Wednesday 12 October 2016

Delicious Autumn.

 Summer's warmth has left the garden.
 Shadows dominate and leaves litter the ground.
 Autumn is a time to slow down and prepare for Winter.
 Plants that flowered in abundance look tired but
 still manage to produce a bloom or two.
 A bee finds a cosy corner.......
 and rests a while.
Delicious Autumn.


  1. Hi Cheryl
    Nice to see you back, hope you enjoyed your holiday. Autumn hasn't quite reached us as much as it has you. The trees are still green and no leaves have fallen yet. I have been so busy working out in the garden as the weather has been so wonderful so far. Nit is all now shipshape and ready for winter. It all looks far too neat and tidy though - you know I like a bit of wildness, it I expect it won't take long before it is unruly once more.

    Did you enjoy the book Common Ground - I hope so, I loved it.

  2. Hi Elaine,

    My garden seems to be a mix between the two seasons. It is chilly here though. The wind has been from the East for ten days, but today, at last, it is coming from the South West so is not quite so cold. I can live with it..........

    I loved common ground. It is a book I shall keep, as I know a couple of years down the line I will want to read it again.
    It was a book I did not want to end :)

  3. I love the pockets of colour in our gardens at this time of year, the flowers produce stunning blooms.

    1. Yes me to.....the leaves are slowly turning.
      a beautiful time of year.

  4. Autumn has hit here too, the evenings are drawing in and there is quite a chill in the air. I loved these pics, especially of your lovely ornamental

    1. Hi Snowbird,

      The owl was a gift from my late in laws. A treasured part of the garden..........

  5. Autumn has hit here too, the evenings are drawing in and there is quite a chill in the air. I loved these pics, especially of your lovely ornamental

  6. This is normally the time we might expect our first frost, not so this year. It has cooled down the last couple of days but since we haven't had measurable rain this month it feels quite dusty, dry. Leaves are beginning to fall. The days have shortened and I am hoping for the quenching fall rains to begin. I love the cooler weather. It is making it easier for Gary and I to get our spring mulching accomplished. ha... We will see how fall mulching works. The small bumbles haven't taken to the ground yet. The still swarm the salvias that keep on producing in this weather. We still have a hummingbird or two making the rounds. Maybe this cold front coming through will put to bed the bumbles and send the hummers to warmer climes. Your garden looks fabulous. I love your header shot.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I still have bumbles in the garden, not many, but a few.
      The dahlias seem to be their favourite food source.
      I shall plant more next year.

      Will the hummers be ok if the weather changes quickly ??

      We had a ground frost a few days ago........just a dusting of white on the grass.

      Hope rain comes your way soon

    2. Yes, the hummers will be ok. They are small but mighty. They will move on soon. As a matter of fact I didn't see one yesterday. I was busy in the garden though and might have missed it. They (it) usually hangs out by the salvias and I was on the other side of the garden from them.
      We usually have a bit of frost by now but right now we are in near record high temps. These high temps aren't bad to me. Just warm enough to be comfortable outside. I have lots of garden work to catch up with since this summer was so sweltering. I don't do much outside when it is so hot. Stink bugs have been trying to enter the house. This means that the weather is going to change.

    3. That is good to hear......they are so tiny, they look so vulnerable.

      I have been busy in the garden. A lot has been left this year but I am slowly going through the motions of tidying.

      It is cool here, which is pleasant. I like cooler conditions. We are expecting frosts this week.......

  7. so beautiful! we went straight into summer this year... it doesn't bode well for the drought to end here in South Africa... thank you for your kind words... have a beautiful weekend.

    1. Oh dear Jandi, that is not good news. It must be very worrying when the drought continues through each season.
      I do hope the rain comes during the Spring...........

      Have a lovely weekend too :)

  8. Much cooler in the evenings and mornings here too. Lovely to still have colour in the garden and the odd bee! X

    1. Always pleased to see the bees..........

  9. Autumn truly is delicious ... and your photo's so lovely to see.

    All the best Jan

  10. I love your header photo! It's finally beginning to feel like autumn here, too. The leaves are just beginning to turn, but the past two nights have been very cool, so I think the trees will start to turn more quickly now. I noticed Lisa's comments about the hummingbirds--I haven't seen any the past two days here, so I think they have finally headed south. It always makes me a little sad to see them go, but they were here much later than most years, and I certainly want them to get to their winter homes in time. We're supposed to have good weather through the end of the month--I hope so, because I have lots of bulbs to plant:) I know autumn is your favorite time of year, Cheryl; enjoy!

    1. Hi Rose,

      The changing climate is certainly having an effect on migration around the world.
      Our swallows left early this year.

      I planted two hundred bulbs before a weeks break at the beginning of the month. Sadly on my return half of them had been dug up or chewed. Probably squirrels.
      I have replanted some of them but my Spring display will not be as planned........

      Have a good weekend Rose

  11. Yes, Autumn is a time for slowing down and reflecting. Our trees look rather sad. The color is muted and many are already turning brown from the lack of rain. (Rather ironic with the eastern part of our state ravaged by flood waters.) We are hoping the deep taproots will allow them to survive the winter as we wait for the rains in spring.

    We have not seen hummingbirds for two weeks now. Another important sign that winter is coming.

    1. So sad, lack of rain seems to be something that I hear more often when blogging.
      Our garden is extremely dry. The leaf fall is early, probably due to lack of water.
      Climate change will affect everything and everyone.
      We must learn to adapt, I just hope that nature will too.

  12. Autumn is delicious indeed...wonderfully and beautifully delicious :)
