Sunday 28 January 2018

Iris Reticulata

 I remember buying bulbs last Autumn.     Sadly I have got out of the habit of making notes in my diary, and for the life of me I could not remember what I had planted where :)         This morning some had come into bloom.    Iris reticulata, such a reliable plant.
I think with the grey skies, the beautiful blue flowers speak of things to come.


  1. How wonderful to surprise yourself. That is one good reason to not write down just where you plant something. ha... I can write it down and then forget where I write it down. Aren't these little irises just gorgeous. They do lift One's spirit. They seem to be shouting "Spring is on its way".

    1. Ha yes Lisa, so true.
      I have a new journal and I am going to write everything down this year, at least that's the theory :)

      I love reticulate. The colours are stunning this time of year. They really brighten my day. I am now wondering what the other pots contain.
      Watch this space.

  2. I love the early flowers of Iris reticulata. I just noticed a bud of them in the garden today.

  3. Lovely surprise! I totally agree with Lisa!
    And I'm not always organized enough to write things down.

    Spring is in the air - most definitely!

    1. It is a lovely surprise Wendy, and still more to come :)

  4. They are just lovely. I always forget where I plant bulbs, it's always a wonderful surprise to see them coming

    1. It would appear I am not the only one who forgets :))

  5. simply lovely! and I think we all do the same with forgetting what we planted where... ps thankfully the drought in our province and many other have been broken about a year ago. but the situation Cape Town in surrounds is absolutely dire.
