Sunday 17 September 2017

Cloud pruning

 I have never been able to master the art of topiary.   So this year I have tried my hand at cloud pruning.
 I must say I am pleased with the results.    I have enjoyed sculpting the trees into clouds.
I have plans for bringing a lot more of this art work into the garden.    What do you think?

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Soft September days.

 A friend called in today.     He brought Autumn veg from his allotment.    Is there anything nicer than sharing your produce.     I gave him four large hardy Fuschia.
 I love September.     It is my favourite month.   It is a soft month.     A nostalgic month.
 I was married in September.      In fact, today is our 47th wedding anniversary.
 Poppi was born on this day 12 years ago.        Our best  anniversary present yet.
 How the years fly.           

Mr P and I took ourselves to Rye for the day.
We lunched in the Mermaid Inn.   The building is 600 years old and has a reputation for being haunted.
Whilst we did not see any ghosts, lunch was fabulous.
The setting atmospheric.     It is said that Shakespeare visited the Inn.

I had a wonderful day with a wonderful man.

Friday 8 September 2017

Cyclamen and ants...........

 For me, there is something magical about Cyclamen Hederifolium.     Where once was bare ground, the flowers appear,  after a sprinkling of rain
 Ants love the sticky substance that coats the seeds.    As they enjoy the food source, the seeds are rolled around the garden.   When the ants have had their fill, the seed is abandoned.   If the situation suits another plant will appear the following year. 
I have a large colony of cyclamen now, thanks to the ants.    Isn't nature amazing ?