Thursday 26 March 2015

Stoats and thrushes............

 The copse is the most natural part of the garden.    Although I have planted there, I generally let nature take care of itself.
 I love to walk the area, making a mental note of how things are progressing.
It is the best area for wildlife.    Today I saw a pair of mistle thrush busying themselves amongst the leaf litter.
 Much to my surprise an adult stoat popped out from one of the rabbit runs.   It soon disappeared when it saw me.    I am always thrilled to see them, as rabbits are a favourite food source.
Nella was the other side of the fence and in hunting stance.      The sap is rising and my little dog most certainly has Spring Fever  :)


  1. Hi Cheryl..Refreshing Spring happenings there in your gardens. Exciting to see color popping out in flowers and greens, especially love the moss in the first photo!
    Our snow is melting fast now, and hope it doesn't snow again. Spring birds are starting to arrive, so we will have Spring after all : ). Breathe in the beauty there in your garden, and thanks for sharing bits of it with us.


    1. How wonderful....songbirds are the most delightful birds. Spring is but a breath away Grace.

      I love moss.....I never remove it from the garden. It is very magical and for me, enhances the garden.

      Have a lovely weekend grace

  2. Must be such a joy to see all those tiny treasures popping up in your copse Cheryl. A wonderful shot of Nella on point duty.

  3. I saw a hint of your cyclamen...swoon... Isn't it fun to be out this time of year when you are sure to see something new popping up each time you stroll through the garden. We have standing water in our garden AGAIN!!! Come on sunshine!.

    Three cheers for the stoat!

    That sweet Nella. She is so beautiful in her alert stance.

    Pats and hugs all around.

    1. Cyclamen are everywhere Lisa....they most certainly love this garden. I knew they would as they grow beneath the hedgerows along the lane.
      Standing water is a pain Lisa.......oh dear !! Come on sunshine, where are you ??

      Love the stoat....aiming to get an image, they are very quick though. I might have to hide amongst the bushes :)

      Love my Nella.....

  4. P.S. I love seeing thrushes tossing leaves about looking for their dinner. We saw a robin in our garden with nesting material! First of the year. This is great nest making weather for them as they use mud to pack together the grass, stems etc. An exciting time in the garden is beginning.

    1. Glad to hear the Robins are nesting Lisa....a good sign.

  5. Awww, Nella's so cute. I bet she has a whale of a time with all the rabbits in your garden. I love to encourage wildlife to my garden, it may be small but even the tiniest bit of land can be made wildlife friendly. I have the tiniest little pond but it's amazing how much wildlife that attracts. Your photos are fabulous.

    1. Any water is wonderful for wildlife Jo, isn't it? The size does not matter, nature will make use of it in some way. I wish that everyone would be a pond in their garden (large small of miniscule0 as it would be so beneficial to so many creatures.

  6. Must have been exciting to see a stoat in your garden, I suppose Nella´s nose smelled him. She looks beautiful and on her guard.

    1. The stoat is the most vicious of creatures, it is one that fascinates me. Having so many rabbits here I am more than pleased to see him/her. Hopefully they will make full use of this restaurant to feed their family :)

  7. Nella look very smart, my old man is going for his winter hair cutting on Tuesday,will do some before and after shots.
    Your photos are have a wonderful garden.
    Amanda xx

    1. Ha!!! look forward to that Amanda. I hope hubby approves of you displaying his new look on your blog :)

    2. I had to laugh, perhaps I should have explained a little better, Old man is our Boarder Terrier dog ! Hubby would not up for photos :)
      Amanda xx

    3. Hilarious......that made my day. :)

  8. I wasn't even sure what a stoat was, Cheryl, so I had to look it up--what an interesting sight he must have been! Good to see Nella back on duty again. Sophie has been enjoying spring, too, and is thrilled on the few days I have been able to work on the garden. She has been on vole patrol--I think she finally caught the one she was after, but in the process dug up a deep two-foot wide hole in my garden! I'm not sure which is worse, the vole or the hole:)

    1. Indeed Rose.....I know all about holes in the garden. I know you, like me, whatever happened, you would not be without your darling dog :)

      Stoats are the prettiest of creatures. I love their ginger coloured coat and they have the most beautiful of faces. Fascinating creatures.

  9. We have stoats here in the US but not in our southeastern region. I do so love your garden and I love that you have the copse to let Nature rule and plant with only a little help from you. Marvelous photograph of Nella. Worthy of framing.

    1. I did not realise you had stoats in US, that is interesting. I must research.
      Thank you on both counts.......I wish I had the courage to let nature rule the whole plot, perhaps one day. Nella always looks good this time of year, Spring is definitely her season :)

  10. I really like the picture of Nella among-st the greenery it's so natural.

    All the best Jan
