Wednesday 26 October 2011

Golden days

Nella watches her.......I watch them both.
Poppi loves to help tidy the garden.
 I could listen to her stories from morning till night and never get bored.    Her world is full of mystery.......
We put mulch beneath the trees.
I cannot believe we are still picking blackberries.     
 These days are golden days.    The sort of days, that leave you with a lovely warm glow.   Days that make you feel as though everything is right with the world.
They leave you pretty exhausted too :0)


  1. Gardening in fairy wings - now that sounds like a plan! It sounds like you have had a truly wonderful day! Great to see Nella too.

  2. Doesn't everyone garden in fairy wings Dan??

  3. Hmm, Ok then, but just not the wings other people can see :o)

  4. I too love the light in fall. It's the best. Nella and Poppi are so cute! I love blackberries!

  5. Hi Cheryl,

    Very nice indeed; it's nice to be able to pop out and get the odd job done outside without feeling cold or doing it as quickly as possible before you freeze. I've been gardening without any need for a jumper - I have had a scarf on occasionally but didn't really need it.

  6. I can't believe how Poppi has grown. Such a beautiful child. Nella is a good watch dog no doubt she deserves a good nap in the sun. Aaahhhh.

  7. Dear Cheryl,
    Golden days indeed. You are blessed to have a Granddaughter who is innocent. May she always remember these golden days. Nella is a dear.
    Your gardens are in their Autumn finery.....
    Many hugs,
    Sherry, who misses her wings

  8. Oh, such lovely golden days. I can see Nella enjoying them too.

    Poppi grows up before our eyes! Such a sweet garden faerie. I'm glad you have this time to feel in harmony with the earth and your family.

  9. HI Cheryl...Oh do enjoy so much watching that sweet child..she so reminds me of my Heather (23 now)with blonde hair, and a vivid and playful imagination..I enjoyed that so ,but now she is a young lady!!
    Your Nella looks comfy..enjoyed your rfelaxing post!

    PS I have had no internet all day trying to catch up again. : }}

  10. So many beautiful images, Cheryl--from Poppi to Nella to your garden, I can feel the happiness and contentment you must feel. These are the days where you want to savor each moment...although by the end of a day like this, I'm usually ready to curl up like Nella:)

    No wonder your garden is so beautiful--besides all your hard work to make it so, it has its own fairy princess!

  11. Hi Liz,

    Gardening without a jumper. It has not been that warm here and I do need a scarf. We have an easterly wind that blows across the fields, I think that is why it feels so cold sometimes. Never-the-less the sun is shining and that is a gift at this time of year :)

  12. Hi Grace,

    When I see the photo of Heather on your sidebar, I always think what a pretty girl she adult version of Poppi, maybe.

    So sorry you have problems once again with the frustrating.

  13. Tku Rose,

    These really are golden days. The children have been spending time with me (school half term break). I do so love having them here and they are such a great help around the garden.
    I wish Riley liked having his photograph taken....sadly he is like is Grandmother and does not :) I always feel a little mean not showing him on my blog.......

  14. Hi Cheryl,
    What a lovely post, my heart felt so warm to read it.
    Poppi has inspired me to garden in my faery wings! And how gorgeous is dear Nella, a true friend indeed.

  15. This post and photographs make me feel golden and at peace. What a treat it must be to have Poppi telling you creative tales. And lovely Nella, always living in the moment of sunshine.

  16. My you are lucky to have such adorable creatures all around you! Nella looks so sweet, I almost want to reach out and pet her nose!! And Poppi is just too cute for words - a right fairy if I ever saw one. Glad you had such a lovely day, and passed the sensation of it on in your beautiful words and pictures.

    Here's to many more golden days to come!

  17. We have been so lucky this year with the mild weather. Gives us the opportunity to spend longer in the garden. Mind you I wish I had a fairy in my garden like you have, what a find!!

  18. your enchanting grandaughter is growing fast as well as wings :) Lovely images of contentment that are a joy to see.

    p.s. really appreciate the words you left on my last post - gave me a much needed golden glow. Thank you for your kindness Cheryl!

  19. wonderful post so refreshing and I love your grandchildren photos what sweethearts they are.
