Saturday 26 April 2014

Spring to life..............

 Camassia are in bloom.   I started planting bulbs several years ago and add to them each year.   The colours vary from pale blue to purple.     They are a gem at this time of year.
 Geranium Phaeum is one of my favourite flowers.   It is the depth of colour that appeals to me.    Every plant this year has been cropped by rabbits but they have come back stronger.  
 Bee flies seem to have increased in numbers.....there are many flying around the garden in search of nectar.    Cowslip seem to be the favourite bloom at the moment.
 Third Grandchild Dominic is a delightful little chap.    He is just too funny for words......when he leaves us after a visit, I spend most of the time smiling to myself.   Poppi and Riley adore their little looks like he may join them both karting when he is a little older.

It is raining today..........warm rain.    Not sure if we need it as the soil is still damp from winter.   I feel slightly out of control this year......I seem to be gardening amongst triffids, everything seems to grow overnight.        It will come together, it always does but at the moment it feels a little daunting.

Have a good weekend and enjoy your garden if you can :)


  1. I first saw Camassia's on a garden visit last year - they were planted in long unmown grass and looked stunning. I saw some pots of them in a garden centre earlier this year and they were asking an extortionate price but I have never seen them as loose bulbs so far. My garden isn't big enough to leave an area of wild grass for me to plant them in but I feel that is where they would look most at home. Dominic looks full of mischief.

  2. Hi Elaine,

    I have found loose bulbs at small nurseries. If you cannot get them, let me know and I will get you some for next year. Mine are planted randomly in the borders. It works well for me because as they die back perennials take over. I do agree with you though they are at their very best in long grass.........mine sadly did not do well there due to the high water table. I had doubts when I planted them there .

    Dominic is a pickle.....:)

  3. Beautiful! I have never seen them before---they are just stunning!

    1. Hi Erin,

      They seem to be a plant that is not used much. I fell in love with them when I saw them, in a magazine, showing a meadow at Highgrove.. They were dotted amongst buttercups and took my breath away.

  4. "Gardening amongst triffids"--that made me chuckle, Cheryl:) That's exactly how I feel when I notice all the weeds that are popping up everywhere; the hard winter didn't seem to affect them one bit. We're in for a rainy week, so I'm afraid they're going to grow even more before I have a chance to pull them. I've been enjoying all the tulips that have been opening up at rapid pace during the warm weather we've had this past week; thankfully, the rabbits and deer didn't get all of them. This is the first photo I've seen of your youngest grandchild--what a cutie! Love all those curls!

    1. Hi Rose,

      We have sunshine and showers today. I have been popping in and out each time the sun comes through but I don't really think I am achieving much.
      Glad to read some of your tulips have will laugh, I have one. It opened yesterday and the rabbits do not seem to have noticed it :)

      Dominic has his mothers is beautiful. He is cute, too cute for words.......

  5. The geranium does have a lovely, deep colour, and I'm glad they're thriving in spite of the best efforts of the rabbits. My cowslips have had a terrific year here - it does make me feel I ought to plant some more.
    Dominic looks like he feels ready for karting now!

    1. Hi Wendy

      Every day is a challenge here, the rabbits keep me on my toes without a doubt:)
      I am always trying to find new ways to deter them.
      I love cowslip.......I divide them each year and now have them laround the garden

      Little Dominic is ready for anything :)

  6. Hi Cheryl..... You sound like me with the way our spring has started or I should say ..where getting there, but slow!!
    I am feeling totally overwhelmed, and don't know where to start!!

    I love your dainty plants and especially like the last one!!

    Dominic what a cutie!!


    1. Hi Grace,

      I think this has been one of the challenging years yet. I can't seem to get on top of things.....or perhaps it's me just getting a little older :)

  7. I think the bee fly population must definitely be increasing as I've never heard of them before, let alone seen one, yet I've seen lots of blog posts about them this year. I wonder when I'll get to see one for real. Dominic has a mischievous face, I bet he keeps you on your toes.

  8. Hi Jo,

    I have seen a steady increase over the last few years in the bee fly population.
    I am sure you will see one soon :)

    Dominic does keep me on my toes, without a doubt.............

  9. Ahh Dominic is a delight! What a mischievous little face! :)

    Geranium phaeum is beautiful, I must get some for our new garden when we move.

    1. Mischievous him to bits.

      Phaeum is just so beautiful, I could not have a garden without it.

  10. I only dream about a warm fire-place, about a peace garden... since my garden was destroyed, I'm like Cain, wander for eternity, like a melody finding where to vibrate... I love the blue of myosotis and apple blossoms but I have not yet seen it in real life... I dream about lost dream while visit your beautiful place, after nightmares I have every night... sorry but I just want to live like you...

    1. We all find our way. Your time will come. You will find peace, you will find a garden you can call your own.

      Take care

  11. Thanks for your kindness. It's also balmy and shimmer like your beautiful garden.
