Baloon flower
The garden is in full flow.
Clematis florida var sieboldiana
I cannot seem to keep up with it.
Clematis 'Perle d'Azur'
As soon as one job is finished, there is another waiting in the wings.
Mr P's words come back to haunt me on such occasions........
"You have created a monster, how on earth will you manage in the years ahead."
Hemerocallis 'Golden Chimes'......gorgeous scent
I have thought about that....each and every time I add another border or extend one.
Hydrangea Paniculata Vanille Fraise
My great grandmother gardened at 93.....perhaps I have her genes.
Inula magnifica
I believe that gardening keeps me fit and healthy. My diet is full of fruit and vegetables and all the good foods that we should eat these days. I walk Nella two - three miles each day.
I am optimistic.....I am sure I will cope:)
One of my favourite wildflowers. The corncockle is not a native. However, for centuries it used to appear, together with poppies, cornflowers and others, in fields of wheat and corn. Unfortunately, corncockle seeds gave an unpleasant taste to bread, so, with the advent of modern technology and extensive use of herbicides, this very pretty flower became almost extinct.
Extract from Starting out with native plants by Charlotte de la Bedoyere.
However, because it so attractive and rare, I personally, think it is well worth cultivating in gardens. If anyone in UK would like seeds, do not hesitate to ask. It is not invasive.
I collect seeds and show them in situ during the Spring.
Enough said....time to go back to the wheelbarrow:)
Hi Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteA monster indeed, but such a pretty one too! :)
Have fun on your outings, and of course take photos.
My body is broken, we finally got rid of all the debris, cement, clay etc in a skip and... Well, I'm so very tired now. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get up to cook dinner tonight! hehee.
Hi Liz,
ReplyDeleteHa:) Perhaps someone should take you out tonight, to a nice cosy restaurant.....I am sure it will do you the world of good. You deserve it.
The trip to the prairie is at the end of July.
It is six acres of naturlistic planting, I am so looking forward to it.
You also have lunch....produce from the farm.
Sounds perfect to me.
Hi Cheryl...there are many monster out here with huge appetites for the next plant in view.. : }
ReplyDeleteSo love your Clematis florida vs..what a beauty!
I have so many and there names I couldn't tell you except for 3 or 4....I have 8 that I purchased and about 5 that reseeded ( I call them volunteers)in the garden...I transplanted them where I wanted them and have been delightfully surprised with the colors they turn out to be!!
The Corncockle is a lovely plant!! What a shame that it was nice that you have some in your garden...I can see why it is a favorite!!
Before I get of on another ramble ..enjoy your village Garden Society folks and gardens!!
Happy gardening~~~ Grace
Hi Grace,
ReplyDeleteClematis florida was a free gift with a plant order. It has lived in a pot for the last five years and gets very little tlc. The occasional feed, and that it is. I think the blooms are beautiful.
You have clematis that have re-seeded, wonderful.
If only some of mine would:)
It is that time of year Cheryl when I ask myself what was I thinking. Ha... Then I sit out in the casa with my morning tea and enjoy the scenery and I say it is all worth it. Time will tell what we do and don't do. I don't look too far ahead. You just never know what will happen. Enjoy life, the garden, as much as possible while we can. Love that corncockle. It has such a pretty bloom. I think I have grown that Rosilla before as an annual in a pot. I think it has an interesting eye. Don't work too hard.
ReplyDeleteThe village Garden Society sounds like a good way to meet like-minded people and have fun.
ReplyDeleteIf your garden is a monster, then it's a very friendly one! And I'll bet your great granny is smiling down at you with love for walking in her footsteps.
That purple corncockle is so very pretty, especially with those drops of water clinging to its petals. I'm glad you are cultivating it, so no danger of becoming extinct.
Hi Lisa,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, we never know what is around the corner. I do so much love to garden....I could not imagine 'not doing it.'
The corncockle is so pretty and looks lovely planted in drifts.
Rosilla is a wilflower from the lowlands of California, if I remember correctly. It just appeared here eight years ago and has stayed.
Hi Wendy
ReplyDeleteThank you......I am hoping the Gardeners Society will give me the opportunity to sell my plants.
Apparently they do have stalls at certain time of the year in the village hall. We will see.
I plant corncockle each year......they are such a pretty flower, the colour is quite intense.
Have a lovely weekend.
I think you will have such fun with all the outings Cheryl and of course you will be among like minded folk. What a good idea to sell some of your plants too!
ReplyDeleteLovely photos of your beautiful blooms, I'm sure you will garden for many years to come :)
I see you have swimming fish... and I have crawling Ladybirds... too funny :)
Hi Jan,
ReplyDeleteThere are over one hundred members, so hopefully they may be some gardeners, who would like to buy some of the plants. It is not a money making venture....I just want to spread the word about our declining wildlife and how we can help them.
Yes, swimming fish, they are fun, especially when you feed them :)
I did notice your ladybirds, they made me smile.....
Your Mr. P and my Mr. P think alike, Cheryl:) Aside from thinking about mowing around yet another flowerbed, Mr. P's first comments to me are always, "Are you going to be able to keep up with another garden area??" He's right because I am like you right now--I can't seem to keep up with everything. The good thing is that the first flowerbeds I planted are now so crowded weeds don't have a chance to grow:)
ReplyDeleteWe never know what the future will hold, but I think you have the recipe for living a long and happy life. I've read somewhere that gardeners are happier and are in better shape than most people. I keep telling myself this as I lug another 40-lb. bag of mulch out of my car. Enjoy your gardening group! It's always fun to get together with people with a common interest.
Hi Rose,
ReplyDeleteNow why doesn't that surprise me :) I can hear your Mr P saying it.....
Some of my flowerbeds are overcrowded, I really must divide some of the perennials next spring.
See, next spring, thinking ahead all the time.
I had to smile when you mention lugging the mulch from your boot. The times I have done this Rose. Each time, I say, 'never again.'
Who am I kidding....I know I will be doing exactly the same thing next year :)
Dear Cheryl,
ReplyDeleteEvery year the gardens get away...the bugs love it when they do. I think I garden for the birds and bugs...staying healthy so I can keep up with everything is important to me too.. You are doing all the right things. The heat and humidity keep me inside during the afternoons now. I like to weed in the early morning. I walk at twilight in the summer.
I think I am a spring and autumn girl......
Gorgeous flowers. So glad you have joined the Gardeners society. Getting the word out to plant native is a worthwhile adventure. Having the plants available is a service to the bugs and the gardeners
Always delightful seeing your gardens.
Stay well my friend,