Sunday 7 June 2015

How does your garden grow?

 Still waters...........
 A moment to think..........
 My loyal companion showing signs of age............
 Romantic planting....roses and lavender.
 Perfect blue......
 A shady corner ...........
 It's a jungle out there..............
 Where are my sweet-peas?
Summer shadows..........

Hope your weekend was as peaceful as mine ..........


  1. Hello Cheryl
    it is a beautiful evening here - the sun is still shining, I can hear a pigeon cooing and a blackbird singing its heart out. Perfect. I have just come in from watering the garden - a neverending task now we have warmer weather - I heard that we may have a frost tonight though.

    Beautiful photos of the pond, the frog and dear old Nella. Have a lovely week - I hope the sun shines on you and your lovely garden.

    1. I have just closed the windows.....there is a definite chill in the air. Temperatures dropped last night to 4C. Have put hanging baskets etc in the greenhouse. I am not taking any chances now they are looking pretty.

      Have a good week Elaine.

  2. Nice photos Cheryl, how sweet is your dog, and I love the frog sat on the lilly leaf...
    Amanda xx

    1. It is a tiny frog of last years tadpoles I expect.

  3. A beautiful garden and a beautiful aging garden companion. What more could one ask for?

    1. Thank you Lynn
      My world would be less without my little dog...........

  4. Beautiful pictures of your garden, I love that jungle. It's great spending time in the garden now, the weather is beautiful. Nella still looks good like Snarf. Snarf is 13 years old now, still active but he needs spectacles and a hearing aid.

    1. Gosh Janneke, I am amazed that Snarf is 13. Such a handsome chap.
      Ha!! That really made me smile re spectacles and hearing aid :)

  5. Nice clear shots of a beautiful garden! I love your little frog - I have yet to see any in my pond (which I will be leaving in 10 days time).

    Your rose garden looks lush and Nella so serene, even in old age.

    1. You are moving again Wendy.....I hope that all is all.

  6. Oh, I forgot to say how much I love that water lily! And the last photo of shadows on the house is a nice touch, Cheryl.

    1. The shadow on the house caught my eye, as I walked back into the house ............

  7. Very beautiful, wondering if they are orfe in your pond.

    1. No orfe Simon.....just common goldfish :)

  8. I always love to see photos of Nella on your blog, she looks in a very serious mood today, probably thinking about the rabbits she sees hopping about the garden. Where are your sweet peas, you ask, probably the same place as mine. They didn't do well at all last year and I ended up composting the lot and they're not doing too well again this year, I'm hoping they'll pull round. Love the photo of the frog on the lily pad.

    1. Nella was watching a rabbit Jo. It had dared to come under the garden soon fled.

      I cannot believe the sweet pea have disappeared. They were lovely last year.
      I can only think the horrible weather we had in May is to blame........oh well.

      Sure I can find something else to grow up the obelisk :)

      Have a good week.

  9. Wonderful photos Cheryl.. your Nella is such a sweetie. I do miss having frogs in the pond.. I keep hoping every year they will return.. maybe next year :o)

    1. Perhaps frogs will return one day Julie. I have far too many for my small pond but they seem happy enough :)

  10. Cheryl what lovely photo's and Nella is an absolute sweetie.

    We had a perfect weekend spending family time and fun with grandson, who just loved digging in the garden ... moving some stones around with his toy digger. Such fun and it was sunny too!

    Hope your week has started well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Sounds like a perfect weekend for sure Jan. Nothing better than watching little people have fun.

      Watching the rain from the bedroom window this morning......must say we do need it.

      Enjoy your week.

  11. What absolutely beautiful photographs! My favourite is the one of your lovely dog though.

    1. Thank you Rowan...............mine too :)

  12. Sweet Nella--she still looks as if she is on the alert for rabbits! Love all your photographs and the peaceful feelings they gave me. Here we had a pretty wild weekend, lots of strong storms. We didn't have any damage, but the creeks are overflowing, and there's suddenly a lot of lakefront property in town:) Beckie's backyard and garden are submerged in half a foot of water.

    Trying to catch up a little with blog posts, and in answer to your last post, my garden is growing by leaps and bounds, and so are the weeds! My mother is back home again, thankfully, but more of my time is taken up with helping her and Dad, so I've decided this year I am going to have to live with an imperfect garden...not that it ever was perfect:)

    1. Perfection is but a dream Rose........but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder :)
      I see beauty in many things......I do not seek perfection............just somewhere to sit quietly and enjoy the fruits of my labout.

      I have thought about you and your mother these last couple of weeks. I am so pleased to read that she is at home with her family. Take care Rose of yourself..............I know you love your Mother but do not forget your needs. If you are not healthy, you will not be able to take care of her.

      So much water.....poor Beckie, a water garden, is not what we wish for in summer.

      It is dry here, the ground is cracking in places and yet it is cold and windy....not summer like at all.

  13. How lovely those water lilies are....yet the star of the show is your beautiful aging wolf.....I can't look at an older dog without my heartstrings being tugged.....before my two young dogs I had three old ones, the last being my soul-mate and shadow, a GS/collie cross, she lived until she was

  14. Nella is my loyal companion. We fit well together. She is a rescue dog and I love her dearly.
