Thursday 10 November 2016

Time passes..........

 Half term was spent in Cornwall with family.
 Although skies were grey, it was warm.
 It was good to see Poppi and Riley in touch with the outside world.
 It has been such a difficult year for them but they are getting there.
 On our return we found a visitor.........I rarely see a fox these days, sadly it seems to have mange.   Poor thing.
 Days are damp, cold and misty.     Doesn't seem to worry Nella too much.
 There are such beautiful colours in the garden.
 There is nothing to compare to Mother Nature's artistry.
Each day has something to offer.......I love the transition from Autumn to Winter.      How about you ?


  1. Your garden is so beautiful, Cheryl! Glad to hear the children are adjusting to their new reality... Must be so hard... I would love to see a fox...

    1. Hi Jandi,

      I was so pleased to see the fox in the garden. It is top of my favourite wild animals........

  2. I love the colours in the garden at this time of year, nice to see you had a good break.

  3. The Grands are growing up so fast! It is good to hear that they are adjusting to their altered life. This is the first week of true autumn temperatures. It feels wonderful. I can hardly wait until winter puts all to sleep in the garden so I can rest a couple of months. ha... The longer evenings have been good for reading. I have only seen a fox near our house one time. It was standing across the street watching us come home from dinner one night. I know there is a den about 2 miles from my house so it wouldn't surprise me to see them. I hate to see ill wildlife. It makes me feel helpless. You have some pretty color in your garden. We had a heavy fog this morning. It almost felt misty. Have a good weekend.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Yes, the grandchildren are growing fast. It will not be long before they tower above me :)

      I am the same. I really would have loved to be able to help the fox. It is the first time I have seen a fox with mange. They are generally very healthy around here.
      Plenty of wild food available.....rabbits etc.

      Have a good weekend............

  4. Beautiful colours, I love those Acers in your garden and the fox....he does not look shy I think.

    1. The fox was quite bold Janneke.
      Not so sure he would have, if Nella had been in the garden.....

  5. Lovely to see all of your photo's, but especially those of Poppi and Riley, as they adjust and cope with the change in their young lives ...

    Your garden does look very colourful, this is an amazing time of year.

    Perhaps as the weeks progress the gardens will take on a frosty or even snowy look, we shall see.

    No matter what the weather we should embrace each day ...

    Take care my blogging friend

    Sending you, and yours my good wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. Hi Jan,

      Do not mention the 'S' word Jan.....I am not a lover of the 'white stuff'.

      You are right we should embrace each day..........

      Have a great weekend.

  6. Hello Cheryl
    Nice to see a post from you. I have been loving this autumn - so mild and colourful and with no rain for so long to spoil the leaves on the ground. Of course it is on the downward spiral now, much colder with lots of grey skies - we have been spoilt with the beauty of autumn - November is doing what comes naturally I guess.

    For once I am on top of all the garden jobs because of the good weather - so I can relax a little now and turn my mind to other more wintery pursuits like reading - I have a pile of books waiting.

    Lovely to see the grandchildren enjoying themselves on the beach - glad you enjoyed your holiday.
    Have a pleasant weekend my friend.

  7. p.s. Lovely to see the fox in your garden he might reduce your rabbit population for you.

  8. Hi Elaine,

    You are right it has been a beautiful Autumn.
    The colours have been amazing.

    My garden is on hold. I had a nasty fall a few weeks ago and my head took most of the impact. It has left me with headaches and on occasion migraine. With the help of a osteopath and pain killers it is improving :) This things are sent to try us.

    Sadly I believe the fox is after next door's chickens. They leave them to roam the garden during the day when they are out at work. There are plenty of rabbits to go around for sure. I have way too many at the moment......

    Have a great weekend. I expect you will be reading as the weather does not look good.

    1. Oh dear Cheryl - sorry to hear of your fall - the ground is hard when you impact with it - do be careful, we don't want broken bones :(. Hope the headaches soon subside. I am sure the garden will manage without you as it settles down to winter.

      It is pouring down today - very miserable, so yes, I will be settling down with a book later - I am reading The Little Paris Bookshop at the moment - a novel about how reading certain books can change our lives.

      Take care and look after yourself.

    2. Thank you Elaine..........When I fell I ended up looking up at the sky. My first thought was, is anything broken. Does anything hurt that much Ha! I am sure I will be fine given time.

      Book sounds fascinating.......please let me know your views. I often buy books on recommendation.

  9. Lovely photographs, Cheryl. I usually love Autumn but this year has been unlike any other. Extreme drought and horrific forest fires have put western North Carolina on high alert. I do hope we will get significant rain before we head into winter.

    So lovely to see your grandchildren on the beach. It has been such a difficult year for them. And for you. Glad you could get away for a while.

    1. Thank you for your kind words........

      I do so hope that rain comes to your area soon.
      Drought and forest fires are so destructive.
      My youngest niece has experienced both in Australia, such worrying times.
      The rains will come, I pray soon.

  10. Good to see Riley and Poppi enjoying themselves after such a difficult time. They have grown up so much. Lovely images from your garden, especially the misty day with Nella. I do enjoy fall, and this year we've had a beautiful season. We just had our first frost this past weekend, the latest we've ever had one, so we have really been able to enjoy autumn this year.

    1. Yes Rose, Poppi and Riley have grown. How quickly time passes. We must make the most of these times :)

      Our Autumn has been the best I can remember for a long time.
      The colours have been amazing.

      Hope you and yours are well Rose.......

    2. I'm pleased to see Poppy and Riley having such a lovely time, being outdoors is always so healing for children.
      I loved your garden pictures. Oh, poor little fox. They sell homeopathic cures for mange online which people put in jam sandwiches as foxes have a sweet tooth. Happy autumn, it's such a lovely season isn't it?xxx

    3. Thank you Snowbird.......

      I think being outside is healing for us all........I know it is for me and feel sure it is for you.

      Thank you on your advice re the fox. I will do that.
      I would love to be able to help him. The fox is top of my favourites list.......I have always had a passion for them.

      A beautiful season........every day is a gift.
      You are in my thoughts and prayers.......

  11. Hello Cheryl, I'm new to your blog, I've visited from Janneke's after reading your comment about a dog and thought, 'that's my sort of woman'! I've been looking at your recent posts and connect very strongly with the experience you had in losing your mother. The death of your grandchildren's father is a tragedy and it saddens me greatly. It teaches us to take nothing for granted and to treasure each day. I hope that the healing process continues for you all.
    Autumn was lovely, but the thought of cold weather and low light levels for the months to come fills me with dismay. Rain and deep floods in this part of the country this week - I'm hunkering down!

    1. Thank you for your kind words.......
      It has been the most difficult of years but each day things improve. We have moments of deep sadness but also moments of immense joy.

      I do not mind Winter. Once Winter begins I always feel that Spring is waiting in the wings, biding her time, that wonderful explosion of spring bulbs.
      We have had lots of rain, storms and biting winds.
      I am drowning in leaves :)

      Have a lovely weekend.

  12. Hello, Cheryl! I'm Nadezda and here from Rose's blog. I like reading your posts, your autumnal photos are beautiful, especially your maple tree! I completely agree with you about winter, I think the same that spring will come after winter, although not soon :(
