Friday 18 April 2014

Oh to be in England now that Spring is here.

 The fruit trees in the garden are covered with blossom this year.   Crab apple is so useful for wildlife, blossom for the bees and then  fruits for birds.   I have made crab apple jelly before now and it is delicious.
Geranium macrorrhizum is  great for ground cover.    I have also found that if I plant around favourite rabbit plants, the odour that the leaves produce when brushed, keeps the rabbits away.
 Pulmonaria, another bee plant.   This is a particular favourite for me.   Many years ago my father gave me a plant from his garden.   Each year I divide them and plant them in the woodland.    There is now an little plant has produced many.
 Epimedium 'Frohnleiten' I adore this little woodlander.     I love its spreading happy, the way it dances in the breeze and the fact the new leaves have a pretty red tinge.  
 For the first time in this garden, all the maples have flowered.    Whilst they are very tiny flowers, they look so beautiful en masse, they really are a picture.   
Pulsatilla..........not too sure if I like the red.    I much prefer the pretty purple flowers, but sadly the slugs seemed to prefer those too :(   They have devoured every purple bloom and left the red.   Such is life...............

Hope the sun is shining and your garden is thriving....................


  1. Someday I would love to see England in the spring. Lovely photographs.

  2. This year has been amazing, I don't think I have ever seen the countryside look my beautiful.
    The wet winter obviously suited the trees and hedgerows.

  3. Beautiful photos Cheryl... Spring is such a lovely time of the year :o)

    1. Tku certainly gives one hope for what lies ahead.

  4. Beautiful photos. I'm thinking of planting another crab apple here as the bees love the blossom so much. That is a really useful tip about the geranium and putting off the rabbits - thank you.

    1. Crab apples are great. I managed to get some bare root trees from a local supermarket for two pounds last year, they really done well.

      Geranium Mac. has worked really well with regard to the rabbits.....they really do not like the smell of the leaves.

  5. This spring really is a delight such a difference to last year you have a lovely selection of flowers.Have a good weekend.

    1. Yes Elaine, such a difference....I don't think I could cope with another Spring like that :)

  6. HI Cheryl...Oh how I long to see the apple blossoms , so gorgeous!
    Your garden plants are so cherry in there delightful delicate colors!!
    Glad you have a plant for rabbits repellent ,how about Deer : )


    1. Hi Grace, I am sure apple blossom is not too far away.

      Hmmm, not sure about Deer......not had that problem so far :)

  7. So nice to see all your lovely spring blooms! Spring is my favorite time of year, and I'm happy to say it has finally come here, too. No crabapple blossoms yet, but it shouldn't be long. And it looks like I'll have quite a few tulip blooms in spite of the rabbits:). Saw my first butterfly and first bumblebee yesterday!

    1. Hi Rose,

      I am so glad that Spring has finally arrived..........first bee and butterfly now that is a sure sign of Spring.

  8. Your garden is well ahead of mine - the difference between north and south is considerable. My plum and pear blossom is out but no apple blossom yet. I'm pleased to say that I have all your bee friendly plants though:)

  9. Hi Rowan,

    I know someone who lives in Yorkshire, so I understand how late things are in the North.....the difference is amazing.

    Hope you have lots of bees for those plants :)

  10. It is great to see what all is blooming in your garden. We just returned from FLorida. The wedding went well and our garden had burst into bloom while we were away. I will try to get a post up later. Happy Spring.

    1. Glad you re back safely Lisa, and that you had a great time.
      Will be pleased to hear all about it and see your lovely garden.......
