Monday 25 June 2012

Every garden is different...unique in its own way.

 I like to think this garden is unpretentious, and blends in well with the surrounding countryside.
 I have gardened for most of my life, I used to help my Dad when I was small.
I have followed his ways, chaotic planting was his speciality :)
Sisyrhinchium and Red Campion have self seeded in this border.   I would never have put the two together, but I actually like the combination.   Mother nature oftens does it so much better than we can.

I have found it difficult to get balance in the pond, since I removed the fountain.   I walked the lanes last week and managed to find some Duck Weed, and that seems to be helping.   I will give it time.
Red Campion and Feverfew have taken over the meadow....I shall remove the plants in the Autumn, as they will smother the cyclamen, english primrose and various bulbs.
As I walked the garden last evening I watch moths feeding in the cool night air.
While Nella slept, rabbits grazed and the garden was hushed.
Everything looked so pretty and the perfume drifting through the air was wonderful.    

I leave you with the words of Alfred Austin(1835 - 1913)

A garden that one makes oneself becomes associated with one's personal history.....interwoven with one's tastes, preferences and character, and constitutes a sort of unwritten autobiography.   Show me your garden, provide it be your own, and I will tell you what you are like.

Have a good week, enjoy your garden.


  1. It looks a lovely garden if the photos are anything to go bY! I dread to think what our garden says about us though!!

    1. Dear Jane,

      Thank you Jane.....

      Ha! That quote made me wonder, I must say :)

  2. What a wonderful garden. Your father taught you well!

    1. Hi Elaine,

      Thank you.

      My father started his working life as an apprentice gardener. Sadly, due to family problems he never finished his training:(

      He still loves gardening but is to frail to do much is still chaotic but very pretty.

  3. I so enjoy seeing over views of your garden. It makes me feel like I am strolling through the patsh looking into your borders with you. Feverfew has taken up residence in my garden too. It is where it won't bother anything. It has gotten so tall in this drought year. I can't imagine how it would do if we had more rainfall. Your Dad is no doubt proud of your garden. I bet he wishes he could putter around the garden with you.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Feverfew is a bit of a weed here. It does get a little carried away, seeding here, seeding there. I am going to have to get tough with it :)
      Dad, bless him, is proud. We do not share the love of wildflowers. Dad calls them weeds and if I mention thistle....well, wash your mouth out with soap :) He makes me smile.....

      I hope the rain comes soon Lisa.

  4. Its a lovely looking garden. Alwsy nice to see garden photos at this time of year!

    Gaz: Alternative Eden

    1. Thank You Gaz. I agree, I love to see how others garden and I suppose summer is the best time to see that :)

  5. Oooh, my goodness, what a testament to your love and devotion it is! It looks so beautiful Cheryl, you work so hard on it but I know you enjoy every minute. It is who, what and where you are, it defines you!

    Do you ever dry out completely before the next soaking I wonder ;-) As I write this the rain beats on the windows once was not forecast for today :-(

    Your photos are as lovely as ever. The Clematis looks beautiful with the Honeysuckle.

    1. Tku Jan, you are so kind.....and very generous with your words.

      I thought of you today as I saw several butterflies in the garden. Two whites, two browns and a rather tatty Red Admiral....there is hope :)

      We have had a lovely sunny morning but now dark clouds are looming and it is very humid :(

      The honeysuckle introduced itself to the Clematis a few years ago, and they make a lovely couple, I do not have the heart to part them :)

  6. What a lovely and inspiring post, Cheryl! I would love to meet your father--I enjoy chaotic planting, too:) And he sounds like my own dad, who has very definite opinions about "weeds."

    I've often wondered what my garden says about me. A neighbor and fellow gardener stopped by one day when all the lilies were in bloom, and I commented that I don't worry about color scheme when it comes to the lily bed--it's a riot of clashing colors. She replied that it was the "hippie" in me coming out. It made me wonder...I was never a hippie, but I wonder if that's what others think of when they see my garden:)

    I always enjoy seeing all the different views of your garden, Cheryl. If I didn't know you at all, I would say that your garden shows you love nature and all its creatures.

    1. Tku Rose,

      My father grows ever frail Rose, and is slowly losing his sight.
      He has many health issues and yet he still loves life....he wants to live forever:) As long as he is here I shall encourage him to keep gardening and enjoying the natural world.

      I have a friend who does the same with Iris....every colour of the rainbow splashed together. I love it, for it speaks volumes to me. Sometimes we just like to be a little daring, a little wild.....I think that lurks in all of us, don't you??

