Tuesday 27 September 2011

Indian summer and natures artwork.

Robin's pincushion,  also known as the rose bedeguar gall,  is common all over Britain on the wild or dog rose.    There may be up to sixty chambers inside the brightly coloured gall, each containing the larva of the small gall wasp Diplolepis rosae.   
Nigella has released her seeds.   Wonderful artwork, don't you think??
 Fox and cubs, one of my favourite wildflowers.........my new macro lens allows me to see more detail.    
 I loved art at school.....now in older age, I can use my camera to show you how I view the outside world........I see beauty in every stage of a plants life.
I must have brought the weather back from Spain :)    Temperatures are way above average for this time of year (27C    84F).     It seems the seasons are in such a 'jumble'........

Hope you are all well and enjoying your garden.


  1. Hi Cheryl,
    I hope you had a wonderful break and got chance to relax and nurture yourself a bit. The weather has been lovely hasn't it. i feel like maybe nature is giving us a last chance to warm ourselves through to the bone before the cold strikes. Someone said to me the other day it's meant to be a long, hard winter... we shall see anyway.
    Your pictures are lovely as always, I love this time of year for all the interesting and intricate patterns in nature. I kept meaning to look up what causes the bedeguar's gall on the wild roses, and now I know! Thank you.

  2. Hi Lucinda,
    Each season I try to work out what weather lies ahead.
    My grandfather used much folklore to forecast what lay ahead.
    The birds at the moment are leaving the berries. It is said that if the crop remains until the end of October then the winter will be harsh......we will see.
    I have also noted that rosa rugosa is producing more flowers than usual......I had to cut them back as the stems could not hold the fruits.
    Another indication that nature is preparing for bad weather.

  3. Lovely photos as always. The weather is fabulous isn't it and all the more appreciated as the days get shorter. At least if it is a hard winter we will have some sunny memories to look back on!

  4. It is beautiful Jane, I particularly love the misty damp mornings. I wander around the garden at first light in my dressing gown and wellies just soaking it all up :)

  5. Welcome home Cheryl. I know you had a great time. Would love to hear some details. Your macro lens is getting a great workout at your hand. I too look at the world this way. Especially in my garden. I have never seen that type of gall before. Love your new background on the blog. Big Hugs.

  6. Tku Lisa,

    I had a wonderful time. It was such fun being with the children. Riley learned to swim under the water. He loved it.

    Robin's pincushion is very pretty. I love the colour and the little wasps are harmless.

    I felt like a change, hence the new background. Strangely parts of it remind me of the inside of this old house, so it seemed quite appropriate.


  7. Beautiful images, Cheryl! Now I will have to go out and look at my nigella to see if they have released their seed, too. I never had the talent for drawing that you and Lisa are blessed with, but I see the garden as my canvas.

    Hope you had a great time in Spain. Thanks so much for the seeds! I haven't gotten Beckie's to her, but I will. I've been a little preoccupied lately--new grandson has arrived!

  8. Hi Cheryl...Welcome home ...I just know you had a lovely time away!! : }
    I find the after effects of the flower very intriguing ....love the Nigella and the gall very interesting!!
    Oh new camera Wow...I do wish I could have one, but retired and living alone not much coming in for finances limits my spending!!

    Like your new background ...and we will be seeing more photo with that new camera???

    ♥ Grace

  9. Congratulations Rose, how wonderful. A new life......new beginnings.

    You are very welcome....glad the seeds arrived safely.

  10. Aren't seed heads the best? I love them on Gaillardia, especially. That rose bedeguar gall is something--the only gall I've ever seen looks brownish, kind of like an elongated acorn without the cap. :)

  11. Wanted to say we have had those high temp's to it is crazy!!

  12. Hi Grace,

    Thank you. It is good to be back but being with the children is the best.

    It must be difficult....I had a friend who was in the same situation as you. Around five years ago now, she met her knight in shining armour and is very happily married.
    You never know what is around the next bend :)

    Crazy high temperatures.......

  13. Hi Monica,

    Know it sounds strange but sometimes I prefer the seedheads to the actual flower. Totally fascinating.

  14. Hi Cheryl,

    I hope you had a nice time on your holiday :)

    It would seem it's the time of year that everyone is buying new lenses... 4 people now! How strange lol. I hope you're finding the lens ok to use

  15. Hi Liz,

    My lens was a gift. Actually, I am really enjoying playing with it. As you know I do not take myself too seriously where photography is concerned. I just love to study things through my camera lens.

  16. Hi Cheryl,
    I've come your way via Whispering Earth and am so delighted that I did! Your photos are so beautiful and I love what you say of using your camera to show the beauty you see in the outside world. I attest that your photos really are windows into that beauty and truly capture the splendor to be found in each stage of a plants life. I especially love the photo of nigella! Glad your having warm and sunny weather.

    Happy autumn

  17. The world of nature is amazingly complex and you have captured great beauty in small things. I loved all the photographs.

  18. Hi Danielle,

    Thank you so much for your comment.
    There are many who do not notice the beauty that is around us. I always feel sad that people do not find the time to stop, for just a moment, breathe and enjoy nature.

    Happy autumn to you.......

  19. You do take beautiful photos, that Robin's pincushion is so amazing.

  20. You do take beautiful photos, that Robin's pincushion is so amazing.

  21. That sounds unseasonably warm for your part of the world, Cheryl! I hope you had a good time in Spain.

    Your photos are lovely as always. I particularly like the rudibeckia covered in a delicate spider's web.

  22. Dear Cheryl,
    Welcome home. I have plugged back in after my retreat.
    I love your macro lens...nice work! Mine is very good for portraits...I do bugs, birds and blooms!
    I also love each stage of a plants life...seed to seed.
    Spain sounds so romantic!
