Wednesday 18 April 2012

Sunshine and showers.

 April showers are here, the garden looks healthy and lush.    The gardener feels like dancing across the lawn and singing at the top of her voice.    Perhaps I will, if the moment suddenly grabs me :)
 As I age, I find I am leaning more towards a natural approach to the garden.     Letting self-seeders stay, after all, who am I to decide whether a plant is in the right or wrong place.  
 I shall concentrate more on the soil, after all, as you know, I am a compost sort of girl.
 This year will show me the way........I shall prune and thin, only when necessary to keep the plants happy.
 Each season, each day, has its own character.   
This space holds my dreams.    Without it, I would be like a bird in a cage.      


  1. Thank you all for your kind and compassionate words on my last post. I appreciate each and every one of them.

  2. so glad that you've an urge to dance again Cheryl as your posts are a joy to see and read

  3. Tku Laura,

    It is good to be back. Peggy's funeral takes place on Friday. It has been difficult waiting so long.

    I have always loved to dance....Mr P and I had lessons many years ago. Poppi and I dance together.

  4. I let a lot of the plants in my garden self seed, I always describe it as a cottage garden which accounts nicely for the haphazardness of it all:)

    1. A haphazard garden sounds wonderful to me Rowan :)

  5. Dear Compost Lady, it is wonderful to see you back stirring up the garden. I can just see you and Poppi in the garden dancing your heart out. Love the cage in the garden. Perfect foil. One thing about letting flowers seed themselves is that the garden fills quickly. Since we tend to introduce plants we love this is a good thing.

    1. Dear Lisa,

      I often scoop Poppi up in my arms and dance the waltz around the garden. She smiles continuously. The day will come when she will be too heavy for me but at the moment it still works :)

      Yes indeed Lisa, I have noticed more sweet violets, hellebores, aquilegia, and forget me nots around this year. I love all four, so welcome them all with open arms.
      I have also noted a few mystery seedlings, and am slightly concerned they are weeds, but I will leave them alone and see what developes.

  6. Hi Cheryl...I know what you got to that point a few years back...age shows me that all the determination to have it my way when it comes to gardening becomes a tiring effort that I know I don't have anymore, so I try to enjoy it for me and let nature do the work..: }}
    Love your post and your gardens ....if you fell like dancing there is always the waltz...hahaha!!
    Love Grace

    1. Hi Grace,

      I think if we are truthful nature does it so much better than we can:)

      I waltz with Poppi as it happens......I can still scoop her in my arms and whisk her off around the garden.

  7. Lovely to see you posting Cheryl :-) So sorry though that you have had such a long wait to say your final farewell to your mum-in-law. I will be thinking of you on Friday.

    Well, we both seem to have reached the same conclusion, I have realised that my garden knows how it wants to be far better than I do! During the times I have been unable to do any gardenIng it seems to have found its own way in many respects. Yes, it still needs a little assistance but not the savage manipulation and intervention of the past. I have spent so much time (and money!) over the years trying to grow plants which on reflection, clearly weren't suited to the conditions in my garden. Now it is much simpler and more natural....closer to how Nature intended.

    We have had heavy showers all day so far and it is much needed, we have barely had any rain in the last twelve months! Quite apart from the plants needing it, the Blackbirds must be having a dreadful time trying to extract worms from the concrete, hard ground! Let's hope we get enough to make a real difference especially with so many little nestlings needing to be fed very soon.

    1. Hi Jan,

      I realise that I have created a demanding garden here but by letting go a little, it will make life that little easier. I have planted dozens of native wildflowers this Spring and I am so looking forward to seeing them in bloom.

      It is raining here Jan, and like you we desparately need it. I have been feeding a pair of blackbirds each day with suet pellets......they seem to love them. I am sure the worms will be around after the downpour today....we should have showers for the next five days.
      Our hosepipe ban is set to stay in place until Christmas, as it stands at the moment :(

      You might like to know I have a pair of blue tits nesting in the roof of the house. Cheeky little things have found a way least I know they are safe and dry......bless them.

