Monday 19 May 2014

Ferns and little creatures.

 Elder was one of the first shrubs I lace is a firm favourite, especially when the pretty pink flowers bloom.
 Ferns are beautiful this year.   The wet winter served them well   I am not going to mention Hosta, and the dreaded 'S' word........I have a lot of lace in the woodland area:(
 While working in the woodland area I noticed a beautiful gold creature darting amongst the greenery.
 It darted back and forth at great speed.    Following it around the garden, I watched as it caught an insect and settled on the Salvia.
 I believe it is a Darter of some kind ??
Nature is, for me, what this garden is all about.   Without the creatures who call this place home, it would be so much less.

Every blade has its angel that bends over it and whispers 'Grow, grow'

From the Talmud (6th century)


  1. The ferns are also growing well here Cheryl but I've purposely not planted Hosta's for the reason you highlighted.

    Your delightful visitor was a female Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa).

    A regular around garden ponds so look out for the pale blue, broad flattened abdomen of the male. I have a picture of him and many others on my Damsels & Dragons page -

    1. Thanks for that Frank. I always get confused with the markings on the wings.
      I shall look for the male.....and hopefully get an image.
      I will make a note of your Dam & Drag for future reference :)

      The Hosta look dreadful, I don't even want to think about them :(
      I cannot believe the damage that has been done.
      I have birds, frogs and a visiting hedgehog, how can there be so many slugs and snails.........

  2. Loving your woodland garden I can just picture the dappled shade and the plethora of ferns. I have never seen one of those insects before, not unlike a dragonfly, you caught it beautifully on camera - I even think it smiled for you. The black elder looks nothing like an elder really does it, but the foliage is stunning. Enjoy the rest of the week.

    1. Good Morning Elaine

      I landscaped the woodland area first. As I child my parents would often take my brother and I for picnics in the wood. I loved these moments....I dreamt of a little piece of woodland. I have found in life that dreams often come true:)

      Elder black lace is beautiful. I have nine shrubs now.....those in the borders have become quite majestic. They seem to like my heavy clay soil.

      Yes it would appear the Chaser (tku Frank) is in fact smiling. Perhaps he knew the lady in the farmhouse is a lover of all creatures great and small :)

      Enjoy your day............

  3. What fantastic photos of the darter! Are they a type of dragonfly? I love the quote! Last year I visited a garden that had quite a few specimens of the elder...elderberry lace, is it? Such a gorgeous plant!

  4. Yes Rose, they are a type of dragonfly. Frank tells me it is a female Broad bodied chaser. Very beautiful.....I have been looking for the male today....he has a blue body. Guess what I found him.....have been trying to get an image all morning. Given up for today, will try again tomorrow.

    Elder 'Black Lace'...........I think it is gorgeous, so pretty. I will take some images when the flowers bloom.

  5. Lovely. Our ferns have done very well this year, too. We don't have to worry about little things on hosta, the deer eat them like candy. We don't have any but our neighbors love them and lose them every year.

    1. Ferns are so reliable.
      Oh dear, poor neighbours/ Deer I know can be a huge problem.
      I love Hosta flowers......but I won't be adding to my collection.

  6. What a fabulous photo, I'm never fast enough to catch dragonflies and damselflies with my camera, you have to be a very patient photographer to capture wildlife. I grow a few hostas in pots and they're not often bothered by slugs and snails, though I shouldn't speak too soon really, should I?

  7. Ha! Perhaps not Jo....but I am sure your Hosta will be fine. I think next year I may think along those lines :)

    It took quite a while to get those images.....I have learnt to be patient....I believe it comes with age :)

  8. If I saw this beautiful creature here I would call it a dragonfly. The body and the way it holds it's wings. I can sometimes hear those angels calling to the plants to grow. A fabulous time of year.
