Monday 21 September 2015

Getting ready to say goodbye to summer............

 Summer clings by a thread.   Late flowering bulbs look pretty dotted around the borders.

 Colours are soft and subtle.
 Random plantings in early Spring have given me a lot of pleasure.
 A beautiful time of year when summer starts to give way to Autumn.
 Chinese lanterns are just starting to show their filigree casing.
 Annuals removed from baskets, winter plantings take their place.

Apples are nearly ready to be picked and cobwebs form.

Autumn, my favourite season, mellow, soft and full of nostalgia

Enjoy :)


  1. It is a lovely time of year isn't it! x

  2. The three months of October to December is where we give way to browns and greens, lush, wet colours. January, we gradually start to begin to count the colours back in.

    1. There is always something to look forward to, isn't there Simon............

  3. Still beautiful colours in your garden, I love that fragrant Acidanthera and a good idea, I shall put coming week winterplantings in my hanging baskets.
    Have a nice week!

    1. I love the drooping habit of Acidanthera, and yes the fragrance is wonderful.

      Enjoy your week Janneke

  4. Love those fall bulbs. You still have so much blooming. Here plants are clinging to life as best it can. We are still praying for rain. We usually get 3-4" per month. We have had only about 1" per month since July. Not a good thing especially with winter coming on. Must get out and water in plants I want to be sure to make it through the winter. Hopeful for a mild winter.

    1. We have nothing but rain at the moment Lisa........puddles are starting to form around the garden. It is supposed to be a warm and sunny weekend, I am looking forward to that.

      I think we are all hoping for a mild winter. I am thinking the winter may be harsh this year in the UK..............

      Have a good week.......

  5. Oh dear, you are right! Autumn is getting harder and harder to ignore. I want to wring every last drop out of summer while I still can !

  6. Beautifully said with lovely photographs to accompany the narrative. Welcome back.

  7. I'm still clinging to summer by the tips of my fingers, I'm not ready for autumn yet. I do love Chinese lanterns, they never seem to do very well in my garden though. I've had a cobweb on the outside of my window for a few weeks now, the spider sits right in the corner for most of the day but he comes out at the same time each day, around late afternoon, I suppose to see if his web has caught anything for tea. Just so long as he stays outside the window and doesn't venture indoors, we've had a few huge things running across the floor just recently, urghhhhh. Nice to see you back again.

    1. I grow Chinese lanterns in pots and find they do well. The ones in the ground have disappeared. I quite like spiders. If they are indoors I just put a glass over them and slide a piece of cardboard beneath, then put the spider outside. There are some pretty large ones around this year I must confess. I can understand anyone who is frightened of them wouldn't want them as visitors :))

      Nice to be back.....have a good week Jo.

    2. Everywhere is looking very autumnal now but your garden still looks very pretty. I must get some Chines Lanterns as they dry well and make a lovely splash of colour indoors. Spider's webs are really beautiful especially with dew or frost on them. It's a pity that I can't like the weavers of them any better. Terrified doesn't begin to describe how I feel about them though I have trained myself to do as you do with unless they are somewhere so awkward that I can't risk it in case they drop onto me or the floor . The very thought makes me shudder!!

    3. I understand your fear.....I have many friends who are terrified of spiders.
      My father used to pick them up and take them out. I believe that is why I do not fear them :))
      Chinese lanterns look lovely in a vase.......especially with autumnal berries etc.

  8. My pots are still looking good, but I do have loads of bulbs ready for planting

    1. I have finished planting mine........
      tulips and daffs.............

  9. What lovely pics, I just love chinese lanterns, I must check on mine! gosh,you have your winter baskets out already, you put me to shame, they do look lovely! Suddenly we have spiders everywhere, especially

  10. What lovely pics, I just love chinese lanterns, I must check on mine! gosh,you have your winter baskets out already, you put me to shame, they do look lovely! Suddenly we have spiders everywhere, especially

    1. Probably the winter baskets are a tad premature but the annuals had suffered in the windy rainy conditions. I kept the planting simple, heather and ivy are tough plants :))
      Everyone seems to be plagued by spiders this year..........

  11. So lovely to see you posting again Cheryl ... welcome back, and hope you enjoyed your blogging break

    I don't mind spiders, and I love to see their intricate work. Their webs also look great when there is frost about!

    Still lovely colours in your garden - I do wonder if we may still get the 'Indian Summer' the weather forecasters keep talking about. In recent days it has been rather wet!!

    All the best Jan

  12. So lovely to see you posting again Cheryl ... welcome back, and hope you enjoyed your blogging break

    I don't mind spiders, and I love to see their intricate work. Their webs also look great when there is frost about!

    Still lovely colours in your garden - I do wonder if we may still get the 'Indian Summer' the weather forecasters keep talking about. In recent days it has been rather wet!!

    All the best Jan

    1. I agree Jan.....spiders webs and frost look stunning. The garden is in a frost pocket, some of the art work during the winter months is amazing.

      They say that October will bring a heat wave.......we will see. It would be nice :))

      Best wishes
