Tuesday 25 January 2011

Tiny woodland.......

One of my most favourite areas in this garden is the woodland walk. It was the first mark made on this plot. I have watched it develope with interest and after the initial planting, I have left Mother Nature to take charge. I like her style, she does it so much better than I ever could.
It does not matter how small or large a garden is, it is what we do with it that matters.

In a changing world, I get much comfort from the garden. It is a natural space, full of life. Can you see the fly......the sweet perfume of the Christmas box has charmed him.......me also.

This is a green space, green is good, when the skies have held nothing but grey for weeks and weeks on end.
Our native Lords and Ladies have risen from the soil, some have spotty leaves. They are lush this year, perhaps the extended cold weather has done them good.
A woodland would be incomplete without native primrose. They line the pathway, putting on such a pretty show.
Stinking Hellebore, another native. The leaves smell when they are crushed, their blooms are much loved by bees. I watch the 'mosi' on the leaf.......
BUT the star of the show has to be our native snowdrop. Such a fragile looking bloom and yet they survive the coldest temperatures, and never fail to bring a smile.
A week of milder temperatures has brought much life to the woodland walk. The cold weather returns at the end of the week. Despite that, I feel as though I am
walking the path to spring, that she is only a breath away. It is good to dream.