Saturday 20 June 2015

White flowers...........

 I have always loved white flowers.   For me, they bring peace and serenity to  a garden.
Have you ever walked a garden in the moon light.    I have....many times....white flowers glow.
 Crisp, clean and simple.....white flowers.
 I like white planted with pastels...........
 White flowers, with a splash of colour.
 Most of all I love white flowers covered with butterflies.
Then, the beauty of the butterfly can really be appreciated.

I could not be without white flowers...........
Do you have a favourite colour in your garden?


  1. Blue and white flowers both look wonderful at dusk but at the moment my favourite colour is the gorgeous magenta of gladiolus byzantinus.

    1. A beautiful plant.....I believe a favourite of Carol klein, if I remember correctly.

  2. Yes, I do like white flowers, and the photo of the butterfly among the petals is stunning.

    Nature gives us such a wonderful choice - and I do still like pink ... take a pink rose or peony for instance!

    All the best Jan

    1. I agree with you roses or peony are beautiful.........
      I have Shirley Temple in the garden, which I love. Sadly it did not bloom this year :(

  3. I really don't have a favorite color right now. I went through a highly charged red and yellow stage some years ago. I have had an all white garden and I didn't like it. It might have been because it just didn't turn out right but I have plenty of whites in the garden. I am awaiting the tall white garden phlox David that smells heavenly to open. I don't have a white day lily which is what is mostly blooming right now.They are red, yellow, and peach colors. Love seeing your butterflies. I haven't seen many lately. It has been rainy and cool. The frogs and toads have been loving it. Lightening bugs have also been taking advantage of the weather. I was surprised to let Annie out into the sprinkling rain last night to see the lighting bugs still alighting. I think they were accompanying the frogs and toads.

    1. Gosh, an all white garden is a challenge Lisa.
      I am not sure I would do that personally, because I do not feel I would get it right.
      Well done for trying :)
      I have whites dotted through the flower beds, it seems to break up the colours well.
      How wonderful, lots of frogs and toads. Lightening bugs, not sure what they are.
      I will do some research............

      I have not had as many butterflies this year.............sadly :(

    2. I know what they are now Lisa..............firefly, of course yes.
      Aren't they beautiful.............

  4. I love white flowers too, that iris is so beautiful. I think my favourite colours are white and yellow, though I think it sometimes depends on the type of flower, geraniums (pelargoniums) for instance, I love the bright reds.

    1. Hi Jo,

      I love the has a blue tinge to it, which is very pretty.

      You cannot beat a red pelargonium for instant impact :)

  5. White flowers are wonderful but actually I love all colours, so I cannot mention a favorite. I have two white borders in front of the greenhouse but over the years I have added some blues which make it show better.
    Especially the butterfly on the Cosmea is so pretty. Until now we have not yet many butterflies in the garden.

    1. Hi Janneke,

      Blue and white ,beautiful combination. Now that would look lovely in the moonlight.

      I do not have many far it has been very disappointing. I worry for them...........

  6. My favourite colour flower is purple.. the favourite colour of the bees too :o) Your photos are lovely.. You're right about the butterflies on white flowers, they really stand out.. well except the white butterflies ;o)

    1. Ha!! Too funny Julie.....must remember that when the cabbage whites land on white blooms.

      Purple blooms are pretty and much loved by bees.

  7. The butterfly photographs are outstanding. I think my favorite flower might be the earliest ones. So welcome after a winter. And of the white flowers, I think bloodroot is my favorite. So prolific and dependable.

    1. Thank you.

      Bloodroot, not familiar with that. Bit of research needed I think :)

    2. Taken a look......very pretty, I like it.

  8. Oh.....I absolutely love your white flowers, especially when adorned with butterflies! it's not just me who loves the garden in moonlight....visiting your blog is food for the spirit, always absolutely, stunningly beautiful.
    My favorite white flower is the snowdrop, such valiant, delicate little creatures.
    Sadly I am still not getting notifications....but not a problem as I shall always call in....wouldn't miss a post for the world. xxx

    1. I love snowdrops too! Sometimes I just need to lie on the earth and take a close up image......simple, delicate and sweet smelling.

      Thank you for your lovely comment.........too kind.

  9. Oh.....I absolutely love your white flowers, especially when adorned with butterflies! it's not just me who loves the garden in moonlight....visiting your blog is food for the spirit, always absolutely, stunningly beautiful.
    My favorite white flower is the snowdrop, such valiant, delicate little creatures.
    Sadly I am still not getting notifications....but not a problem as I shall always call in....wouldn't miss a post for the world. xxx

  10. Lovely, lovely photos! I never used to have many white flowers, but I think you inspired me several years ago, Cheryl. I now have several different types of white blooms in the garden, and I love the purity and elegance of the white, especially contrasted with pastels. My white 'Limelight' hydrangea has to be my favorite of all the white blooms.

    1. Lovely to hear that Rose.....I am glad you are enjoying white flowers amongst your beds and borders.
      I was given Limelight for my birthday.....a gift from my daughter. I absolutely love it.

  11. Beautiful photos and flowers, when we changed the garden last year it was my thinking I would have a white garden, it would look stunning...but have not been strong enough to stick to that idea !
    Amanda xx

  12. Flowers definitely worth to stop & smell them)))

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)
