Tuesday 7 June 2016

I feel so empty...............

I sit in the garden, a cup of tea in hand, staring into space.
2016 has been the most difficult of years, I thought it could not get any worse.
I am tired.    In my mind I see the image of my Grandchildren clinging to their Mother, sobbing.    Their world shattered, their little hearts broken.
Last weekend Poppi and Riley's father was doing a bike ride for charity through the streets of London.    I cry as I type.
He was knocked from his bike by a bus and suffered severe injury to the head.    Air lifted to hospital and put on life support we prayed and hoped.    Sadly there was no brain function, and Sunday evening the machine was turned off.

Dear Daniel, you were complex, changeable, difficult to understand...........on the other side, caring, artistic, a wonderful sense of humour.    You will be greatly missed by many people but none more than your children.

RIP dear boy...........you will always be with us in spirit and Poppi and Riley will always have you in their hearts.


  1. This is devastating news. My heart goes out to you and all the family.

    Stay strong Cheryl.

  2. Dear Cheryl, there are no words... My heart goes out to you and your family, especially to Poppi and Riley. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Oh Cheryl - what can you say to news as shocking as this - my heart goes out to you and your family - what a terrible terrible thing to happen

    I am on holiday at the moment away from the chaos at home and I don't normally do any blogging whilst I am taking a break but I had to let you know that I am thinking of you.

  4. So sad to hear this news, my heart goes out to you and your family.xxxx

  5. Oh Cheryl, just heart-breakingly sad. Thinking of you and your family. <3

  6. I'm so very very sorry for your loss xx

  7. It is so good to share these sorrows with us. We can help you in spirit. My heart goes out to all of you, especially Poppi and Riley. This is the second time they have lost their father...the final time, always the worst.

  8. This is heartbreaking, a terrible loss especially for the children. I'll think of you and your family in these deeply sad days.

  9. Sad, sad news and for it to happen so fast, I feel you loss.

  10. What a dreadful thing to happen. I'm so sorry for the loss to you and your family.

  11. Oh no, what a terrible tragedy. It makes no sense when things like this happen, I am so sorry for you all, especially for the children. There are no words are there? Sending you strength and love and a huge hug.xxx

  12. Oh Cheryl, so very, very sorry to read this.
    My heart and my thoughts are with you and the family, but especially especially Poppi and Riley.

    My thoughts and good wishes, as you all come to terms with your loss.

    Sincerely Jan

  13. Cheryl, there are no words that I can think of and write that would bring comfort. Please just know that there are many out here from around the world who are thinking of your whole family but especially of little Poppi and Riley and sending thoughts of strength to all of you.

  14. Thoughts and prayers from across the pond for you and the family. I wish I had healing words, but there are none. Just know that your readers are thinking of all of you as you go through this impossibly difficult time. May the garden bring a bit of solace to your aching heart.

  15. What a shock this must have been for all of you! I can only imagine the pain those dear little grandchildren of yours are enduring. My heart goes out to you all at this dreadful time and am keeping you in my prayers.
    So sorry Cheryl…..