      Tku for your kindness with regard to Friday....It will be difficult, especially for my husband and little Riley.

  8. So sorry Cheryl!! I was so busy rambling on ;-) that I didn't mention how much I enjoyed your lovely photos, so bright and cheerful and lovely to see your friend the bee. I love Forget-me-nots, they have always been happy in my garden :-)

  9. So glad to have you back, Cheryl; it warms my heart to think of you dancing in the garden. Your post is just what I needed this morning. I've been down with a cold/virus the past week and feeling rather frustrated that I haven't gotten any garden work done for awhile. But the garden seems to be chugging along just fine without me. The butterfly garden will no doubt be a tangle of self-seeders once again, but I'm sure the bees and butterflies will love it just the same. Last week's hard freezes were a reminder that Nature is the one who is truly in control of the garden, not me.

    1. Dear Rose,

      I am so sorry to hear that you are unwell, and do hope you are better soon. I am glad the post brought you cheer, it warms my heart to know that :)

      We like to think we own a garden, but of course, we do not. Mother Nature always has the upperhand and that is just how it should be, don't you think........

      It sounds as though your butterfly garden will be perfect for all pollinators, and that makes me smile Rose, it really does.

  10. Dear Cheryl, who dances with the bees,
    I have a candle I light every morning for you and your family, it is scented with lavender and sage. I send blessing to your dear Peggy and to her son and grandson. Her love and gentle ways will always be part of her story. Her service will be on new moon, the Grandmother Moon. May you and yours know the comfort of family.
    Your gardens are lovely. Having a mix of cultivated and wild the gardens bring pleasure and food for the bees, butterflies and berries for the birds and food for my table. Sometimes my gardens are about remembering and sometimes about forgetting. I always need time in the soil. It is healing for me.
    How very wonderful the Rain Dragons have brought spring rains. I also think the Angels have wept their tears to mingle with your yours. You are never alone.
    Sherry, who dances with buttterflies

    1. My dear Sherry,

      Tku for your kindness and blessings. I am humbled.
      I am blessed to have a loving family, we always pull together when it is needed. Friday will be a difficult day but a time to honour Peggy's life and the joy she brought each and every one of us.
      My tears have flowed but as darling Riley said last night...."You do not have to be brave all of the time Nanna, sometimes you have to cry like everyone else."
      My Grandson is way beyond his years.

      Indeed, the rain dragons came, my garden got a good soaking and I am so very grateful. The hosepipe ban is staying in place until Christmas, unless we have oodles and oodles of rain.

      Tku once again.....I am always happy just knowing you are out there :)

  11. I always feel better (even when I don't feel bad) after visiting in your garden. I will continue to pray for you and your family. I know tomorrow will be a difficult day for everyone. Do as wise Riley said and have a cleansing grief. And Saturday all of you can dance in the garden to honor all your loved ones...the ones with you now and the ones with you in spirit.

    1. Ncmountainwoman,
      Thank you for your kindness and emotions are running high this morning, but that is only to be expected.

      I love your last sentence........such a beautiful thought.

  12. I hope today went OK for you and Mr P, Cheryl. Beautiful pictures of your garden, and I can imagine you and Poppi dancing in it together :o)

    1. Tku Dan,

      All went well.....and we had sunshine all day.
      The little chapel was full, the elderly had traveled far and wide to pay respects to their friend.
      I was so touched......

      Have a lovely weekend.

  13. Hi Cheryl,

    I have been thinking of you often and it's wonderful to see you back.
    I'm so glad yesterday went well and I wish you and your family many healing blessings.

    I can just imagine you dancing like that fairy, followed by Nella and the Grandchildren and covering the whole garden with fairy dust as you all pass by!

    Much love x

  14. Dear Lucinda,

    Tku for your means a lot to me and my family.

    I think many bloggers would be surprised to see me playing with the grand-children.....I have never lost the inner child, and enter their world so very easily :)
