Friday 21 March 2014

If you go down to the woods today.........

 The woodland walk has surpassed all expectations this Spring.   The mild wet winter certainly seems to have given plants a boost.   There have been losses, Pulmonaria 'Sissinghurst White has disappeared.   Strange because Lungwort thrive here.
 Summer snowflake is in bloom.........much too early.
 Several Helleborus 'Anna's Red' have been planted.   A Christmas gift from my mother.
 As I walk along the woodland path, the beautiful scent of Clematis Armandii fills the air.    Planted over six years ago, to cover ugly fencing along the back of the garden, it has struggled.    Not so this winter, the mild/wet weather has helped it romp along the netting, it looks beautiful.
As I leave the woodland area I notice feathers on the grass, a sure sign the Sparrowhawk is back.

Another gardening year ahead, the sap is rising.   I have a spring in my step, do you???


  1. So lovely to see all these blooms, Cheryl. Your woodland photo is just beautiful. We had a beautiful day today, but I had to work, so I had only a little time to work outside. I raked leaves off part of the flower beds and saw tulips and daffs starting to poke through, but not a single bloom, not even crocuses, which are usually up by now. It's been roller coaster weather the past few weeks--back to cold tomorrow. I am so ready for spring!

    1. Tku Rose,

      We are way ahead, the daffs are nearly finished here, although there are some late bloomers waiting in the wings.
      I would rather things slow down a little , if we carry on like this I wonder what will be in the garden in Mid Summer :)

      I hope that warmer weather comes your way soon Rose, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Wow, that first picture is so full of color. I am starved for color. Here we have only a few crocus blooming. It won't be long and we will have constant warm days to bring on the rest of spring blooms. Seeing your colorful garden reminds me that it won't be much longer. Have a great weekend.

    1. The warm sunny days will soon be with you Lisa, and your garden will soon be full of beautiful blooms.

      Enjoy your weekend.