  7. I do love your garden, Cheryl. Sometimes a little planning and a lot of Mother Nature makes the best garden.

    1. Tku, you are very kind.
      YesI think so, the right balance between the two makes for a soulful garden:)

  8. Dear Cheryl,
    I think gardens are about relationships.
    One look at your garden I know you to be someone who loves the bees. Your focus is on the relationship of flora and fauna. As we learn we change as nature changes so do we..we have a dance...too dry too wet too hot too cold..just right...than once again too dry to wet too hot too cold too windy just right. I love your gentle way. Seeing the world through the eyes of the bees is stepping away from being human-centric and becoming mindful of the other species that call Earth home. You are a hostess...and steward. Your garden tells the story of a gardener who loves the bess.
    Sherry, who is honored to call you friend

    1. My dear Sherry,

      I am humbled, tku.

      Most of my days are spent working with wildlife, watching, learning, growing with them. You are so right, I do try to see the world through the eyes of all living creatures. I will not judge or harm intentionally, that is not my way.

      I am honoured to call you my friend, Sherry, who dances with the butterflies.

  9. Hi Cheryl,

    Haha, go on then; tell me what I am like! :P
    Not so sure I want to hear this ;)

    Anyway, beautiful photos, and chaotic is by far the best way of gardening and I like to think I also excel in this area... yes I may plan areas but the reality never materialises and things go in how ever I 'feel' like.
    I love the Clematis and Honeysuckle; I've got some late dutch honeysuckle in a vase at the moment as this is its first year blooming and its perfume is by far nicer than the yellow I have! I'm in love.

  10. Liz,

    I havn't got long enough to tell you about 'you' :)
    Actually, I think your garden reflects your romantic and dreamy nature.
    You generally choose plants that are soft, and flowing.
    I believe, you use your garden as an escape from reality........
    you also use your camera for the same purpose.
    You sometimes portray a tough shell, but actually you are very soft and vulnerable inside.

    I don't know where the honeysuckle came from. It covers two arches now and has so many flowers you would not believe it. In the evening I sit on the patio and just take in the scent....yes, I am in love to. Saw several moths feeding from it last night, still waiting for the illusive Elephant Hawk Moth :)

  11. Hi Cheryl,
    How beautiful is your garden! I love plantings that are natural and a little chaotic, just like nature herself, formal gardens seem so lifeless to me.
    I often think how our gardens reflect our personalities, though I think my garden is far more productive than I am!
    Lovely pictures as always. xx

    1. Hi Lucinda,

      Thank you.

      If your garden is more productive than !!!!

      I agree, whilst I can appreciate the work and care taken to landscape a formal garden, I do find them cold and clinical.
      I suppose my love of wild gardens stems from the fact, that I spent a lot of time running wild places as a child, and it has stayed with me :)

  12. you are as far from pretentious as can be, Cheryl. Have just been catching up with your other posts too and both garden and writing have an easy naturalness that is charming as well as calming. :) If there is any chaos, it is well organised.
    p.s. spotted the Salix in top image looking pretty in pink variegation

    1. Laura, tku for your kind words, I blush. :)

      The garden is chaotic but neat. My father always says, if you are going to have chaos, keep the edges neat. It works, somehow.

      I love Pink Flamingo (Salix Integra) I have five in the garden.
      With the high water table they have done exceptionally well. I now have to use steps to shape them each year. If I did not keep them under control I think they would be way to big for their space .........

  13. Hi Cheryl....I am having a time trying to keep up with everything...your gardens are gorgeous no matter what you do! I am insanely jealous, and my hope is that there are weeds somewhere in there ; } lol!!
    I have had to attend to house owners duties, and it is cutting into getting my gardening done ..."done" I don't thing that goes with gardening, that needs to be pulled out like a bad it ever done???
    I have been making my head spin trying to find repair people for jobs that need to get done on the house...there charges per hour are just crazy!!
    I feel like I have a weight around my neck just bringing me down!! YUCK!!!
    Anyway enough whining...
    Thanks so for sharing you lovely flowers my friend!!

    1. My dear Grace,

      Of course, there are weeds.....way too many really but hey does it matter :)

      Poor you, so much on your little shoulders. You make me realise how lucky I am, at this time, to have Mr P.
      Yes, labour these days is just so expensive......I understand.
      You are not whining Grace, it is just how it is.
      Hope you find someone soon, who is cheap, cheerful and capable.

  14. What a lovely garden you have Cheryl like you say very natural looking with simple but effective planting - I really enjoyed this post
