Thursday 1 March 2018

 Snow showers for most of the day but the sun did come out for a brief moment.


  1. Come on sun...get to shining. Despite or because of it your garden looks beautiful. Of course I love snow. I hope it is keeping your plants warm until the temperatures decide to cooperate.
    I too am ready for sun but we have had rain while you have snow. The temps are to drop all day here. Back to more normal temperatures. So much is popping up. now. Daylilies are even peeking out of the ground. I will have to pick up sticks after this big blow.

  2. Gosh Lisa,
    Daylilies up at this time of year?
    Is that early for you?

    I understand, I have sticks and small branches everywhere. I went around the garden with a broom today knocking snow from the conifers I could reach. The weight of the snow can break the branches.

    Speak soon.
