Monday 5 October 2015

It is a little overwhelming..........

 My concentration levels are low.    I find it difficult to focus on one thing, without being distracted by another.   I have always been this way.
 It is rare for me to sit for a long period of time.   I find I become distracted, I need to be 'doing'.
It is frustrating and annoying..........
 I start work in the garden, before I have finished the job in hand, I am starting the next.
 Most of the time I seem to work in chaos but it generally turns out okay in the end.
 I am making a conscious effort to change but it is so difficult to alter the habits of a lifetime.
 Complete one task, then move to the next.   
 I am now reminded that  I have not ordered the pebbles and rocks for the dry river bed.......I will get around to it, really I will.
 After I have cut back the shrubs, of course..........
 and cleared the borders of weeds.
Perhaps I will just sit in the copse a while, only a short while.
Oh my, I need to raise the canopy on the trees.....I think I will make a list, perhaps that will help.   Hmmm....I do not think this is going to work.   I am as I am, I need to learn to accept it.

The roots of who you are lie in the 'darkness' of the subconscious........


  1. Cheryl - you have an amazing garden, I always enjoy 'my walks' around it with you.
    There are those who work from lists, there are those who do one task at a time...
    We are all different and the older we get the more difficult it is to change (if change is what we want to do). I have learned to 'go with the flow more' it is less stressful.

    Hope your weekend was enjoyable and Monday has not been too wet - but many areas of the UK have experienced rain ... but gardens do enjoy it!

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

    1. Morning Jan,

      Most of the time I go with the flow, but there are times when I have so many gardening chores to do, it would be nice to complete one and then move to the next.
      I start out with good intentions but my mind always wanders :))

      Weekend was great.....lovely to have the children and Grandchildren together.
      Monday was damp more than wet.....I managed to get some gardening done, then got side tracked by tidying the shed !!! Ha I give up :)

      Hope your weekend was a good one..............

  2. Oh Cheryl, I laughed when you said you go from thing to thing. My DB is always fussing that I don't "finish" what I have started. ha... I get 'er done though. Your garden looks so lush. My poor garden looks so dry. That is how it has been and I guess the way it will be for some time. I must learn to live with it. The toad lilies have horribly browned foliage. Just about everything is droopy. The fall rains will surely come. They are late. I love your new bridge. I see that Nella approves. She looks so cute trotting across the bridge. By all means get the rock ordered. You might run out of things to do. ;) Big hugs.

    1. I feel for you Lisa.....a dry garden is such a worry, to those of us who love our plants. I hope the Autumn rains come soon.
      The Grandchildren visited at the weekend. Dominic loved the bridge and kept chasing Nella across it :) It was so funny to see them going round and round the garden together.

      Lisa I despair ......I am the same in the house. I start dusting and notice the magazine racks are full. I start to clear them and notice paperwork is getting out of hand on the table......I literally move from one thing to another and end up back where I started. Oh well :)

  3. I'm very distractable too, but you can't be so bad if you have worked on a lovely garden like that.

    1. Thank you Simon, you are too kind. It is the chaos getting to that point that drives me crazy :)

  4. However you get round your chores, your garden is looking fantastic on it. I think we're all different, I have to concentrate on one thing at a time and make sure that gets done, but then other things end up suffering for it because I haven't spent any time at all on them. It all gets sorted out in the end though.

    1. Ha:) The opposite end of the scale. Your comment made me smile Jo.
      My husband is like you. One thing at a time and it is always finished to perfection.......
      Indeed it does all get sorted in the end, no matter how we do it.

  5. What you are seems to achieve pretty spectacular results anyway:) I'm a maker of lists and 'finish one job before starting the next' type but it takes all sorts and my garden is nowhere near as nice as yours so maybe I should try working in a more chaotic way !

    1. I wouldn't recommend it Rowan :)
      Thank you for your kind words.........

  6. Your garden always looks lovely.. but I must admit I tend to start things then get distracted by something else.. but like you it all gets done in the end and that's the main thing. :o)

    1. It does get done in the end, and as you say that is the main thing.............

  7. Oh Cheryl I am just the same. I start working in one border then see something somewhere else that needs doing and so on and so on. Like you say - it all gets done in the end even if the route is a little haphazard.

    1. Exactly Elaine....could not put it better myself :))

  8. Do not look upon your distraction and method of doing things as something that is "wrong" and needs to be fixed. It is you, and what makes you uniquely you. So forget about changing and just keep on being yourself. After all, it seems to have worked extremely well for you.

    1. Thank you............such a positive comment.

  9. Love your garden, keep doing what you are doing, it's working, can't wait to see the pebble area

    1. The pebble area will be done at some point to when, your guess is as good as mine :))

  10. A lovely and thought-provoking, honest post. I love your garden- so much to do in it, no wonder you ping-pong. I would too :o) x

    1. Ping pong....lovely phrasing and sums it up perfectly :)

  11. Oh my, your garden is so beautiful, Cheryl! I always enjoy taking a virtual walk around it with you. I am a die-hard list-maker, but I get easily distracted, too, especially when working out in the garden. I have so much I want to do this fall that I am prioritizing my list, because I know I'll never get it all done--which means that much longer a list come spring:)

  12. Ha! That made me smile Rose. I was having similar thoughts today. I know I will never get everything done, so like you I will have an endless list of gardening chores come Spring. Maybe the winter will be mild and allow us to complete some :)

  13. Your garden is so lovely! Whatever you are doing it seems to be working just fine! And gardens need constant work in any case...

    1. Gardens do need constant work Jandi............sometimes it seems never ending :)

  14. I was smiling and nodding away here, I too drift from unfinished job to job! Everything is looking lovely, and I'm sure it will all get done in the end. I have an endless list of garden jobs as I haven't managed to do any gardening since Buddy has been

  15. I was smiling and nodding away here, I too drift from unfinished job to job! Everything is looking lovely, and I'm sure it will all get done in the end. I have an endless list of garden jobs as I haven't managed to do any gardening since Buddy has been

    1. I tend to day dream as well.........all in all I am a bit of a drifter in the garden. It does get finished though.
      Have a lovely weekend.

  16. I am like you -- jumping around instead of being focused. My husband says I create more work for myself by doing that. I don't know. Can you change something that is ingrained in you?

    1. I doubt we can change it Linda...........acceptance is key.........I am learning that :)
