Thursday, 1 May 2014

I'm forever blowing bubbles........

 I have always loved blowing bubbles.    There is something very magical about them.  
 Cleaning the shed this morning I stumbled across a pot of liquid.   The temptation was just too great.     Drizzle or no drizzle I was going to blow bubbles.
 And then I thought I need my camera........time to play.
I had such a fun time :)      What brings the child out in you ???


  1. Oh how lovely to see the reflections in the bubbles - something I haven't done for a long time blowing bubbles takes me right back to my childhood - why do we stop doing these things that gave us so much pleasure. Delightful.

    1. Yes Elaine, why do we? I get so much pleasure from the simple things in life.
      Poppi (my Grand-daughter) tells me I have a young heart...........sweet child.

  2. Hi Cheryl,

    What an excellent idea.. Must get myself a bubble machine!

    I don't think I have a serious or 'mature' side; I'm an eternal child :)
    There's nothing wrong with enjoying 'childish' things, it's what keeps us going, keeps us young. Why take away things which are exciting or fun? Dad tries to tell me we're too old for easter eggs/advent calendars. I tell him I'll decide when I'm too old. If I want it, I'm going to have it and there's no harm eating chocolate shaped like a rabbit... plus, it tastes so much nicer ;)

    1. You do make me smile.....I couldn't agree more Liz.....speaking as one child to another :)

  3. Oh what fun you had.

    I can remember being told "It's about time you grew up". When I'm out on my wildlife rambles I still have a habit of hiding behind trees etc. while watching and listening to other passers by who have no idea that I'm very close by!

    1. Now that's the sort of thing my brother would do :) so very boy.
      Hang on to the inner child Frank.

  4. I've always loved blowing bubbles:) my granddaughters and my daughter and I were blowing bubbles at Chatsworth a couple of weeks ago. Lots of fun.

    1. What a delightful setting to have so much fun :)

  5. What fun! I have a giant bottle of bubbles in my cleaning closet, and every time I see it, I think I really must get that out the next time the grandkids come over. Fantastic photos! I'm not sure I'd be coordinated enough to blow a bubble and then focus my camera in time:) As for what brings out the child in me--swinging! I spent many hours as a child on the tree swing my dad put up for me. Maybe that's why I enjoy my porch swing so much.

    1. Oh yes Rose swinging is such a lovely thing to do. When I take the children to the park, I always join them on the swing.......:)

      You would not believe the trouble I had getting those images, it is way to funny to mention.

  6. Just seeing these bubbles made my day. What fun! Getting my bicycle out for a spin makes me feel 10 again. ;)

    1. Oh Lisa, Wish I could ride a bike....what a joy. I have ended up with so many cuts and bruises trying.

  7. I haven't blown bubbles since childhood either and I remember how much fun it was to do. Your photos are wonderful. I think snow still brings out the child in me. I still love the first sight of it (until it starts to make life difficult!)

    1. Snow, yes Wendy, such fun. Building a snowman with grandchildren is the best :)

  8. Such wonderful photos Cheryl! They made me smile from year to ear. :)
    Though I am not a Christian myself, one bit of the Bible I love is the line that says something like 'only he who sees with the eyes of a child can enter the Kingdom of God' I think that when we see with the eyes of a child we realise we are already in the Kingdom of God! x

  9. Beautiful Lucinda........and very true.
