Wednesday 28 March 2018

Cold wet windy and snow, Oh fickle March.

 At this moment in time, the garden overwhelms me.    March has been fickle to say the least, so things that need to be done have been left.
 I ask myself what is it all for, and why do we push ourselves against the natural order of things to garden?
 I only have to walk this space, even in pouring rain, to find the answer.

 Without doubt, I am a gardener.   Those that walked before me have shown me the way.   I belong in a garden, as did my Father and my Grandfather before me.

Spring will come but in her own time.   When she is ready.
The gardener will be waiting, she just has to be patient :)

Sunday 18 March 2018

Spring still waiting in the wings.

 It is 7.00 am and bitterly cold.   The wind is coming from an easterly direction, and a dusting of snow is on the ground.   I look at the rookery and notice that a nest is missing.
 As I walk to the back of the garden I notice the reflections in the pond.    No matter what time of year water always has something to offer.
Just as I thought one of the rooks nest has been blown from the trees during the night.   They have been building for several weeks now.    I like Rooks, I have learned to live alongside them.   They are highly intelligent, and do not really like human company but at this point we seem to get along ok :)
 I almost cannot bear to look at the bamboo.   Lush green a few weeks ago, now shrivelled and looking nothing like bamboo.    This has never happened in the garden before.   I believe some bamboo can recover, it is a waiting game.
 But in a garden there is always something to lift the spirit.    This pretty hellebore bloom is new to me, it most certainly put a smile on my face.
 You wouldn't think something so fragile looking would survive these harsh conditions.
 Our native primrose is in bloom.    I remember as a child walking with my father, my hand in his, talking about woodland plants.    It is a firm favourite of mine.
 Buckthorn is in flower.   Sadly I could not get any closer as the steps were covered in snow and ice.     
  Tete a tete is in small drifts all around the garden.   My favourite daffodil, small and neat, takes any amount of abuse and still comes up smiling.    Time to go inside, my fingers are frozen and my face chilled but none the less it was good to be outside and just enjoy all that is right with the garden.

Happy Sunday.

Saturday 17 March 2018

A breath of fresh air.

 Although the weather was changeable, five days in Cornwall was a much needed tonic.
 I love quiet places.    Walks where you rarely meet another being, apart from the odd dog walker or two.
 I studied streams and wildflowers and thought about the moss garden waiting in the wings at my garden.
 There is something very Poldark about standing on top of a cliff with the wind rushing through your hair.
 The look wasn't good but boy did I enjoy it.

 The time passed so quickly but then it does when you are enjoying yourself.
 My favourite beach in the whole world and I have been fortunate to walk many.   I look out to children and Grandchildren come to mind.   They have all walked this beach with me.   I am blessed to have so many wonderful memories.
As my husband walks ahead of me, my heart thanks him for all that he has given me.    He is one in a million.

Friday 2 March 2018

Bleak House.

 Very pretty but please go now :)

Thursday 1 March 2018

 Snow showers for most of the day but the sun did come out for a brief moment.

Beast from the East

The beast from the East arrived three days ago.
Each day is worse than the one before.

I am hoping it will soon be gone.