Monday 1 September 2014

Happy days

 Summer days drifting away.............
 Soft golden rays ...............
 A lone bee .............. 
 Flowers in all their glory.............
My darling little dog, and loyal companion................

It does not take much to make me happy.

What makes you happy??


  1. All of those if only we had them. It's raining again here and I have no little dog!

    1. Hi Jane,

      Sending them to you.....but not the dog :)

  2. So nice to be happy with simple things, I love them all, the weather, sun but also rain sometimes, the flowers, the different skies on my morning walks, the wind, the birds and above all my dog Snarf.

    1. Hello Janneke...........Simple pleasures, and all free.
      Snarf is a lovely dog.

  3. We had a beautiful day here too. Love seeing peeks at your flowers and that darling Nella. She looks quite content too. Simple is best...

  4. Simple things are the best Lisa, and they are free. Sometimes in this materialistic world, I think we lose sight of the things that are truly important :)
    I love my little dog.................she is content, we are well matched.

  5. You sound very chilled out in this post Cheryl - must have got out of the right side of the bed. Whilst I was taking my morning ablutions I was listening to a robin singing outside - I do love a robin's song. And watching the sparrows taking a bath sitting on the lily pads in the pond. Looking at the beautiful cloud formations over the last couple of days - this morning the sky is pink and lavender and pale grey - the natural world - I appreciate it all.

    1. I am fortunate Elaine, I feel like that most days. Of course, things happen in our life to challenge us. My Mother is a depressive, I have seen first hand what that can do to her firstly and to those that love her. My daughter also suffers...........
      As it is genetic, I learnt to deal with depression via diet, meditation, nature...........and most of all an amazing husband :)

      What a beautiful scene you set..................those last lingering days of summer.

  6. I think the simple things in life make me the happiest of all. I'm happy today because the sun's shining and I've got a line full of washing drying. Nella is so cute.

    1. Yes Jo, definitely, washing drying on the line works for me. As I speak my bedding is blowing in the breeze :)

  7. Must agree with everyone, Cheryl. Simple brings contentment. A sunrise, sand beneath my toes, raindrops on flower petals, bees buzzing around or dancing with butterflies, sweet doggie-friends or disdainful cats (who make me laugh with their "airs"), the laughter of children and family, music, a good book, a happy garden - just to name a few.

    Your pics are beautiful - you are so creative with your camera, softening the edges of some photos and capturing Nella's calm and thoughtful expression.

    1. Hi Wendy,
      Thank you, I love my camera :)

      Lovely description of all the things that make you happy......children's laughter being one of the best.........

  8. Hi Cheryl - thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, those are 2 of my grands in the header. Jasmine who is 7 now and in grade 2 and Nathan who is 5 and just in kindergarten. They are my daughter's children and ones I've blogged about more than the others. Can't believe how grown up they are now! That pic was taken at a nearby farm. There are lots in my area. I love horses but am rather nervous since they are so big! But my grands put out their wee hands without hesitation to pat their soft, velvet noses.

    1. They are both how times flies.
      I love horses, but am not afraid of them :) My neighbour has six and I often take little Dominic to feed them............he loves them. I can see he will ride one day.

  9. The things that make me happy are too numerous to list. Now that we are retired we seem to take more pleasure in little things. Love the photograph of sweet Nella. Thanks for your thoughts for our Lucy. She continues to be just fine. And that definitely makes me happy.

    1. That makes me happy too. I am so pleased.....I have been thinking about her a lot today.........
