Thursday 4 September 2014

 A mist hangs over the garden.  I can hear the cry of Gulls in the distance.
 Hawthorn laden with berries, soon Redwings and Fieldfare will come to our shores, and enjoy them.
 Crab apple line the branches, waiting for the Starlings.
 Teasels will satisfy the Goldfinch.
 Such a nostalgic time of year.    The slow process of saying farewell to Summer and hello Autumn.
 Dad loved these days.   Dad was my gardening companion...............he taught me so much.   When he left school he started work as an apprentice gardener.  
 A tear is 18 months since Dad passed away.     It gets easier, I think of him most days.
I think of his smile.........he was always smiling.
I look up to the sky with a warm heart...............I know he is not far away.


  1. Beautiful photos Cheryl. I can imagine how much you miss your father it is almost 13 years since my mother died and I still miss her and think of her often but it does get easier and we know that they are still with us in spirit don't we?

  2. Thank you Jane.

    Your words of wisdom re my parents, have been a great source of comfort to me during these last few years. It is not until you lose someone close, that you realise the effects.
    How it changes your life.............tku for sharing your words and experience, it is something I truly appreciate.

  3. Hi Cheryl,

    Ooh, it really looks like autumn is with you, doesn't it? Acers, thankfully here are still green and I hope they last a while longer - I live in denial. it's still summer, honestly.

    Funnily enough I could hear gulls calling a few days ago too. I know for some this may not be such a crazy thing. But I live inland (practically in the centre) and we do not have landfill here, so sea gulls are quite rare to see flying around, never mind hearing them calling.
    For a moment or two I could almost imagine I lived near the coast... almost.

    1. Hi Liz,

      It not only looks like autumn, it feels like it. Although the sun is shining the breeze has an edge to it........I like it, beautiful days for gardening :)

      I love Gulls, we tend to get black headed gulls here. They feed on the fields........

      They say when Gulls come so far inland it is a sign of a bad winter...............I wonder !!!

  4. You have a veritable feast just waiting for the birds to arrive. It's such a hard time when our loved ones pass away, I'm lucky that I still have both my parents but I lost my sister, who was also my best friend, fifteen years ago. They say that time is a great healer, I don't know if that's true or not, it just allows you to think of them without shedding quite so many tears. It sounds like you had a very special relationship with your dad, that's something which will never go away as it's yours to treasure forever.

    1. I try to grow plants and shrubs that will provide food for wildlife during the winter months.

      That must have been so very hard. To lose someone so young..........devastating for your parents.
      I had a very special relationship with you, with your sister, we were good friends.

  5. Beautiful photos and sentiments - - autumn is a special time of year when everything slows down and mellows - I have always loved September - I hope this is a good one. Sweet memories of your father to cherish.

    1. Yes Elaine, Mellow is the perfect word to describe September. It is a lovely month.....I hope it is a good one too. It has started well....................

  6. I can imagine how you miss your father when you have such a sweet memories and had the same affinity for gardening. September is a real beautiful month, leaving the garden as it is. I think September is the month that I work the least in the garden, just dreaming around, enjoying and making new plans.

    1. Yes indeed Janneke, I miss him very much.

      September is the most beautiful month, a joy to behold. I leave the garden to it's own devises at this time. I love to see the changes in colour and the shadows lengthen.
      Dreaming is one of my pastimes too!

  7. Our hawthorns havent't started turning yet but the hollies and beauty berries are turning. It is an exciting time of year. I love it when the air begins to feel fresh again. Today is supposed to be our last day in the 90's this week. I sure hope so. I am sick of this heat and humidity. So it goes here in SW IN. I know your Dad is with you every step you take in the garden. It must be such a comfort.

    1. I also love it Lisa,when the temperatures drop.....and the nights are cool.
      90 degrees is way too hot for me. It is 17 C (64 F), and that suits me fine.
      Look forward to seeing your autumnal garden.

  8. Hi Cheryl, beautiful images of your garden and enjoy your memories as well...the colour is heart warming and I can smell the fresh Autumn air from here..
    Amanda xx

    1. Hi Amanda,

      I think this year will be a good year for autumnal is something I really look forward to.
      Feel sure you will do one of your field trips when the leaves start turning :)

  9. What a lovely legacy your dad has left you, Cheryl. Beautiful photos. The hawthorns are starting to 'berry up' here too, Autumn is on it's way.

  10. The mornings make me think autumn is here :) It is really damp and chilly....
    Dad left a wonderful legacy,,,,,,,,,,,

  11. Your post reminds me of that wonderful time when thinking of my father finally made me smile with pleasant memories rather than cry with continued hurt. We never get over the grief, but years tend to help us heal and remember the good times.

    1. Tku for your comforting comment.
      I have many happy memories but sometimes thoughts of him catch me out, and I am overwhelmed by the sadness I feel.
      These times will pass.............your comment reassures me of that :)

  12. Lovely images and such lovely sentiments. I didn't realize your father began as an apprentice gardener--he left you quite a legacy. It's beginning to look a little like fall here, too, though the temperatures are still so warm that it still feels like summer.

    1. Hi Rose,

      Dad sadly could not finish his apprenticeship, life got in the way.
      He amazed me with the knowledge he attained............I am grateful to him for so many reasons.

      It is misty again this morning...........I have just fed the birds, and it is really chilly.

  13. What a loving tribute to your Dad, Cheryl. No, he's not far away…

    1. Hi Wendy,

      I know you still feel deeply about your David............until we experience the passing of a loved one, we never truly understand what grief is.
      I often feel Dad walking with me around the garden............
