Friday 16 January 2015

A wet day in January

 The last two days have been wet and windy to say the least.   
 I thought I would pop out and take some images of the garden as it is today.

The woodland area at this time of year brings much pleasure to the gardener.........she just wishes the sun would drop by :)


  1. I wish the sun would pop by too. We've had a few snow flurries today but it hasn't settled, we're forecast light snow tomorrow and then the temperature is set to plummet next week. I think winter is finally here.

    1. I think you are right Jo, lets hope it is finished by March :)

  2. Ugh I don't like wet and windy weather. Give me a cold crisp morning any day (not for too long of course). I'm rather hoping we'll get a sprinkling of snow as it's the weekend, just so I can cosy up on the sofa in front of the fire with a good book and cup of hot chocolate. I live in a dream world don't I!? Your flowers and shrubs look so pretty and bright. I really must go and take photos of mine. Have a great weekend.

    1. It has been a horrid couple of days. I have been soaked through to the skin more times than I care to mention. I definitely do not want looks great but leaves everything in a mess.

      it is good to dream,........have a lovely weekend

  3. We have the sun today. It is very welcome. Your puddle looks like our back garden after a hard rain. I will have to get out and take some pictures today too. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised with a bit of color. I will look to see if my snowdrops are up. They might bloom if they are up since we are to have this glorious sunshine tomorrow too. Awwwe the primroses blooming. They are so sweet. Just like you. :)

    1. Ha :) Lisa you are way to kind.

      Seeing the summer snowflake in bloom was a bit of a shock. Generally they appear towards the end of Spring.
      Even if it is cold, seeing that bright yellow ball makes such a difference

      I love primroses.............always pleased to see their pretty faces.

      Have a good weekend Lisa. XX

  4. The weather is not so good, but I love sculptures in your garden...

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

  5. Hi Cheryl
    You manage to make your garden look beautiful even when it is wet and miserable - even the little girl could do with cheering up. I love the foliage in the second picture are they Epimediums, and all those big fat buds on the hellebore - why isn't yours looking as tatty as mine does. Cheer up - the rain can't last forever (she says with her fingers crossed).

    1. Good Morning Elaine,

      The sun is shining...........hooray, freezing cold but beautiful.

      The foliage is Arum Italicum........a lovely winter ground cover plant. Just like our native Arum it has a greenish white hooded flower in early summer, followed by orange red berries.
      Beautiful beneath shrubs or deciduous trees. If you want some I can always send some in Autumn, just let me know.

      Hellebores.......I always cut the leaves away in October, even if they look good at the time.
      I find it lets the flowers have their glory and new leaves appear for the Spring and Summer months. I also put leaf mould around them when they have finished flowering.
      You probably do these things, but they may just help :)

      Hope you have the sun also.............enjoy your weekend.

  6. What a beautiful garden you have. Mine is under water in parts (the slate bedrock isn't buried very deeply here). I am praying we DON'T have snow as the central heating boiler has a big problem - e.g. it has stopped working. Thank heavens for wood burning stoves . . .

    1. Thank You

      Oh husband has just fitted a new central heating boiler in our daughters home. Why do they always go wrong during the winter months ?

      Wood burning stoves, gorgeous. We have an open wood burning fire, no so efficient as yours but beautiful just the same :)
      Stay warm........

  7. Now that is just too much water! I hope it doesn't stay around long. Such lovely, colorful images of your garden, Cheryl. Here everything is white, although a warm-up today will probably melt much of the snow and turn everything to a brown mush. I know you don't care for snow, Cheryl, but a covering of snow is so pretty, especially when there is nothing green in my garden.

  8. Well Rose it was supposed to snow today but I am relieved to tell you, it never arrived
    Although it looks pretty when it first arrives, I do so hate it when it turns to slush............
    Temperatures are very low fact I havn't been able to warm up at all.

  9. What lovely pics you have to cheer up a cold winter's day here! Your garden looks lush, but yes, rather too much water. LOL. Even the little girl looks like water's dripping from her chin.
    I see primula! We are a long way from spring flowers, but will soon be able to purchase them in our stores. I like to decorate my window sill until real spring arrives.

    1. Morning Wendy,

      I have a relative who lives in Canada. She has told me about the weather......

      Primula have flowered early this year. They are one of my favourite Spring plants.

      It is lovely to have Spring flowers brightens the day and gives one hope of what is to come.

    2. Good Morning Cheryl - thank you for visiting my blog. I left a comment for you, but since I rarely leave comments on my own blog, I thought I'd leave one here as well.

      I like that you said "Our Grandchildren" - it's true. We are both blessed with grands, so I believe your initial comment to be the true one!

      Snow is so pretty and fun to photograph - however, I'm with you on not driving in it. In fact, at my age, I can cancel any outings or appointments and just stay home.

      Escaping to Florida at the end of January for a week with my daughter and her two children. Seems like we need this time away as our winters here are so long and harsh.

    3. How lovely Wendy.....Florida is a wonderful place for sunshine. Have been many times and love it, so did the Grandchildren. Have a wonderful pleased you are enjoying life :)
