Sunday 19 April 2015

In tune with nature............

 My mother has suffered with depression for as long as I can remember.    As a child I never quite understood what was happening............the change in personality, the darkness that descended on the home.
 Often I would ask her if I could take my brother out to Greenwich Park, just to get away from the heavy atmosphere.
My brother and I would spend several hours there, playing, running, and exploring.   My spirit would lift and I was ready to go back home to Mum...........

 Since Father died I have come to understand my Mother and the depression she lives with.    I like to think I have helped her through her most troubles times..........
 I still find it can leave me mentally exhausted on occasions.     That is when I turn to the is my sanctuary.
Alone with the birds bees and trees I am at one with nature.
 I walk the garden every day, I believe I must know every blade of grass, tree root and plant by now :)
 Of course, I do not.............gardens are mysterious places.   As I strolled this morning, I wondered what was happening beneath the soil.....the creatures, fungi and bacteria.     A world, deep beneath the plants and trees.

 Looking at the tree house, I think of the Grandchildren, bright lights in my world.     A season of summer fun ahead.
Life is ever changing............but it is good.   Problems arise but in a years time they are but a distant memory.

Happy gardening........


  1. Your garden is a magical place. Those fairies are always busy adjusting... You must go into the garden daily. I know...

    1. I have a need to go into the garden each day..........sometimes in the Summer I wander for ages in my pyjamas. I lose track of time and before I know it an hour has gone.
      Sitting in the tree house at dawn on a summers day is magical.......


    2. Funny you should mention being outside at dawn, I was thinking of going there now. The robins here are singing the predawn chorus. Wonderful to hear even if not being outside.

    3. Go on Lisa be brave.......get out into that garden and take in the air :)

  2. Such a beautiful sanctuary you have there. I am sorry that your mother suffers with depression such a difficult illness to bear and for others to understand and help with but I am sure you are of great support to her and that your garden is in turn a great support to you.

    1. As always Jane, so beautifully put. Thank you.

  3. This was beautiful..thank you .

    1. Thank you for taking time to read my post.

  4. Ooooh, I have similar problems with my mother.....cannot talk about it, but indeed the garden is my best sanctuary too and my dog and my blog. These are the best distractions of a mentally and physically exhausting life, caring for very old (95 and 94) willful parents.
    Your garden looks lovely and a bit secret, the treehouse a great place for the grandchildren.
    Wish you all the best and enjoy your garden!

    1. I respect your privacy Janneke..........yes gardens, dogs, and grandchildren are my greatest distraction from a sometimes difficult period in my life.
      I do hope that you find solace when times are hard.

      Thank you for your kind wishes.............

  5. A walk round your garden would make anyone happy, it's so lovely..
    Amanda xx

  6. A garden can be a godsend in these kind of situations, it can lift the spirits and ease our troubles. I'm sorry to hear that your mother suffers with depression, it's such a hard illness for others without experience of it to understand, she's very lucky to have your support.

    1. Hi Jo,

      Through my life I have noticed many are reluctant to talk about depression, and I believe, as you say, that is because they do not understand the condition.
      I suppose there is no evidence of the illness, unlike a broken arm, which is visible.

      I try to support her Jo, and only hope that it helps her in some way.............

  7. There are so many aspects to your garden - so many different vistas - so many secret places - a beautiful haven for wildlife and a sanctuary for you. It must be have been hard for you as a child when your mother suffered her depressive periods, but I guess you didn't know any different and learned how to deal with it - children are made of strong stuff aren't they. To wander out into the garden every day and feel at one with nature - forgetting all your cares for just a little while is what gardens are all about - a solace for the soul. Have a good week my friend.

    1. Thank you Elaine.......we all love our gardens, don't we? I have put my heart and soul into landscaping this one and I know that you have done the same.

      Children are made of strong stuff.............we all have our story to tell.

      Hope you have a good week.............Spring is racing by isn't it?

  8. Mental illness, depression affects so many families and life is not always easy.

    Gardens, a walk, a change of scenery can help - it lifts the soul, a little magic often takes us to a place where we can 'deal' with and sort out our emotions.

    Your garden looks fantastic.

    Hope you have a good week

    All the best Jan

    1. It does affect so many families Jan, more than we realise I suspect.

      Physical activity of any kind, is good for the mind, I believe.

      Tku re garden......

      You have a good week to.

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  10. Depression can be so debilitating, but so often misunderstood by those who don't experience it. I am so glad you have your garden as a sanctuary--such a beautiful place to think and gather strength. Today is my mother's birthday--85 years old--and yesterday a good friend lost his mother. When I think of others, I realize how fortunate I am and am reminded to appreciate every single moment I have with my mother, who is still quilting, still helping others, and always eager to spend time with her family. Hugs to you, Cheryl.
