Thursday 11 January 2018

A New Year

 It has been a wet January so far.   I do not mind.   Water levels are low, due to a dry 2017 in the SE.   It is good to see the local wildlife ponds filling.
 I noticed the first snowdrop buds in the garden today.   It always gives me such a thrill when they start to bloom.   It is the start of things to come.    I shall bring some into the house this year.    The scent is quite lovely and can only be appreciated in a vase on the kitchen table.
 This is a  surprise the first primrose blooming beneath the hedge by the copse.   It is small detail but just so promising.    
The days are getting longer, only slightly I know but they are.   

I have started my New Year with a fitbit.    In my late sixties I decided to improve my walking and exercise.
I have also started a new diet.    Last year I found I had a severe intolerance to dairy.   I had been feeling unwell for a long time, and had put it down to older age.
I walked 10km yesterday  with Nella and managed to get my heart rate up with some running.
At this moment I am feeling this space.

And tell me what are you up to ??


  1. Hunting the emerging wildflowers as are you, only we have aconite up now as well to go with primrose and snowdrops - first flowers seen 23rd December!

    1. now that's early Simon.
      It is only just beginning here.

  2. First exciting. I had to go out to see if ours are popping up when I read this...yes. They are only up about an inch. Unfortunately we are supposed to go back into the deep freeze this weekend and who knows for how long. The past few days have been spring like.
    Good for you getting a fit bit to encourage your fitness. I have thought about getting a fit bit but I am afraid it would make me feel so guilty. ha... I guess I am not as diligent as you are. I applaud your task. WOW 10km. That is a long walk. I haven't done that in some time. I am still dealing with tendonitis in my foot. UGH... If I get too frisky it flares up. I just plug along. I am improving my diet. I used to be very dairy intolerant. Since I have aged I don't seem to have too much problem with that. I can't eat citrus which is a shame. I bought Gary and I an orange to eat the other day. It tasted so good. The citrus in Florida is ripe and so hard to resist this time of year but I know I would pay for it if I eat too much.
    I can't wait to see what else pops up. Spring isn't that far away now. It won't be as long as it has been. Lovin' those few extra minutes of daylight.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      We will have an artic blast next week. Temperatures are going to drop and icy winds expected.

      I beginning to walk less and not feeling as good as I should.
      The fitbit has really motivated me. I hope it lasts :)
      Poor foot. Must be so frustrating for you. Will it get better at some point do you think??
      I remember having oranges when we visited Florida, they are delicious.

      Have a good weekend Lisa.

  3. How exciting to watch as the snowdrops and primula begin to bloom! Spring is in the air and your garden is feeling it. I had planned on planting snowdrops in my garden this past autumn, but never got to it.

    Good for you making changes in your lifestyle. It's never too late. A 10K walk is really an accomplishment! Don't think I could do that. I'm pleased you are feeling better overall!

    I started Aquafit this past fall. I don't go to the gym, I do love to walk, but not when it's absolutely freezing outdoors and slippery, so once the cold weather sets in I feel sludgy (is that a word?) And definitely need some regular exercise. I love being in the water and the pool at the YMCA is warm and classes are fun.

    I've told my ladies' walking group that I've grown fins and a tail until warmer weather. LOL.

    I'm fine with dairy - have always been, but have cut out red meat from my diet. I found over the past couple of years that I didn't like the taste anymore and I would feel uncomfortable after eating.

    I'm happy now with the changes in my body and feel lighter and younger than I have for a while.

    Love that the sun sets a little later each day and we've actually had rain over the past couple of days. As Lisa said - we're back to a deep freeze over the weekend, but it will warm up after that.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Swimming is the best form of exercise, so good for you.
      I wish I could swim. I love to be in the water but still sink :))
      I love being in the sea best of all.

      Glad you are feeling well. It is important as we age to take care of ourselves. I have become so health conscious these last few years.

      Have a good weekend Wendy.
      Hope you and yours are happy and healthy.

  4. It's always so good to see the new shoots peering through the undergrowth ...
    We've had quite a few grey days so far this January roll on Spring ...

    Good for you with the walking, it's a great form of exercise it needn't cost anything and is so enjoyable.
    There are some excellent walking groups around the UK if you should fancy joining one!

    Enjoy the rest of January

    All the best Jan

  5. Hi Jan,

    Yes walking is a wonderful way to get outside and be at one with nature.
    My aim is to walk at high speed eventually. Whilst I am walking in the fat burning zone, it is only occasionally that I get into cardio.
    Nella, my dog seem reluctant to pass all those lovely smells, so she keeps stopping for a sniff :)
    Yes there are walking groups in the village. I would love to join them but my life is so full (fortunately) I cannot fit in with them so easily
    One day :)

  6. Oh, snowdrops already, how lovely, you just can't beat those early buds emerging, a sign that the cycle of life is about to begin again. I believe that you rust if you rest, too much anyway. Walking is such good exercise and is so enjoyable. Good on you! I'm thrilled that I can walk pain free again, I'll never take that for granted again. All the very best to you and your for 2018.xxxx

  7. I love seeing little buds and growth tips... a promise of things to come... so much potential! So exciting! Wow 10kms! I'm sure you put many younger folk to shame... we have been experiencing temps well into the 30C... the girls have started their school year today... have a beautiful day!
