And look, a mantis. I was just so first mantis, how cool is that?
When Rose showed me Hydrangea annabelle, I had a touch of hydrangea envy. Lime blooms, so pretty. This is now on my wish list.
Whilst Rose and Beckie made a most delicious supper, I sat in the garden chatting to Lisa and the rest of our party. When the hummer arrived, I found it so hard to concentrate, I was smitten. I had never quite realised how beautiful and just how fragile they are.

If I remember correctly this is a juvenile. The parents will already be on their way to a warmer climate. I do hope this little one makes it........I was so humbled to share time with this delightful creature.
It was wonderful to see Rose's space. It is a garden in the making. As each season comes and goes, and Rose gains confidence, this garden will be an oasis for the wildlife that surrounds her home.
I had watched dozens of dragonflies feeding in the long grass, swallows above us enjoying the fading sunlight. Tree frogs called as we walked to the car, saying our goodbyes. I loved this place, it has such incredible beauty, I do not believe Rose realises quite how much.
Thank you, dear Rose, for letting us share your table. For the most delicious supper. For catering for my vegetarian diet. AND please do tell, how do you make the topping for Apple Crisp, it was just so delicious........
Looks like you had a wonderful time there! It's so good to have you back again and I am looking forward to more of your wise and tranquil posts. Welcome Home Cheryl!
ReplyDeleteJane x
Hi Jayne, I have met many wonderful people. I shall post each of the gardens I had the honour to visit.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to be back. I missed my family, dog and gardens. I am also glad to be back in a cooler climate. I nearly melted a couple of times and my hair plastered to my head was not the most attractive
in saying that I had the most fantastic time and feel sure I shall be visiting my blogging friends again. I would put up with any amount of heat to be with them.....
Dear Cheryl, I am so glad you had a magical visit to Rose's! You got to see the best of the midwest~including, Rose, Beckie and Lisa! How wonderful that butterflies, bees and hummers stopped by to say hello and welcome you to the US! I wished I had been able to work out my schedule to see you! xxgail
ReplyDeleteSophie was smiling as much as we were. Rose was the perfect hostess. I too had such a good time. We were all mush by the end of the day. That is the good ole midwest for you. You never know if you are going to be cooked until well done or frozen stiff. That is why we appreciate all of those beautiful days Mother Nature gifts us with.
ReplyDeleteHi Gail, I did have the most wonderful time with the girls. They really are the best....
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you could not make it, perhaps next time I visit.......
Hi Lisa, I understand your area much better after my visit. You can read books but there is nothing like the real thing.
ReplyDeleteIndeed Rose was the perfect hostess.......
Cheryl, You don't know how touching it is to see my garden from another's perspective. Thank you for showing it in its best light and not focusing on the flaws:) You and Lisa provided some excellent insights on turning more space into a garden, and I'm looking at some of this space in new ways. Although I seem to focus right now on what needs to be done, I do enjoy the wild, natural beauty when I am alone. I just got up and spent some time sitting outside watching the birds roosting on the barn and large birds--hawks, maybe--floating above. These are the peaceful times I love.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to see the photos of my hummingbird! I knew you would capture some good ones. And I didn't realize you'd seen a mantis--I'm so glad; after you left, I realized I hadn't hunted for one to show you. They're usually hiding all around the flowerbeds.
Sophie so enjoyed meeting all of you, too; I think she knew right away that these visitors were very special people.
Thanks for such a lovely post; Beckie and I are still talking about our visit. And I'll send you an email with the apple crisp recipe; it's one of my mother's old "standbys."
Dear Rose, it was a pleasure to walk your garden and I do truly wish I lived nearby because I would help you with the structure of the space. Then as we said you could do 'the pretty bits'.
ReplyDeleteI am so pleased to hear that you find time to appreciate the beauty all around you. One day your garden will be a fantastic centre piece, and that will all be down to you. I can feel your passion and love of growing, and that makes me feel so warm inside.
I have a few ideas for your space (which you may like or maybe not) but will just make a few gentle suggestions......will post book and sweet pea seeds sometime next week.
BTW we all have flaws in our garden......never doubt that.
Will be in touch.
Dear Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteYou now have seen the U.S. Mid-west and the Tall-grass Prairie! I hope some day to meet Rose and Beckie and Lisa. They seem like such nice and fun people. Love seeing Rose's garden from your point of view. Each garden is a work of art in process....I do think that as the gardener changes so does the garden. I am so happy you saw a Praying Mantis. They are incredible bugs! Your photograph of the little hummingbird is wonderful. I have not seen mine now for two days.
The humidity has finally lessened. It was so sticky when you were here. Glad you are enjoying being home and looking back over your Prairie Adventure.
Dear Sherry, this is very true, a work of art in process. I change things continuously in my garden. I see something that I like or may benefit wildlife....before I know it, changes are taking place.
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed sticky when I visited. I am glad that it has cooled down for you.
We met a week ago......I cannot believe how quickly the time went.
How strange you should mention apple crisp. That was one of David's favourite desserts and I had a longing to make one today. I had to go and buy the ingredients at the grocery store, since I was all out, but it was worth the effort. It turned out nice and brown and delicious. This is a traditional dessert I often make in cool autumn weather.
ReplyDeleteYour visit sounds wonderful. Nice to finally meet blogger friends and enjoy their gardens. I'm sure you were not lost for conversation! Can't wait for more pics. But only after you catch up on your jet lag.
My brothers used to tease me when we were children. They told me a praying mantis would come in the house and devour me. Just look at its front claws and big teeth!! Well, I've not liked them since. But can admire your photos! I think I don't need to tell you, however, that your butterfly photos are my favourite.
Hi Wendy, how are you? I loved apple crisp, I am so grateful that Rose introduced me to it.
ReplyDeleteHow strange David should like it and you cooked it for yourself........
Mr P is very much jet lagged and does not look too good. In fact he looks like he needs a I am fine and seem not to have been affected too much this time.
Ha! Naughty brothers........praying mantis are beautiful and actually nothing to be frightened of. Sadly the seeds planted in our minds as children, often stay with us....
The girls were great, no shortage of conversation. It was just the best break ever.....
Will be in touch soon.....
I enjoyed your visit with Rose and your impressions of her garden. I think our garden's are an extension of ourselves--and so personal it is hard to share with others. I am glad that Rose was so willing to share hers with you.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Sophie a sweetheart? I think she feels it is her duty to welcome all her "Mommy's" guests. I can tell she takes her duties very seriously.
Aren't Hummers magical? I never tire watching them. I sat outside today after I filled the feeders, and a hummer came up and took a long drink. After he finished, he flew over by where I sat, and bobbed up and down as if to say, "Thank you for the fresh food". It was a special moment.
Hi Jenny......Rose is a beautiful person and so welcoming. I loved to see her garden. I also could see me eight years ago, not knowing where to start and finish. Getting a garden going is the most difficult, I think.
ReplyDeleteHummers are just so amazing.....I could sit with them forever and a day......
Lol, I love Rose's garden but I hate grasshoppers, they just love to chew on everything.