I do love Autumn. I love the way the light changes and the colors in the leaves. I love the chill in the morning air. We have a few bugs still about. A Hummingbird was in and out this afternoon. Most have migrated. I will leave the feeder up for another couple of weeks. We could have some late migrators come through. The Monarchs are gone. A Black Swallowtail emerged this afternoon. Stay dry and cozy.
Happy October.
Hi Cheryl, Autumn is my favorite season as well. I love Lisa's quote--she's a smart one! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Sherry, I always find the change from summer to autumn very nostalgic. I believe many people do.
ReplyDeleteAfter spending time with you I understand the fact that you miss the hummers and butterflies. The monarchs stole my heart along with the hummingbirds. They are both so very beautiful.
Enjoy October my friend....these months seem to pass so swiftly.....
Dear Cheryl - glad to see you've returned from your trip - looks like you've had a great time with all those gardens to see... it's been so wet here the past number of days so now have a bit of time to catch up on all the blogs I've not had a great deal of time to visit over the summer - sorry! I love all your autumnal photos - quite a beautiful time of year... have a good week Miranda x
ReplyDeleteI remember one May, David and I were planning a trip down south. I looked at my budding tulips and daffodils and thought "there is no way I want to go away now. I'll miss my garden!"
ReplyDeleteOf course we went anyway and I did miss some of the blooms. But then there were new plants up as well. Also, the tree buds were just coming out as we left, but when we got back the trees were bursting out full of leaves. It does look strange to go away and come back to find a very different garden.
Looks like you are enjoying autumn. Your garden does look nice. I especially like the butterflies and little bee tucked away in the monkshood.
Dear Cheryl, if i use the word delightful would you think it overused? I mean it sincerely~visiting your garden is a delightful journey. Like getting to see that bee on the soggy monkhood! Or how pretty the grass plumes look~ Gail
ReplyDeleteHi Miranda, it has been a busy year for many people. The lack of rain has extended the garden season.
ReplyDeleteWe to have had plenty of rain these last few days.....I am hoping the sun may shine for just a while.
Hi Wendy.....it is just amazing how much a garden does change when you leave home for a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteLovely memory of you David and a garden......
Thank you Gail for your kind comment.
ReplyDeleteI am delighted you used delightful.......
Just wanted to pop by and say we did not give lobster (monster, haha) to the children. They were too young (worried about allergies). It was for the adults. It was more the conversation that made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping in...