Monday 18 June 2012

Roses and Gillian Blades

I think most woman love roses.    I cannot tell you the name of this climber, it was a gift.   It is making its way through the Dogwoods and has reached great heights.    
 Rosa Canina,  is seen along every lane here.   Our native wild rose.   For me, she is the Queen of the Roses.    She adorns the hedgerow in the garden and has found her way to the arches by the house, where she joins wisteria and honeysuckle.    I love her simplicity........and her fluffly golden centre.
Rambling Rector has really put  a spurt on this year and is starting to climb the oak tree at the bottom of the garden.    I love this rose, it has the most wonderful fragrance.

Clematis 'Gillian Blades' (which is supposed to be white) has started to scramble through
Rambling Rector, I think given time they will make a lovely combination :)


  1. Your roses are beautiful. I especially like the wild one with it's single petals. A real beauty. Of course I love clematis too. They will make a great pair.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      The Dog Rose is my absolute favourite. Whilst I can fully appreciate the beauty of hybrids etc, I prefer wild roses :)

  2. I too love the dog rose - it reminds me of childhood and the lanes I wandered. Your other roses are beautiful too and their perfume will no doubt be stronger.

    1. Hi Jane,

      Yes, indeed, the scent of the red rose is amazing.

      Same with me, the dog rose reminds me of my Grandfather. We used to walk the country lanes together and I remember Him telling me about the roses. Thank goodness, some things never change, we still have the beautiful Rosa Canina :)

  3. Hi Cheryl,

    Funny about your Clematis. Similar to my Etoile Violette which is meant to be a very dark purple and turned out pretty much the same colour as your Gillian Blades! :)

    I've just been taking loads of photos of wild roses all over an RSPB site. They're so pretty, and of course the perfume helps a lot.

    1. Hi Liz,

      Yes odd that.....Obviously the soil, and perhaps the location. I have mine in semi/shade and the soil in that particular area of the garden is very free draining. I actually prefer the pale lavender to the white, so it worked out well for me :)

      The perfume is wonderful isn't it? I have so many wild roses in the garden now, on a warm summers evening (what is that, I ask myself) the air is filled with perfume.

  4. I'd love a wild Rose, and wish these massive shrub roses I have here were wild ones because at least then they'd have a lovely scent as well as delicate colour!

    Yep, due for it to get cold again towards the weekend... So I'm trying to take full advantage atm of the warm weather. Been outside most of the morning and have come in to hide from the sun for a while and to have breakfast! (bit late, I know).

    1. Ha :) Think they call it brunch !!
      I have been trimming hedges, and it is now too hot. Sitting with a long cool glass of still lemonade :)

      I might walk around the garden this afternoon and see if I can find you a wild rose. If I find one will post it to you tomorrow......BTW it will be tiny at this stage.

    2. Hi Cheryl,

      Do you know which types of wild roses they are? I ask just so I can get an idea of size/site to plant it.

      They've arrived this morning, thank you very much :)
      Atm they're still in their little bags with water added because it's raining far too heavy for me to run out to get some compost/mud in a pot for them. Was due to have my hair cut but I've had to rearrange for tomorrow and hope it isn't so miserable.

    3. Hi Liz,

      I have the dog rose in my garden but also a couple of field rose. The ones I sent you were near the dog rose, so I am hoping that is what they are :)
      Could be either........until they bloom, or grow a little I personally find it hard to tell the difference. That is not too helpful, is it?
      Yes, it is raining here.....I got soaked walking Nella, it was lovely when we left the house, then if came over dark and absolutely poured.....

  5. Lovely photos of your roses Cheryl. The red one is a beauty! Of course you will know which is my favourite :-) When I see the first Dog Rose each year I am immediately transported back to my childhood, such lovely flowers!

    1. Hi Jan,

      The red rose is Mr P's favourite. His mother also loved red roses.

