Saturday 11 April 2015

Down on my knees............

 As most of you know, my favourite area of the garden is the woodland.    Spring, I believe, is the prettiest time of the year with regard to woodland plants.
 Each year I await the arrival of the first Epimediums.    I love tiny flowers, and the only way to truly appreciate these is down on my knees.     Versicolor is a real charmer with its low clump of evergreen foliage, attractively tinted when young.    Loose sprays of yellow and pink suffused flowers are so pretty.
 The cream coloured violet appeared in the garden a few years ago and is working its way through the woodland.      This is a gift from Mother Nature and I am truly grateful.
The garden Robin has been busy making his nest in our post box by the side of the farmhouse gate.    Sadly, I have had to deter him.    I did go to the garden centre and buy yet another robin box, which I have located near the post box.    Lets hope he uses it :)

Have a great gardening weekend.................I am planting roses today.


  1. There's something unquanitifably appealling about that robin's expression...he looks sad perhaps, that he is less important than your mail!

    1. Now I feel guilty Robin, Certainly not less important, hence buying another Robin box. I have at least four now, all in ivy, so that predation is limited.
      What is it about robins and post boxes ?

  2. Hope the robin will make her nest in the robin box, but sometimes they are stubborn. Your Epimedium and cream violet are wonderful. I had two varieties of Epimedium, but I could not find them anymore. Last week I kneeled down at the spot they should be. Was so disappointed, the little plants are there but flowerheads are eaten by those naughty rabbits.

    1. Robins certainly are stubborn.............

      Rabbits most certainly love the flowers. I have planted scented cranesbill around them, and the rabbits leave the flowers alone because they do not like the scent of the cranesbill.
      such a disappointed when flowers we love are eaten by pesky bunnies.

  3. Hi Cheryl... Wow so green your little woodland, we still are looking at patches of snow sign*.
    Birds can be very determined when they want to build in a certain spot, hope you have success .
    Sound so nice be able to get into the garden, and plant. Enjoy the rose planting.
    I have had an eye infection of sorts in both eyes, and been on eye drops to clear it up, so haven't been doing much on the computer . Hope to get back into it right off.


    1. Snow Grace........I bet you will be glad to see the back of it.

      It is wonderful to be in the garden. I struggle with roses here due to the rabbit issue but have decided to clear some very large pots and put roses in them :)

      I do so hope your eye infection clears must be awful to have it in both eyes.
      Take care my friend.

  4. Awww, bless the robin, they do make their nests in the most inappropriate places. I remember visiting B&Q one year and a robin had made her nest right in the middle of the display stand which was housing the summer bedding plants. Another year and another garden centre and a robin had made her nest amongst the pots which were for sale. I hope your robin makes use of the new box you've bought. I don't know anything about epimediums, it's a plant I haven't come across before but isn't it charming, such a pretty colour too. I shall have to read up a bit more about them.

  5. Hi Jo,

    I have also seen robins nesting in display items at garden centres. They like to be close to man and never seem worried who is around. Of course, I always worry for them.....nature of the woman I am afraid.

    Epimediums are beautiful woodland plants.....they spread very slowly. I have often considered collecting them, and this year I think I may start. Been a bit of a dream of mine.

    If ever you like any of the plants on my blog please always feel free to ask for a piece. If it is not possible I will say but I am more than happy to share :)

    1. Thank you for that very generous offer.

  6. Hi Cheryl
    We put a robin nest box up a couple of years ago but have had no takers so far - I reckon they will nest where they want rather than where we would like them to! I sort of have a woodland garden which is almost left to its own devices but I don't think the soil is moist enough for Epimediums - but self-seeders seem to love the area. How sweet is that cream coloured violet - do you reckon it is a viola escapee - very pretty - I noticed a lot of violets on the road verge this morning but don't seem to have so many in the garden this year.

    Hope the weather is being kind to you.

    1. We have several boxes Elaine and they have all been used over the years.
      Obviously this Robin prefers the post box. Only he would know why :)

      I find Epimediums grow in dry and damp soil....that it is only my opinion. One plant has spread beneath a pine tree which is a very dry area.
      I love the violet.......I really do not know where this has come from. Perhaps just a seed lying dormant for a long time maybe. It is very pretty......has a beautiful centre to the flower.
      Strange how things change each year, I have more violets this year. Not complaining :)

      Weather is beautiful.............

  7. My epimedium is also blooming. It is a plain yellow. So delicate. I just love it. The robins here are building like crazy. The American robin robin makes their nests in the crotch of limbs on trees. Our wrens are liable to build anyplace including mail boxes if they are left open. ha... I hope your little robin chooses one of the boxes designated for them. Don't you just love this time of year? We have had a run of days without rain. We almost have our mulching finished. Now it is spring migration. Have to bird nearly every day. It is good that the days are longer. ;)

    1. I have a plain yellow epimedium is lovely.
      I do love this time of year so much. Each day presents another miracle that leaves me excited by what is to come.

      Mulching is a laborious job Lisa.....nearly there, well done.

      Busy time for you Spring migration.....make sure you put your feet up in the evening :)

      Hugs xxxx

  8. The cream coloured violet is beautiful, loving favourite area of the garden too...Hope the Robin settles.
    Amanda xx

  9. Hi Cheryl - love the title 'down on my knees' as gardeners so often are but with great rewards.

    Hope the Robin likes his new box - time will tell.

    All the best Jan

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Cheryl - don't know why but my first comment repeated itself, so I deleted it, but now posted again to let you know. !?!?

    All the best Jan

  12. Hi Cheryl - don't know why but my first comment repeated itself, so I deleted it, but now posted again to let you know. !?!?

    All the best Jan
