Sunday 4 March 2012

It's raining, and it's welcome.

 It is raining today, heavy persistant rain.   I can hardly hear myself think as the rain hits the conservatory roof.   I will not complain.   We have a drought order across SE UK and this rain is very much needed.     Yesterday, was a lovely day and allowed me time to photograph the blooms beneath the old apple tree.    Miniature daffodils are part of the Spring meadow.    I love their tiny blooms, they never fall over, or suffer damage from the wind.
 Bees are loving this area.    They have so many blooms on offer, so for them it is a wonderful source of pollen and nectar.
 Aconites and Anemone blanda are a wonderful combination.    They will both spread rapidly and eventually, along with other Spring flowers, cover this area.   Please note the bumble and 'little bee' enjoying the sun and blooms.
 Of course, for me, hellebores will always be the stars of this Spring show.    I love this one, with its delicate pink petals.     I cannot for the life of me remember planting it.   Nothing unusual there :)
'Tutu' is a show girl.    You just cannot miss her.      My Spring garden would be less without these exquisite blooms.

I am visiting the school tomorrow to meet Rosemary.    We will start to plan the insect border for the children.    Money has been allocated, so it is full steam ahead.........  


  1. Beautiful flowers..I only I could smell'em right now))... Have a nice weekend!
    xoxo, Juliana

  2. Hi Juliana,

    Spring is not too far away. You will soon be smelling the flowers and enjoying each and every moment :)

  3. Hi Cheryl,

    Lovely blooms; it's been raining here too and I don't actually remember the last time it rained so much - although it isn't heavy rain mainly drizzly stuff which soaks to the bone.
    I'm glad I managed to get out into the garden yesterday and do some jobs in anticipation of today being a no-go.

    1. Hi Liz,

      It started as drizzle early this morning but now it is absolutely torrential. As I said in this post I am not complaining, it really is needed.....

  4. Hi Cheryl...I have been amiss on alot of commenting ..there are days when the eye strain is to much for me!!
    Your post are so refreshing ...I love seeing your new plants in bloom and I do love the Hellobores..they are just gorgeous!!
    We had pouring rain yesterday to after 3 inches of snow over night with this on top of the 10 inches on Thurday the reports are that we are up to a normal winter water table ...Well yeah!! Now at least stop the snow lol..!!
    Excited for you with your garden coming alive ..I know the feeling and I will have my turn soon..thanks for sharing yours in the mean time!! : }
    Have fun planning the childrens garden sound like a good way to be in community service!!

    Love Grace

    1. Hi Grace,

      Please do not worry, I understand the problems that eye strain can cause.

      Blogging opens up a whole new world of gardens.
      I love to see the different stages, and the seasons in other areas.
      As you rightly say, when my blooms start to fade, yours will just be beginning and that is something to look forward to :)

  5. How bizarre, you are longing for rain, I am totally fed up with it. We had over 2" in February and already this month I've measured 0.4". We're 400 miles north of you, I don't think my hosepipe will stretch that far!

    1. Hi Bilbo,

      We have had several dry winters, a dry spring and autumn last year and it all adds up to reservoirs only being 60 per cent full. They are taking water from the rivers to fill them. I always dislike it when they do this, as so often it can affect wildlife further down the line.

      I had heard that you had plenty......perhaps you and I could sort an underground pipe out for next year :)

  6. Hi Cheryl,

    I love that pink hellebore, such a soft colour.

    It's been raining here all day too which is good though I did have plans to spend the day gardening. Nerver mind, instead I went to the garden centre and bought some new secateurs! :)
    Good luck at the school, I'll look forward to hearing how it goes!

    1. Hi Lucinda,

      I love the hellebore too!! I have been looking through my journals to try and find out it's name. Hmmm....

      I bought some new sacateurs a few weeks ago. I was reluctant to let go of my very old pair but sadly they really are past their sell by date:)

      Looking forward to the meeting at the school. It is good to stay in touch with all that is going on in our local area.

  7. Hi Cheryl
    Please help yourselves to as much of our North Wales rain as you like. (If only it were that easy!)
    I'm glad you got some much needed rain. Your hellebores are gorgeous and it's nice to see the bees enjoying the spring flowers.
    Your plans for the school sound interesting, I'm looking forward to hearing about what plants you choose. When you say insects, I immediately think of bees and butterflies, but I'm sure there are many more that find plants useful as a food source and a refuge.

    1. Hi Dan

      Wouldn't it be nice if we could exchange weather. There are times that I tire of the heat and would welcome some refreshing rain. I am sure there would be a taker out there somewhere.

      The border will be for all manner of insects. I do believe they have a preference for butterflies, and that is good, as they appear to be declining in this area.
      I shall suggest that the children build an insect hotel.
      It will be a fun project for them and helpful to the bugs.

  8. What lovely sunny blooms to cheer up a wet Sunday. It has not been very heavy rain here though. We do need it, we have barely had any rain at all in the last twelve months!!

    I somehow missed commenting on your previous post :-( I love Winter Aconites and have happy childhood memories of hunting for them on country walks with my Mother.

    1. Hi Jan,

      It is still raining here and the lanes are flooded. Mr P has just come back from visiting his mother and said the roads are awful. It will soon filter through, of that I am sure.

      Winter aconites are beautiful. That is such a lovely thought, you hunting for them with your mother. such memories become so much sweeter as the years pass :)

  9. Love seeing all your blooms Cheryl. Those little bees are so happy to find them no doubt.Our mini daffs just started blooming this week. They are such tough little characters. Best of luck with your insect border. I know the kids will love it.

  10. Hi Lisa,

    They are tough little characters.....I have to say I prefer the smaller daffs.

    Tku, I hope it all goes well. I want this to be right for the children.

  11. What a feast for the eyes, Cheryl! Thank you for posting such lovely spring flowers. Those mini-daffys are my favourite too. I usually buy them in pots at this time of year and put them on my windowsill.
    Tutu is showy, isn't she? Her pink dress is so pretty.

    I did not know about the insect border. Time to play "catch-up" on your older posts.

  12. HI Wendy,

    Spring blooms in the house add a touch of freshness and charm to an unpredictable season.
    Tutu is showy, I tend to prefer the more delicate flowers :)

    Have a lovely week....

  13. Dear Cheryl,
    My internet is off and the winds, so I am catching up.
    So happy to see your bees! You have lovely blooms for them too.
    Nice for you to have spring rain. It is in our forecast for tomorrow and Thursday.
    Did you get a rain gage? I shall be putting mine out. We easily could have below freezing temperatures still but today it is 73 degrees....Up and down the temps do go...looks as if we are having a wild Spring.
    I hope you take photographs of the children's garden. Teaching about native plants and hosts plants will be so rewarding. Seeing the children's delight when they see the butterflies will be joyous. Your love of the bugs makes me happy.

    1. Dear Sherry,

      Is life not a roller coaster sometimes?
      Yes I have two ran catchers. We had an inch of rain on Sunday.....and another inch Monday night. This is good.....I am expecting rain today :)
      Spring, for you, seems to be very erratic.

      I am hoping they will let me take images of the children garden but there are tight controls with regard to taking photographs at school and I understand that.
      I shall do a post on my meeting.

      Bugs make me happy, more than happy actually :)

  14. Oh congratulations on the funding! That is just lovely!! We have been rainy also, and I am also grateful. It was all in all a dry winter, so glad to get some spring showers! xxx
