Friday 2 December 2016


 Carys came to visit.   I wrote about her last year.   A premature baby, she had a rough start, but is fine now.
 Old decking has been replaced.    It is great to be able to walk to greenhouse without skating :)    I shall landscape in the Spring.
 Mr P assembled a sentry shed.    As you can see the solitary bees now have a new home.   Units dotted around the garden allowed woodpeckers etc to pull them apart...........they should be able to overwinter safely now.
 I have not done a great deal in the garden.    The weather has been bitterly cold.
 Storm Angus took most of the leaves from the trees and heavy rain filled empty ponds and ditches.
 I always clear the leaves but this year decided to leave them.
 It is amazing how they slowly disappear.
Moorhen and a Heron are frequent visitors.     Sadly the heron did not get the breakfast he came for.    The pond is frozen over.    I have so many fish it would be good for him to take some, to keep the pond healthy.
Better luck next time maybe.

It is the Christmas fayre in the village tomorrow, I am looking forward to mulled wine and mince pies :)

Have a good weekend.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Time passes..........

 Half term was spent in Cornwall with family.
 Although skies were grey, it was warm.
 It was good to see Poppi and Riley in touch with the outside world.
 It has been such a difficult year for them but they are getting there.
 On our return we found a visitor.........I rarely see a fox these days, sadly it seems to have mange.   Poor thing.
 Days are damp, cold and misty.     Doesn't seem to worry Nella too much.
 There are such beautiful colours in the garden.
 There is nothing to compare to Mother Nature's artistry.
Each day has something to offer.......I love the transition from Autumn to Winter.      How about you ?

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Delicious Autumn.

 Summer's warmth has left the garden.
 Shadows dominate and leaves litter the ground.
 Autumn is a time to slow down and prepare for Winter.
 Plants that flowered in abundance look tired but
 still manage to produce a bloom or two.
 A bee finds a cosy corner.......
 and rests a while.
Delicious Autumn.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Yesterday I

 Yesterday I had a breakfast scrub.......
 I visited a charity shop and bought some books ready for our Autumn break.
 I had my husbands Grandfather's painting framed.    It is 102 years old and has great sentimental value.
 I looked at Autumn colours..........
 and bought a new scarf :)
 Yesterday my little old dog and I had a four mile walk.   She came home to a bone.
I picked apples and baked them in the oven.
I love Autumn................

Thursday 15 September 2016

Today I.............

 Today I thought of summer plantings........
 I watched a robin take a bath.
 I visited an elderly couple in the next village and bought some organic produce.
 I studied the flowers..........
 and smelt their sweet perfume.
Abelia Grandiflora was my Mothers favourite shrub.
Today I missed her voice...........

Friday 9 September 2016

Biggest, isn't always best

 Cyclamen Hederifolium pushes up its pale pink flowers as a reminder of the changing seasons.
 Delicate upturned flowers among a carpet of woodland debris.
 They flower for several weeks and are a refreshing change from the perennial border.
An exquisite plant that never ceases to make me smile.
I always forget they are quietly waiting.    Waiting for the right moment.     That magical time when summer is giving way to Autumn.

Have a lovely weekend........

Saturday 3 September 2016

Summer days drifting away.............

 The school summer break is over.
 Time to think about unfinished books.
 September my favourite month.   Summer pleasures slowly fading.
 Golden days.
 Subtle alterations and
 misty mornings.

 Autumn never lets me down,
 it is always beautiful,
 gentle, slow,
 and calm, perhaps with a wild wind here and there.
Magical, melancholy days.............