Tuesday 22 April 2014

Typical April weather, sunshine and showers.

 Weeding has been a challenge this year.   The wet winter has given everything a fighting chance.    Rabbits droppings make the soil  rich in nitrogen, so the garden is full of nettles.
This large bed is full of wildflowers, perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees.   The understorey has spread and by doing so has pushed the weeds out.  
Now they have seeded in the pathway.   I have spent most of the day removing them, a time consuming project.
The tree house is much loved by the Grand-children and is very much their space.   Poppi has planted pots of lavender in pots and troughs to edge the stairs during the summer months.
Nella has spent the day chasing rabbits from the garden..........I really do not know what I would do without her.

It would seem the week is going to be sunshine and showers, typical April weather.
I am enjoying the lengthening days and the opportunity to be outside without a coat.
Happy days...................


  1. Your garden is looking very verdant - a bit like mine where it is hard to distinguish between weeds and plants - my bugbear is ground elder - practically impossible to get rid of. No wonder the grandchildren love the treehouse -I would too. Have a good week.

  2. Hi Elaine,

    Ground Elder, that is a tough one. Nettles is my problem although they are easy to pull.
    The only problem is if they touch my skin I have a very bad re-action to them, so have to be careful. I do tend to overdress when weeding nettles :)

    Enjoy your week.

  3. The garden look very lush and green. Nella is adorable.

    1. The garden has grown so much......there is a lot of work to be done.

  4. Happy days indeed. It has been marvelous here too. I have been outside all I can. I am just now getting rested from our big wedding trip. More to come your way about that in letter or email. I can't seem to get back into the routine. I guess that is good. A lot going on in the garden. Your garden looks as tho it liked the wet winter. Weeds are always a bother here. Love the playhouse. We have had a few butterflies. If it ever warms up good they should be out in force. Bees are finally using my bee house. I will have to do a post about them. :)

  5. PS... That Nella is a good girl. Love seeing your apple tree abloom. I was afraid ours had fully died but she has 3 branches with blooms on it. I am afraid it won't be long tho.

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I don't generally have too many weeds but this year is horrendous. I have never seen so many nettles or creeping buttercup.
      Nella is great, there have been far too many rabbits in the garden, she chases them all day and is exhausted in the evening.

      Poor old tree.....how sad.

  6. Your garden is looking really lush - I've been gardening a lot as well, I love seeing all the new growth coming through in the Spring. Sounds as though Nella is a good help with those rabbits - not a problem for me thank goodness.

    1. To be truthful Rowan it is a little bit of a mess. I will sort it out, but it does seem to be taking a lot longer than usual.

      Don't know what I would do without my little dog........I believe rabbits would rule !!!

  7. Ah ha I have found you again, so pleased to see your beautiful garden is still growing well x

    1. Hi Libby,

      Yes not too bad at all.....things have changed, but I guess that is what a garden is about.

  8. Hi Cheryl,

    Ah, nettles - crush the plant and use that on any stings. Works for me far better than using any sort of chemical bought from a shop! Thankfully though I don't have stinging nettles, just common nettles so they are not as bad. I've had to pull up most of them though this year as the wood surrounding the tier needs fixing, but also anyone looking around the house probably won't appreciate the idea of nettles in the garden (regardless of how good they are for fixing nitrogen or for Butterflies).

    Tuesday's weather was truly horrific, heavy rain time and again throughout the day. Then suddenly it became sunny. I didn't expect any sun at all, today was then forecast for much of the same again but it's been sunny and warm most of the day - now grey and somewhat dull.

    I'm pleased I spent much of Monday out in the garden now, I cut the grass and enjoyed just sitting on the lawn for the first time this year.

    1. Hi Liz,

      Will try that re nettles, with a little hesitation :) I always leave the nettles that grow in the copse, but try to leave the garden clear.

      We had a bright and sunny day.....no rain. In fact perfect weather for gardening....managed to give the grass a cut.

  9. The treehouse looks wonderful and Nella is gorgeous. Lots of weeding nettles here, too!

    1. Tku Wendy. I am tired of pulling nettles....never seen so many :(

  10. Ha ha, Nella will love that game. You've got such a beautiful garden, I know they take a lot of work, but it must be so rewarding to have such a wonderful space. That tree house is something else, what lucky grandchildren you have.

  11. Hi Jo, The grands and I slept in the tree house a few years ago. They loved it, and had such fun.......I could barely walk when the night was over :) It is a little bijou to say the least.......but fun.

  12. If Nella runs out of rabbits, you can send her my way:) Actually, I discovered that deer may also be the culprit in the tulip massacre in my garden--I saw two of them wander through the yard early Wednesday morning, and several tulips beheaded later that day. We've had beautiful weather, but unfortunately, I've been busy and haven't had as much time to garden as I'd like. And now, of course, it's raining. Oh well, I can still enjoy all the new blooms, even if they're surrounded by weeds. What a fun grandmother you are to have spent the night in the treehouse! I wouldn't have been able to walk the next day either:)

  13. Rose, I do not think we will ever run out of rabbits here :() There are many kittens in the garden and I find they cause the most damage.

    It is raining here today......not sure if we really need it as the ground is still very damp from winter would you believe !!!

    I have actually spent several nights in the tree house. The children just love it, they will soon grow and this will just be a sweet memory. I must remember though, that I am actually a grown up and things hurt a bit more these days :)
