Wednesday 18 March 2015

The elusive scents of early Spring........

 Spring has been fickle this year.    Often visiting the garden for a day, only to let Winter take control once more.
 The East wind at the weekend was bitter.   I felt at one point I would be cut in half by the intense cold.      
 Despite the weather, the garden looks beautiful........slowly the flowers open and give one a chance to think about what lies ahead in the gardening calendar.
 A Spring garden is surely the prettiest?     After the grey days of Winter, she slowly wakes, showing the loveliest of blooms.
Oh to be in England now that Spring is here ..........

The three months of Spring are called the period of the beginning....the breaths of Heaven and Earth are prepared to give birth, thus everything is developing and flourishing........

Nei Ching.........


  1. I'm so happy when the spring blooms arrive, they're a wonderful reminder that winter is finally coming to an end. Such pretty images you've shared, I especially like the cyclamen with the iris in your first photo.

  2. Absolutely Jo....March has been very up and down in Kent. So pleased to see the garden is finally coming to life :)

  3. What a beautiful set of photos, glad you are back shoeing us your garden..
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks Amanda.....a holiday and family issues kept me away for a time.....

  4. Hi Cheryl. It is amazing what delightful treasures are appearing in our gardens after a few days of sunshine, albeit chilly to say the least. A week ago the Narcissus were barely showing and now bright yellow is popping up everywhere joining the numerous clumps of Leucojum. Definitely the best time to enjoy new beginnings. I have a few patches of Cyclamen ... just love the leaf patterns as well as the dainty blooms.

    I saw my first Sand Martin on Sunday so hopefully it won't be to long before we can add the sweet sounds of the migrant birds to our garden residents.

    1. Chilly is an understatement, it has been really cold here.
      I have an extensive patch of cyclamen now, I also love the leaves.

      Amazing....wonderful to see Sand Martins.
      Looking forward to the migrant birds returning to our shores :)

  5. Flowers are amazing aren't they to be out in the biting winds and cold and yet still looking so lovely. How brave they are and an inspiration to us softies who feel the cold and scarper indoors on such days! Harbingers of hope eh?

    1. Yes that is so true Jane. It never ceases to amaze me how tiny Spring flowers survive the harsh weather that Spring offers. Indeed much hope :)

  6. Welcome home Cheryl. Obviously your garden was delighted that you were home and threw up all her prettiest spring beauties to welcome you. Love seeing all of this color. We are finally getting a few crocus blooming. Daffs are just beginning to bud. We have had a wet month so far. More rain tonight and tomorrow too. Gotta pull on the wellies to get out right now.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you. It is good to be home, although I miss the sunshine that Mojacar offered.
      It was good to be back in the garden. Do you worry about your garden whilst you are away, or is it just me ???

      On with those wellies and back to the seasonal chores that gardening brings. xxx

  7. Lovely. That's the most wonderful thing about spring. The slow awakening with hints and promises before fulfillment.

    1. It is the slow awakening that I love......each day something new appears.

  8. Lovely photos of your pretty Spring blooms.. brightens up a dull, cold day :o)

  9. Deine Frühlingsbilder sind einfach schön. Besonders gut gefallen mir die Cylamen.
    Gruß, Anette

  10. You know I think that the spring garden is the most beautiful of all. There's something magical and spiritual about the leafing of trees and rebirth of flowers in the spring. Glad you are back home to enjoy the first signs of spring in your garden, Cheryl.

    1. Yes Rose, you are right.................there is something magical and indeed spiritual about the coming season.
      It is good to be back with family, nella and the garden :)

  11. Hi Cheryl,

    Lovely photos and very lovely flowers!
    Today has been surprisingly warm, even with the eclipse! It soon turns cold though once the sun begins is descent.

    I'm really, really looking forward to spending my evenings outside once more. Sitting around, enjoying the bees... ah.

    1. I envy you the warm weather Liz.....the wind is the problem here, it is so cold........
      some of the evergreen are browning, possibly wind damage.

      I feel the same. I cannot wait to have our evening meal on the patio, and then potter around the garden until the sun starts to set :)
      Not long now eh ??

  12. Hi Cheryl... I have missed you and your post. I have been trying to stay with the blogging, but have been having ongoing bouts of anxiety, panic attacks, along with my depression. I am doing better, and I am sure Spring will help my mood if we ever have one : ). Your gorgeous flowers are uplifting and encouraging to me .
    Your weather is quite different then ours at the moment. It may seem cold there, but we are no where near what it is like there. Sunny today,very strong winds, and 8 above zero. Snow blankets our landscape, and gardens. I know Spring will give birth in all it's glory and beauty. Taken so long it should be a good one ; )

    Grace xo
