Wednesday 24 August 2016

The jungle garden..........

 The jungle garden was never really planned, it just happened.    It is now a favourite place for the Grandchildren.    It is quiet and secluded and full of birds.
 It is 31 degrees today and humid.    I love to sit in the shade surrounded by the greenery, and watch the birds.
 I have three favourite plants in this area.    Trachycarpus Fortunei is first on my list.    I planted this around twelve years ago.    It will take low temperatures but likes a nice warm wrap in winter.
Poppi and I usually cover the lower trunk with fleece, this seems to work.    If you look to the right of the image you will see a smaller version.   This has been planted in the last two years, so has a way to go, before it reaches the height of its neighbour :)
 Second on my list, Fatsia Japonica........beautiful architectural plant that flowers in Autumn.    Much loved by late flying insects.....berries appear in the Winter.
And finally Fargesia Nitida, the fountain bamboo.     A beautiful clump forming plant, with purplish stems, that turn yellow/green with age.   Some gardeners are scared to plant bamboo.   I have never had a problem with them.    I am selective when purchasing a new specimen and to this point they are still where they should be  :)    Not taking up new homes in the garden.

Hope you are all coping with the hot weather....find somewhere shady to sit and have a nice cup of tea, which is exactly what I am going to do now.


  1. It is a jungle in there. :) It is like entering a different world. I could never grow those plants even with fleece hugging them during winter. I think it is amazing that you can, even with fleece. We have several 31C degree days to look forward to this week. The Elephant Ears (colocasia) I have grown this year loves this HOT weather. I have a pretty black one. I am looking forward to fall. !!

    1. To be honest Lisa, when I planted the palm I never thought it would survive. Although I had done a lot of research, I was still doubtful. This garden is in a frost pocket so it can be very cold in the winter. We have had temperatures as low as minus twelve, which is cold for the SE UK.

      I am looking forward to you know, my favourite season. I always feel a tad melancholy though when the bees and butterflies depart and the garden begins to fade :(

    2. I forgot to mention that I love the picture of you in the tropical garden. Great to see you.
      Big hugs....

  2. A cool green place is always welcome in hot weather and your 'jungle' looks perfect. It's probably enjoying the heat and humidity a lot more than I am:)

    1. It is a little too hot Rowan......I do believe I am melting :)

  3. I like the way different spaces in a garden speak to the different moods and thoughts of the gardener. X

  4. Sometimes a favourite place in the garden just has its own way of growing, changing, evolving.

    Green is such a peaceful colour isn't it ... I can imagine sitting there.

    I had to go out earlier and the temperature gauge in the car read 35 !!! It was so hot - thank goodness for air conditioning in the car.

    All the best Jan

    1. 35C eeeek.
      Way to hot for me.

      Green is a peaceful colour......I could sit there for ages, it is so otherworldly.

  5. Your jungle is beautiful! It is funny- we also have a part of our garden which I call the jungle- it is VERY steep so difficult to do much there... My girls love exploring there... I am starting to envision what I want to do with that area... It will still be a jungle but a bit prettier...have a beautiful day. (And yes, I'm scared of bamboo... Especially in South Africa!)

    1. I look forward to seeing your jungle garden Jandi. In early summer I have several clematis that work they way through the plants. It looks pretty in a scruffy sort of way :)

      Your last line made me laugh. Yes you would be scared of bamboo. I have seen it growing in SA :)

  6. You look so peaceful sitting there - you are lucky to have a garden big enough for different areas.

  7. I was enjoying watching a robin, he was singing away. I felt like he was singing to me.
    My husband just happened to be there, picked up the camera and took a photo...........

  8. Oh, how I enjoyed your jungle. Shame I couldn't join you for a cuppa!xxx
