Friday 30 October 2015

Leeds castle...........

 Wednesday morning I decided to visit Leeds castle.
 A fifteen minute drive and I was walking in the castle grounds.
   I usually have Grandchildren with me. It seemed strange without them but  gave me the opportunity to go off the beaten track, and enjoy the spectacular autumn scene. 
 The grounds has streams, waterfalls and lakes.........a bird paradise.
 My favourite tree.......ancient and full of character.    I always think it looks as though it might have a secret door :)
 I like this formal area.      It draws you along the pathway.
 Beautiful display of monkshood.     It really stood out amongst the dying foliage of other plants.
 Salvia and rosehips caught my the colour combination.
 I walked along to the tropical gardens.     
 I found a bench.     The sun came out.   It was so warm I had to take my coat off.
 I walked on and was very taken with the red hot pokers.
To the side of the garden is a man made lake.      All sorts of birds were flying in.     I do not know if they will stay, maybe they are just passing through.    I sat on the wall and watched them.   

It was a lovely few hours, I am so lucky to have such a beautiful place so close to home.

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. WOW I want to go there, lovely photo's.

    1. It is a beautiful place...........I intend to make regular visits, as I have a yearly ticket :)

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous photos! I also love red hot pokers! It looks like a wonderful place to visit! My husband has family in Calverley, Leeds. Have a beautiful weekend!

    1. I love red hot pokers Jandi.....aren't they gorgeous?
      Leeds castle is actually in Kent.....confusing for those that do not live here :)

  3. How lovely to live so close by, it looks a fantastic place to visit. So many different areas of interest and the birds too. I love red hot pokers, they really make a statement in a border at this time of year.

    1. There is a lot more to Leeds castle. I just showed some of the features that I like:)
      Red hot pokers are beautiful.....just wish I had the garden for them.............

  4. I loved this Cheryl. So many different areas of interest - I wish I could have seen it with you. nice to see some colour in the gardens I loved the water and streams how I would love a stream running through my garden. So glad you enjoyed your visit it does make a nice change from the day to day routines doesn't it. Have a lovely weekend my friend.

    1. Me to is a dream of mine to have a stream running though the garden.....sadly that is all it will be :)
      It was strange walking alone but I actually enjoyed it. I played with my camera.....something I have not done for a long time.

      Have a great weekend Elaine

  5. What an absolutely delightful post, Cheryl! Your pictures look like postcards - they are so clear and make me feel as if I can walk right in! Leeds castle looks like a wonderful place to visit - and I see you also have Canada geese. Do you watch the migration each spring and fall?

    Have a nice weekend too!

    1. Hi Wendy,
      Some Canada geese stay here all year ........
      That never used to happen but climate has changed things.

      I do watch the migration.............being near the coast a lot of birds fly over the garden, to settle in the surrounding fields. It is lovely to see them during the winter months.

  6. Oh yes that gnarled tree is really intriguing!

    1. When Poppi was little she believed fairies lived in the tree...........

    2. I believe Poppi's right!

  7. Of course fairies live in that tree. You must believe to find the secret door. What a lovely stroll around the castle. I would love to see this too. It is obviously one of those places you need to visit often to see everything. I think when you are alone you "feel" the different aspects of a garden. I could almost feel the warmth of the sun in your pictures. Fun to see the Canada Geese, Mute Swans and Gulls. I bet they have all sorts of birds there and not just water birds. Gets me excited just thinking about them. I am still amazed at the tropicals in your area. It would be interesting to be able to have so many different types of plants in ones garden. My tropicals are all crammed into my house in front of windows. I don't have as many as I used to but the ones that I have a rather large because they are my favorites and I have babied them along over the years. I love the fall pictures of the yellow leaves on the ground. Everything about the place draws my eye. Thank you for taking me there. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. I just love to walk there Lisa.....I have so many memories children, my grandchildren and of course my parents.
      I love to watch the birds....and yes there are many. Far too many to mention.

      The tropical garden has a high wall as a backdrop......this of course holds the heat and keeps the plants warm even in the depths of winter. I didn't see another soul when walking this area, it was so peaceful. I bought a takeaway coffee and a sandwich ..........I sat for ages munching and watching.:)

      Have a great weekend.

  8. Having just spent time with two of our grandchildren these past few days and seen the relatively new fairy door they have in their play house ... I just have to agree fairies should definitely live in that wonderful ancient tree!

    Some fantastic photo's here Cheryl, it looks a lovely place to visit, and still colourful for this time of year.

    ... on a slightly different topic, I can't help noticing some of my comments come through twice even three times ... I notice this with some comments we receive too ... I just put it down to a computer glitch ...

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

    1. I love the sound of a fairy door in the play very charming :)

      Computers are a law unto themselves :)

  9. My daughter went to uni in Leeds and although I often visited I never entered the castle I've missed out. I had no idea it had such beautiful gardens!!!
    I loved this post, so many beautiful images. My favourite has to be the fairy tree, and YES, it DOES have a secret door!xxx

    1. Hi Snowbird,

      Leeds castle is in Kent, close to my home. Many people make the same mistake and think it is in Leeds......why wouldn't you Leeds castle ????

      Happy Sunday

  10. Hahahaha....what a DINGBAT I am....that makes sense now, if such beautiful grounds had been in Leeds I'm sure I would have heard about them!!! xxx

    1. We all make mistakes and believe me I make more than most :)

  11. What a gorgeous place, and lucky you to have it so close by! Scenes like this just make me want even more to plan a visit to the UK. The US has some beautiful parks, but of course, we have no lovely old historic castles like this. I'm trying to remember what is famous about Leeds Castle--I'll have to look this up after I leave here. I like history almost as much as I like gardening:) The tree is fantastic; it looks like something out of 'The Lord of the Rings,' but Lisa is probably right that it's inhabited by fairies:) Have a great week!

    1. I also love history, particularly churches and castles Rose.
      As a small child my father would take me to see many historic buildings, and so the journey began..

      The history of Leeds castle is so long I would not have the time to tell it all.

      It is over 1,000 years old and has been the home of six royal Queens...............
