Saturday 3 September 2016

Summer days drifting away.............

 The school summer break is over.
 Time to think about unfinished books.
 September my favourite month.   Summer pleasures slowly fading.
 Golden days.
 Subtle alterations and
 misty mornings.

 Autumn never lets me down,
 it is always beautiful,
 gentle, slow,
 and calm, perhaps with a wild wind here and there.
Magical, melancholy days.............


  1. Hooray! No more kids on the streets at night! Or kicking footballs at me on my bike during the day.

    Lovely pictures!

    1. Yes peace and quiet for you Simon .........

  2. You have chosen some lovely flowers to depict the colours at this time of year. The difference between late summer and early autumn is subtle but you can feel it in the air. The early morning is definitely chillier and the nights drawing in. We have had some lovely weather just lately, and I am definitely making the most of it, hope you are too.

    1. We have had several misty mornings, they have been very beautiful.
      Tried to capture it but my camera kept misting over.
      I will make the most of it now the Grandchildren are back at school. They spend a lot of time here during the summer holidays. We have taken them to the coast, forests, large country parks and London. It has been wonderful.

      Have a great week Elaine.

  3. Time flies, grandchildren back to school and autumn is on our footstep. I like the ´lazy´ gardening days of September. The garden is not calling us for much work anymore, we can just enjoy. You made some great pictures and I hope we can enjoy a lot of lovely September days.

    1. Lets hope so Janneke. It would be wonderful to have a fine September.

  4. What is that bloom, third picture from the top? It is beautiful. Is it a tree blooming this time of year? I have never seen this before. Your fall blooms are gorgeous. I love fall colors. Fall is my favorite time of year. Ahhh... Such sweet relief we have had the past few days. It is great that you had time with the Grands. Great photos of them. Dominic is getting so big. Your book looks like a good read. I am reading a biography about Alexander Hamilton right now. I have so much to tell you about a garden tour I went on with Beckie and Rose. FUN...

    1. It is Leycesteria Formosa (Himalayan honeysuckle). One of my favourite shrubs. It has chains of white flowers during summer then in autumn is followed by maroon/purple fruits which are loved by the birds. I cut it to the floor each Spring which keep it tidy. I have three now........just too beautiful.

      I love to read....I have a small pile by my bedside ready and waiting. Your book sounds interesting Lisa. Let me know what you think when you have finished it.

      How wonderful that you could all get together. Look forward to hearing all about your trip.

  5. Such a beautiful tribute to autumn, Cheryl! I felt calmer just reading this and looking at all your fantastic photos. It's been such a hot summer here that I am eagerly looking forward to fall, too. The book looks very interesting--I will have to look for that. I just finished reading "Hamilton," the book Lisa was talking about. Very, very long, but fascinating. Lisa, Beckie, and I just got back from a short trip to Wisconsin and had such a great time; I think we all needed a little break:)

    1. Thank you Rose......

      How wonderful that you can take trips together and share the same interests. I look forward to hearing all about it on your blog. It is good to have a break. We plan to go away at the end of the month :)

  6. oh this post is beautiful! your images feel so peaceful... like time is standing still... hop you have the most beautiful September...

  7. Replies
    1. Mist and spider webs are the most magical combination........

  8. Lovely photos, I too love autumn ans especially September which is my birthday month. You;ve described all the good things about it perfectly.

  9. Like you, we have our photo's of the grand-children on a side table and our two youngest start school in a matter of days. School uniforms, book bags etc bought and all is ready ...

    I love all of your wonderful flowers. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons, as "Summer pleasures slowly fading"

    All the best Jan

    1. Always a wrench when the youngest start school. I am sure they will be fine, bless them.......

  10. I share your love of September. One can feel the coming changes. The apples and grapes are ripe. And the Autumn flowers are blooming. And we have a respite from the tourists with summer gone and the leaf season not yet here.

    Your photographs are gorgeous as always.

    1. I hope you are ready for the autumn tourists as they visit the autumnal display.

  11. Another beautiful poem of a post, with several paintings/should be paintings thrown in. A real pleasure visiting here!xxx

  12. Another beautiful poem of a post, with several paintings/should be paintings thrown in. A real pleasure visiting here!xxx
