Friday 26 August 2016

Summer dreaming.........

 I am a dreamer, there is no doubt.     I mostly dream about the garden.
 I see images in my mind and try to create them.
 Most times I fail but this  year my dreams have come true.
 By growing Echinacea and Cosmos in pots the rabbits have left them alone.
 The bonus is they are covered in bees.
For me, this paints the  perfect picture.


  1. Six beautiful pictures Cheryl ... my favourite is your first one.
    So good to see the bees though.

    All the best Jan

  2. It has been a poor year for bees here.
    The mixed up weather seems to have been the issue.
    They are always my priority where the garden is concerned.

    I took the first image lying on the grass. I cannot tell you how difficult it was to get up with my camera and Nella thinking it was play time :)

    1. So funny. Yes. The dog will always assume you are on the ground to play.

  3. Bees are so important, so if we are able to do anything to attract them, it really is a win, win situation.

    I can imagine Nella wanted to play while you were taking that photo:)

    All the best Jan

  4. Beautiful! I might try potting up some cosmos next year. The rabbits haven't eaten my echinacea as yet. I hope they don't start that. UGH... I love the little bee with the white butt. I don't think we have those around here. At least I have never seen them.

    1. I love Echinacea and cosmos Lisa. I have tried so many times to dot them amongst the borders, only to see them disappear in a matter of days.
      This year I was determined to have a small display, so pots seemed to be the only way to go.
      It has worked well, they have been flowering for a long time.
      I shall plant more pots next year.

      That is one of our largest is the buff tailed bymble-bee.

  5. Gorgeous photographs. It's always nice to see the bees.

    1. Thank you....yes always good to see bees, especially as many are in decline.

  6. Beautiful! The bees seemed late to arrive this in large numbers in my garden. They are hear now though x

  7. Yes I noticed that too.......very late. Possibly the cold Spring.

  8. I adore cosmos but it just didn't seem to do very well out in the garden. So I did as you did and planted it in a pot. It is looking so pretty.

    1. That's good to hear.
      I shall add more of them next year (in pots)
      They are such a dainty pretty flower and the bees and butterflies love them. What's not to like :)

  9. That picture of the white cosmos against the blue sky is gorgeous. They haven't done very well in my garden this year, not sure why - I usually have vases full of them, but this year they are a bit stingy. As for Echinacea I just can't get them to come back the following year - I have tried everything to no avail - so like you I have one in a pot which is doing ok - it is called sunrise which is a pinky-orange colour - divine. Fingers crossed it will re-appear next year, if not - I give up :)

  10. Yes it is easy to give up Elaine. I often feel like that with the rabbit issue here. I have lost so many plants over the years to rabbits.
    I am hoping the Echinacea will come back next year. I am going to put the pots in the greenhouse over winter and see what happens.

    I love cosmos. In my previous garden I would grow dozens and have them dotted all around our small garden. They looked lovely. I really miss that...........

    Have a good week. Still very warm here with no sign of rain..........

  11. Your pictures are just stunning, especially the white cosmos, both those would be perfect prints! I'm so glad your dreams have come true this year!xxx

  12. I have both plants here too and they are a magnet for bees. Interesting you've had a low bee year, it's been a good one for them here, I think the best yet. It's flutters we're down on. Have you seen many small torts? Numbers are down across the uk and butterfly conservation is asking for records. X

  13. Yes I have seen small torts....only two but they are around.
    I have seen far less blues this year and peacock butterflies are nowhere to be seen. I usually have plenty.

  14. Hi Cheryl,

    I've never had much luck with coneflowers; always disappear eventually so it pleases me greatly that you've had luck with them now. Also love the creamy coloured one, I just wish we had the great variety here they have in the US. Such as the double click ones... I might just be tempted to try again with them if they were readily available here.

    1. I would love to have blueberry petticoats in the garden.
      I love blue flowers.
      We will have them eventually I am sure.

      I am just pleased to have some in the garden :)

      Hope life is treating you kindly ?