      I knew the Dog Rose would be your favourite Jan. We are country girls at heart :)

  6. Dear Cheryl,
    Your Wild Roses are so very charming....I can almost smell their sweetness.
    I have fallen in love with the rose and am doing my research! I have a few tucked here and there in the gardens but I lost many when Spring came too early in 2006. This time I am planning my plantings and preparing my soils.
    I have a miniature Red Rose my husband gave me for Valentine's Day growing by the front walk. It was a darling little grocery store rose bush that has taken off in garden. A treasure for me.
    I love the way your roses climb into the tress.....
    Rosa Canina, Queen of the Roses; she holds such pleasant memories for you. It is these stories that makes your garden such a treasure. Thank you.
    I also made lemonade this morning...too hot to be outside this afternoon. summertime,

    1. Dear Sherry,

      It was only when you started writing about roses that I truly realised just how many wild roses I had in this garden :)
      Miniature roses are lovely, but I cannot grow them, for they are gourmet lunch for rabbits. I did try to grow them in a circular bed one year and the rabbits ate them all .....bad rabbits.
      I understand you treasuring your rose from your husband :)

      It is only recently, that I have realised, what an important role my Grandfather played in my life. I will be ever grateful to him.

      Still lemonade with ice and a slice is so thirst quenching, don't you think ?
      Indeed, cheers summertime.

      Tks for dropping by my friend.

  7. There's nothing like a red, red rose...unless it's a white one or a pink one or a yellow one...:) They certainly are the queen of flowers, though I don't want to bother with any fussy ones that need a lot of attention. I much prefer your rambling wild roses, Cheryl. I'm hoping we don't have the horde of Japanese beetles this year that we've had in the past; they make roses here look awfully sad in July.

    1. Thank goodness Japanese beetles have not reached these shores, as far as I know. Quite frankly we have enough invaders to cope with at the moment....the dreaded lily beetle springs to mind. I have seen him hovering around my lillies.....they ruin them every year. I have decided the lillies have to go :(

      Wild roses are beautiful....I have a passion for them. I often stop along the lanes with Nella just to admire them. The hedgerows are just beautiful this year.

  8. Lucky you - the dog rose making its home in the arches by your house has to be one of the most welcome uninvited guests! The photo of it is beautiful. Rambling Rector is fabulous - probably too big and boisterous for my garden - what a treat for you to be able to grow it!

    1. The dog rose amongst the honeysuckle is such a treat, they do look beautiful together, an old fashioned match in a modern world.

      I was a little frightened of Rector initially but it is working out fine. He is covering the horrible fencing at the bottom of the garden, and now working his way along the branches of the oak....that is fine :)

  9. Beautiful photos again Cheryl! All your roses are so pretty. I would like a rambling rector when I have a bit more space, they are so lovely aren't they.
    I adore the wild roses which grow plentifully around here but ours have little scent, one of the main reasons that I grow cultivars in the garden as they are better for aromatic medicine. Are yours very strongly fragranced then? I have always assumed ours were rosa canina from the shape of the hips but perhaps they are rosa arvensis.
    I just ordered a new bare root which will be delivered in the autumn. It is the damask rose they grow in Bulgaria to make the essential oil. It's called Kazanlik and looks lovely!
    The rose and clematis wil be beautiful together! I am growing a small one with my miniature rose climber this year and hope it will also be a good combination... we will see!

    1. Hi Lucinda,

      Rambling Rector is a lovely rose but definately needs room to move :)

      My wild roses do have a sweet scent, they are also very pink when they first bloom, that is why I believe them to be Canina. Rosa Arvensis, the field rose hardly has any perfume.

      The damask rose was grown by medieval gardeners, they are very beautiful. I know they are the very best for essential oil.
      Sadly, I cannot grow them here, I have perfect conditions but the rabbits would devour them :( They do not touch the wild roses or rosa rugosa........

      I look forward to seeing Kazanlik next year :)

  10. I love roses too, only recently discovered that they respond to feeding, don't we all? Bought an obelisk last year for a climbing rose and some clematis. Trouble is, the rose is only young, and the clematis have got a head start.

    1. Hi Crystal,

      I am sure the rose will catch up :)
      A good helping of farm manure would do the trick.....

  11. Roses are red, clematis is white
    Cheryl's photos are lovely
    In love and in light

    Happy gardening!
